These factors affect your Facebook ad cost
The article we published the day before today (2017 FacebookAd cost data reportwe have listed5the underlying factors that affect the unit price of an ad。 Now let's talk about the impactFacebookA direct factor in the cost of advertising. As we all know,FacebookThe cost of advertising is complicated, and many factors directly or indirectly affect your advertising spend. However, the two issues of greatest concern are:
I want to advertise on Facebook, how much do I have to pay for it?
How much money can I get from my Facebook ads?
The guest officer is in a hurry, you have to understand the direct impact firstFacebookThere are several reasons for advertising costs:
1 Your audience
What you're positioningAudienceswill directly affect youFacebookthe amount of the ad paid.
We talked about it.FacebookAdvertising is run on the back of a bidding system. Here we need to wake you up, marketers tend to misunderstand their delivery environment: just like a normal sales job,"I" is going to beat my peers in the competition for advertising. For example, ifI'm selling yoga equipment, and I've probably been staring at my peers who sell yoga or fitness products. But you're wrong, and it's not just these peers who are competing with you, but other marketing teams (brand, web) that have the same audience as you.
Therefore, as a yoga mat sales staff, I can not just put my target customers in a circle“Those who are only interested in yoga”They may also like fishing, diving, skiing, food, or recently started a small company, like dogs, and so on——These all belong“Brand diversification”we may all be competing against each other around the same very valuable and diverse customer base. Of course, you want to better target your audience, better understand how your customer base exists in the diversity, which requires you to do enough market research and then take action, we have introduced you to the good use of data analysis tools, immediately use it!
Of course, advertising competition is scary, but you can actively amplify some of the relevant factors and create high-quality advertising, you can stand out. Audiences are an important, but not unique, component of advertising costs. For example, when you perfect a very high-quality ad, you can spend less time advertising with your competitors.
Your potential targets may be1.87Where are hundreds of millions of users! Marketing teams (brands, web pages) that compete with you are trying to get in touch with them~
To learn how to analyze the potential characteristics of your audience, watch the Facebook Audience Insights video:
2 The overall quality of the ad
Your advertising costs soar for a while? Quickly analyze and summarize yours“The quality of the ad"Go."。 Does your ad always seem to create enough motivation to achieve a high-conversion ad? This requires you to consider two metrics when evaluating your ads:Relevance scoreAnd.Hits.
What is.“Relevance score”(Ads Relevancy Score)?
You'll get an associated score for each ad, which is in1-10Between (Here's the picture), which measures the connection between your ad and your audience. The stronger the connection, of course, the higher the score. That's what you often hear about who's running the ad a few points~Of course, a high correlation score does not mean a high conversion rateYou'll need to make some adjustments to your score, but your ads can be lower in exchange for a high scoreCPC。
As more users interact with you, your relevance score may be changing. If the user's response is positive (e.g., being able to successfully click on the outer chain into the landing page), the score will rise;FacebookIf they don't want to see the ads, the score will drop.
The higher your relevance score, the less you'll spend on advertising- In AdEspressoIn one experiment, this was confirmed directly. Here's what: They did two identical ads, one with high precision target (run).8points), an ad that is vaguely targeted (run2.9points). On the same budget, run out8The score of the advertisement was obtained4times the number of hits, of course we emphasizeCPCResults.
What does click-through rate look like?
Click-through rate is yoursAd clicks divided by impressions(Click / Impressions)。 Higher click-through rates mean higher relevance scores and mean your ads are more valuable to your audience.FacebookYou'll reduce your advertising costs based on this - don't get me wrong, optimizeCPCTo get more clicks doesn't mean more cost investment is needed.
In short, highCTRCan help you better display your ads and reduce overall advertising costs.
The experiment above tells me how high correlation scores affect advertising costs.
3 One.Mid-yearof theSpecial timesegment
In the most of the yearspecialdays, for examplePrime Day, black five, winter, year-end clearance, or quarterly, holiday promotions, advertisers are flocking in groupsFacebookPeak advertisingof the . At these peak times, advertising competition will be more intense, so you will pay more in terms of cost.
Big Brands (Wal-Martetc.Is no exception, often in order to have a good holiday and willing to invest more money to advertise, instantly pulled upFacebookMaximum investment for singles.
Of course, it's still worth putting a lot of effort into the busiest part of the year~Even if you have to pay a more intimate price than usual- Holiday advertising investmentThat's big, that's big~~
4 CPA & ROIimportance
While advertising costs and spending are important, they areCPAAnd.ROIIt's more important. They can determine the value of your ad and how much you end up paying for the sale.
Yours.Advertising.ROIwill be comparedCPAIs it much taller?
Let's give you a specific example of a chestnut: for example, your mobile endAPPof theCPAFor. $1.00 ,Your customers actually need it $1.99Go download thisAPP。 Suppose, fromFacebookOne in three users who come in with an ad point is willing to pay $1.99Download thisAPPand willing to add inAPPMedium to more consumption $3Do some in-house purchases- Suppose yoursAPPDownloaded100times, you spent $100Go advertising, but you make money in real-world downloads $199; and then fromAPPIn the purchase, you make it again $90。 You spent it $100but actually earned it all $290。
Of course your landing page and the information that follows will play a huge role in the conversion process.
About.ROI, the following three points must be clear:
1 Is your ad really catching the user's eye, conversion rate,CPAAnd.ROIAre the best descriptions.
2 Make sure your advertising costs don't exceed your returns。
3 You putFacebookThe lower the cost of advertising, the lower yoursROIThe higher it will be, of course, the higher your financial stress will be.
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How to use Facebook to get Amazon footage (pure dry goods, including screenshots of operations).
10 tips for getting fans on your Facebook page (pure dry goods, including screenshots of actions).
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