How to boost Amazon store sales with Google ads
Before we go into today's official sharing, let's look at a data

About 25 percent of Amazon's U.S. stores stream to their Amazon stores through Google ads.
Judging by the proportion of sellers who use Google ads to lead their stores, it's perfectly feasible to use Google ads to lead their Amazon stores. In addition,If you can learn more about this method and use it,On behalf of you, you can surpass the remaining 75% of sellers.
More importantly, through Google ads plus landing pages,Emails of potential buyers can be collected。 On my own knowledge planet, I have also stressed the importance of email lists more than once, and taught you how to create your own email lists, which are your own traffic pools.Have their own email listOK.Easier to promote new products, easier access to review, the ability to organize promotions outside the station, and the ability to quickly improve the ranking and sales of new products in a short period of time。
Well, we now know what percentage of Google ads are used by Amazon sellers, and what we can get from Google ads when we have mastered this method as Amazon sellers. Let's do itLearn how to boost sales at Amazon stores with Google ads。
One. What are Google ads and display ads in the form
Google Ads (Google Ad Network) refers to where ads can appear on all Google-related sites, including Google's websites, Google partner sites, and other locations such as mobile apps. This article will focus on Google's text search ads

The red box above is Google search ads, and below the red box is the natural ranking of the search results page. When consumers search for relevant keywords, we can see that the best place to show a bit is to give paid ad space. Consumers have a good chance of clicking on the ad bit product and buying it, howeverWe can't just put Amazon Listing on Google adsAnd why is that?
Let's open a list at will

As you can see, there will be many similar competitions below the display of the product page, some lower than your price, some better than your product master chart. If you provide our product listing URL directly to Google advertising, consumers can fully see these competitions, it is likely that although it attracted traffic, but consumers did not order on your listing page,This causes your listing conversion rate to be lower。 In addition,We advertised GoogleAnd definitelyKeep track of consumer behavior on our product pages, but Amazon won't give us that feature。
So what's the solution?
We create our own Landing Page, the entire page shows only our products, and offers significant discounts, and consumers get code by submitting their email address to complete their purchases on Landing Page. At the same time, we can add Google Analytics to Landing Page to track consumer behavior. The landing page is shown in the following image

Make Landing Page available to everyonezonpages.comTo implement, choose one of the PAGES options, if you have customized needs can also choosefivver.comThe old foreigner on helps you finish it

Two. How to run Google ads
1. Sign up for a Google Advertising Account
If you've never signed up for a Google account before, you'll get up to 150 knives for advertising (U.S. only)

Login. The URL completes the registration
2. Research keywords
Click on the tool and settings to select Keyword Planner in Planning

Click "Discover new keywords"

In the discovery of new keywords, we can enter their own page of the main keywords (Landing Page must be scheduled with your product-related keywords), to let the system push us some keywords, you can also search for your product is very relevant to the URL, and the URL into it, Google will crawl the page keywords pushed to us, which is a good source of keyword inspiration

Let's take a very good-made sunglasses product on the U.S. market as an example (。 I entered two keywords, sunglasses and women sunglasses

Here you can enter up to 10 keywords and click to get the results. Because of cultural differences, we can't summarize all the keywords that U.S. consumers have about your product when we edit Landing Page's keyword scheduling, so we can look at them through this Google keyword planner.
In addition,You can also see which keywords are hot, which U.S. consumers care about, and then create content, wait between content creation and then start running Google ads.
3. Create a keyword scenario
After the results are filtered out, we're about to start picking the right keywords for us.We can use Google Keyword Planner as a tool basket for us to investigate keywords and category the keywords we've researched。 For example, in the following image, the blue pair ticks the selected keywords are aviator sunglasses and aviator glasses, both of which mean pilot-style sunglasses and are so hot that we can create a keyword scheme specifically for pilot styles in the red box

Select Aviator sunglasses when adding to the scenario, and the keyword match mode selects only "exact match"

Here the keyword matching pattern again emphasizes that in this step of the keyword planner is to select only the exact match mode, and so on to the specific ad group, and then add an enhanced broad match pattern, that is, before each word of the keyword to add "plus".
For example, when wommen sunglasses becomes an enhanced broad match, they are in the form of women's and sunglasses. This will also trigger your ad when a consumer enters the 2019 Best women sunglasses
But as sellers of glasses, we certainly won't have only one, but also Rund sunglasses or Men sunglasses. Similarly, when we investigate product keywords, follow the steps above to complete the accumulation of keywords, choose the competition is not high, bid in line with your expectations of keywords on it, choose to put in the program.
After completing the Google Ad Keywords Survey, click "Scenario Overview" on the left side of the image below

Google will inform us of the keyword scenarios we've created next month, what the data looks like after the ads are generated, where you can change the data for conversion rates and the value of each conversion. If we preset this ad conversion rate of 10%, each time through this Google ad conversion can make $20, then in the case of a single click fee of $2, our return on advertising expenditure is 1, this in the advertising level we are not losing money.
You can see that I've only created a keyword scheme, and from past data,The more keyword scenarios we create, the better your ads will perform. That's what Google advertising is all about, and as long as you keep delivering content to Google, the faster Google machine learning will be, and the more you'll get as an advertiser。
4. Create an ad
Click "Make a Campaign"

Name your campaign Aviator sunglasses the average daily budget

This budget should be set according to their own actual situation,Generally do not choose Google's recommended budget, because Google certainly wants you to spend more money。 Designate this column yourself, we should consider the whole month's budget when filling in the amount, Google ads running time,It is recommended that you start casting at least one month, because if the time is not enough, Google's advertising system does not have enough time to complete the study, the delivery effect will not be good。 The daily budget I choose here is $10, and the full-month budget is $300.
Once you're in your campaign, you're ready to start creating ads

Create at least three ads in each ad group

This makes it easier for Google to better optimize the performance of ads in search, when all three ads are created and wait for Google to review, after passing, you can start running your ads.
That's all about how to get traffic to your Amazon store and boost sales through Google Ads and Product Landing Page.
If you have any questions, please send me a private letter, because my public number ┑'t ̄ (̄) ┍
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In June 2019, our question-and-answer group was established, and it's almost half a year now. In six months we met 287 friends, and every Wednesday we completed 25 regular questions. Daily as long as the work is not busy, we ask questions, we will not wait until Wednesday, began to answer one by one. What makes us more pleased is that the atmosphere inside the group is very good, no water, no advertising, we are really early birds to help rookies progress together.
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