Amazon PPC ad optimization tips that even your competitors don't know!

The advice for optimizing Amazon PPC ads is a whole bunch of things, so here are seven optimization tips you don't even know about your competitors:

1, adjust the positioning of automatic advertising

Amazon's automated campaigns target both keywords and ASIN. So if you want to download the search terms report for automated ads, you'll notice that some of the results of the report start with B0, such as this:
All starting with B0 are ASIN。 This type of search term is not a user-entered search term. They are actually competitors' products. Explain that your ad is on the relevant product page.

So how do you know if keywords work well, or ASIN works well?

Let's start with the fact that any automated campaign created after November 15, 2018 has four ad targeting options for sellers, including:
Precision matching (close match)
Blur Match
Complementary Products (Complements)

The first two are keyword positioning, and the last two are product positioning. For example, you sell combs, hairspray may be complementary products, then you choose complementary products advertising positioning, then product ads will appear under hairspray.

In these positionings, the advertising effect of precision matching and alternative products is better than that of fuzzy matching and complementary products. Sellers can test which targeting is better for your product and pause ads that don't work well.

2, scientific calculation of bidding

Some sellers bid quite casually, the keyword effect is good to improve the bid, the effect is poor to reduce the auction, the bid is all based on guesswork, see ACOS too high on the suspension of keyword advertising.

Sellers need to use more scientific methods to calculate the bid for keywords. You can find the perfect bid for the keyword based on the following formula:
Total sales/total clicks, target ACOS

This formula first calculates how much revenue each click of a keyword can bring, and then sets the target ACOS to the percentage between the cost per click and the revenue per click, preferably calculating the bid for each keyword.
For example, the cost per click is 20% of the revenue per click, then your target ACOS is 20%.
If a keyword has not yet been sold and the revenue per click has not been calculated, the following formula can be used:
Expected conversion rate, sales price, target ACOS

3, advertising positioning diversification

It's not enough for a product to run just one campaign, and each product should run multiple campaigns to take advantage of the variety of ad targeting amazon offers.

The seller's first campaign can be automated ads that find search keywords you can't find yourself. Automatic advertising is one of the ways many sellers collect keywords that generate sales.

In addition, sellers create manual ads that optimize the bid for each keyword based on the performance of the ad. In addition to keyword ads, sellers need to create product targeting ads that target individual ASIN or categories as ads.

Title search ads and display ads are also the types sellers want to try.

4. The structure of the advertising account must be clear

One of the mistakes many sellers make is that the campaign is not structured clearly. Sellers to view ads is not convenient not to say, but also easy to reduce the overall advertising performance.

Group by price
Sellers can classify ads based on the attributes of the product, such as dividing ads for similar-priced products into groups.

Even if the product is the same (e.g., 7-ounce and 120-ounce levels), it is difficult to calculate the bid within the group because the price of the two products is different, because the revenue per click depends on the selling price and the conversion rate of the product. High-priced product advertising bids are generally lower than low prices.

So you can group your ads by product price.
Or set up an ad group for each product.

5, avoid keyword repetition

When two different campaigns or groups bid on the same keyword, especially if your manual ad has an exactly matched keyword and the bid is more on budget, your automated ad may win the show at a higher bid.

To prevent this from happening, you must add exact match keywords from your manual ads as negative keywords for automatic ads, preventing your auto-ads from appearing in search results that exactly match keywords.

Do this above for both broad matching and phrase matching in manual ads. It is also recommended that you set up one ad group for each of the different types of matches.

6, optimize category positioning

When you use product targeting ads, you can optimize product targeting ads based on these three options:

Suppose a yoga mat cost $35, with an average rating of 2 stars, buyers scroll down and find an ad for the same yoga mat for as little as $30 and a rating of 4 stars, do you think users will click on the ad?

So target your ads to products that score 1-3 stars, and your click-through and conversion rates will go up. If you're targeting a 4-5 star product, users won't be interested in clicking on your product, especially if your rating is below them.

Brand and price positioning is the same reason, in short, positioning in no more than your product advantages on the listing.

7, the use of tools

In any industry today, tools are a weapon that people can't live without. Amazon PPC also has a lot of optimization tools, such as research how to quote, set negative keywords and so on.

If you have more than 10 campaigns and spend more than $1,000 a month on ads, sellers can consider using tools to help with marketing and reduce the burden.

Master the above 7 tips, Amazon ads are naturally familiar, conversion rate can also be improved.

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