How do I use Facebook ads, and what's the strategy for Facebook ads?
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How do I get started with Facebook ads?
Understanding Facebook's advertising algorithm is important because it identifies ads that provide a good user experience, and setting the right settings can help you optimize your budget.
One of the practical reasons algorithms exist is thatIf an advertiser monopolizes a news synth,Instagram, right column, or in Facebook anything advertised, people wouldn't returnFacebook。
Facebook ad transparency is important for determining algorithmsThe ability of any user to accurately view Facebook's ad pages is especially useful for marketers and businesses.
There are three main ways marketers can use this information:
01 Research competitors' activities and consumer markets
When considering your campaign, it's valuable to see all the campaigns your competitors are running, facebook ads visit their target pages and evaluate their call to action, are they trying to attract clicks, drive purchases, or just create awareness?
02 Get inspired to use new ad features
New ad features have been introduced on Facebook and Twitter, checking out major brands such as Home Depot, Target or Airbnb to see how they use the new ad features. This is a good way to see what each feature does and how it works.
03 Share effective advertising campaigns with customers
Because users can interact with ads as they appear in news feeds, customers and prospects now have the opportunity to start buying or registering ads they might miss.

Facebook ads, first clearly the purpose of advertising, is to attract users' attention to the site, or to promote the promotion?
Facebook ads offer different options and customizations for different purposes, and the strategies used to run Facebook ads are different.
01 Boost your Page's fan base
As the name implies, the ad is used to increase the number of page fans, for a newly opened home page, to establish a certain base of fans is very important.
02 Improve post interaction
This kind of ad, which is used to increase the reach of content and reach more of the non-fan base.
At the same time, Facebook Page coverage will continue to decrease (coverage - actual number of views/page followers) and, to some extent, Pages will need to serve ads to existing fans.
Post interaction is an efficient form of advertising, can achieve the business content is actually accepted by the user group effect.Right.Posts interactive ads are very effective for the pop-ups, events, and certain discounts we want to push.
03 Drain for the site
This is a form of ad that directs the site/platform store, which can be applied to the site's traffic import in large numbers, given the relatively low unit price of Facebook ads at present.
04 Track traffic conversions
Facebook ads, which are available on stand-alone sites, require tracking codes that can be available to people who have visited the site and have special actions on the site, such as viewing certain pages, choosing checkout, paying, and so on.
This is more complex, need to have certain technical and data analysis capabilities,But it's very effective to ultimately increase conversions by tracking users' behavior, which increases the conversion rate of traffic.
(Source: unsunl)
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