How to combine Facebook advertising and email marketing to boost conversion rates

Recently, social media marketing and advertising have become so popular that they can help companies channel and turn visitors into subscribers. E-mail marketing is one of the marketing strategies with high ROI and less difficult, which allows businesses to connect with their audiences, maintain brand awareness, and turn subscribers into buyers.

According to a recent Survey2 survey, email marketing has been replaced by the remaining four marketing methods: search engine optimization, marketing techniques, content marketing, and social media advertising. However, smart marketers combine email marketing with social media marketing, using social media feeds to turn visitors into subscribers, and then email marketing to turn subscribers into buyers.
So how do you combine social media advertising with email marketing? The practice is as follows:

Effectively running ads on Facebook requires you to understand multiple audience targeting, different ad formats, and ways to maximize your ad effectiveness. First go to the Facebook page and click the "Promote" button below the navigation tab:
To create a Facebook campaign and stream to a user development page, you need to scroll down the target list and select Get More Website Visitors:
In the Promote Your Website window, specify the URL address of the page you want to promote. Note that you can see multiple ad location previews on the right:
You can also change the format of your Facebook ads if you want. In most cases, a single image ad can be used to advertise a landing page. However, if you have a higher budget for visual marketing content, you can choose ad formats such as video, turntable, or slideshow.
After that, other elements that you need to modify include ad title, text, CTA (call-to-action) and target audience. Here are some tips for crafting these ad elements:
(1) Title
Titles and images in Facebook ads are designed to get the attention of your target audience and let them know what you can do for them. Businesses can do this by highlighting audience pain points, mentioning real-world data, and instilling a sense of urgency. Because Facebook's ad title is limited to 25 characters, polish the words you use.
(2) Paper
Once you've caught your audience's attention, your ad file should let your audience fill in the details your advertiser needs to know before taking the next step. Some basic rules are to make sure that the case matches what appears on the picture and is clear and concise.
To increase the impact of text in Facebook ads, use the communication style and language your target audience likes. In most cases, a good tone helps communicate your brand message to Facebook users.
Facebook simplifies this process by providing predefined CTA for all campaign types, and you can use the CTA buttons Sign Up and Learn More to develop potential users:
(4) Target audience
Once you've determined what your Facebook ads look like, the next step is to define your target audience. As an advertising platform, targeting on Facebook is great. In addition to creating target audience profiles based on user demographics and interests, you can set up similar audiences from facebook pixels, page followers, or app users.
Alternatively, you can build a Custom Audience that uses information from other data sources, such as links to Instagram accounts, specific Facebook events, and offline events.
Note: The remaining steps in this article, from building landing pages to cultivating potential users, should be tailored to your audience's preferences and goals.
Also, before you launch your Facebook ads, the last step is to set a budget.

Creating Facebook ad conversions for potential subscribers is just one part of it, and you'll also need to design landing pages to urge your audience to take action.
If an enterprise has an internal network development team and is well-funded, creating an attractive landing page should be a problem. But if you're a startup, self-employed, or freelancer, you can create landing pages, such as Instagram, which contains many landing page templates that you can use directly.
Because most landing creation tools are similar, you don't need to be too picky, and it's important to follow design principles to provide a seamless experience for your audience and encourage them to convert, you need landing pages:
(1) Contains characteristic visual content
Although the web design industry has tended to be minimalist in recent years, companies have never omitted the use of featured visual content on landing pages. Visual content is more effective than text in capturing audience interest, whether it's video, background, infographic, or product photos. Visual content itself is not always prominent, but it works as long as it draws the user's attention to other conversion elements on the landing page.
(2) Remove distracting content
Too many page elements on the landing page can distract your audience, which can ultimately seriously impact conversions. Such page elements include sidebar ads, animations, large menus, and pop-ups. Also avoid unnecessary steps in your design, such as entering an address or answering a question. The following image is a landing page that removes all elements that might interfere with the user experience:
(3) Show value proposition
On the landing page, the main title should highlight a user-oriented value proposition that is centered on the needs of the target audience.
Here are some tips to help you write a title that will convert:
The highest level of use of negative words. The highest level of negative words, such as "worst," "never," or "minimum," can significantly increase the click-through rate of the title;
Reference the actual data. One way to attract interest from your target audience is to refer to the exact data to support the value proposition. For example, instead of saying "tips to generate traffic," try to extend it to "tips to generate over 10,000 visitors in a month";
Use popular phrases. A 2017 survey by BuzzSumo found that headlines that include certain phrases, such as "will make you," "this is why," and "are freaking out," get more engagement on Facebook.
(4) Design landing pages for mobile users
Don't forget to design landing pages for mobile users. According to Statista, 75 percent of Facebook users access the platform from mobile devices, so optimizing mobile landing pages is critical. A great landing page mobile optimization tool is Google Mobile-Friendly Test, just enter the URL of the landing page, wait for the evaluation to complete, and then look for optimization suggestions:
(5) A/B test the landing page
The A/B test tool can significantly reduce the time it takes to collect enough data about landing page performance. It works by allowing you to test two or more variants of the landing page at the same time.
In addition to the landing page tool with built-in A/B test tools, you can also test two or more versions of the landing page externally using tools such as the free Google Optimize:

Social media ads bring traffic, and landing pages are aimed at turning visitors into subscribers. But it's not over yet, and you need to do more to really win the trust of potential users and ultimately turn it into a buyer.
(1) Create a welcome message
First, sellers want to make sure that users fully understand what they're signing up for. Welcome email may be the easiest step in developing potential users, and you can also use email marketing tools such as Mailchimp.
Welcome email not only allows sellers to thank new subscribers, but also sets their expectations for easier acceptance of future marketing emails, and perhaps helps you filter out unqualified potential users as early as possible.
(2) Check the location of the sales funnel where the audience is located
One of the most common mistakes in corporate email marketing is to treat all subscribers the same way. In the sales channel, different stages determine how users respond to certain marketing emails:
· Awareness: The awareness phase is where users discover your brand, and businesses need to use a welcome email with links to useful resources, including blog posts, case studies, and other types of educational content.
· Consideration: Potential users in the consideration phase are not ready to make a purchase, and they still need to do more validation from product reviews, tutorials, free trials, and other product-centric content before they are confident enough to take the next step.
· Purchase and Repurchase (Buy and Repurchase): In email marketing, you can divide all existing customers into a list, whether they are buying for the first time or not. At this point, your goal is to build brand loyalty by cross-selling emails, requesting reviews, and special events.
Email subscribers you get from social media ads may be at the awareness or consideration stage of the sales funnel. To segment it, you can use email marketing tools such as Mailchimp and Drip to sort potential users based on page visits, purchases, or registrations from specific sources.
(3) Get inspiration from others
Just like the landing page, you have to constantly test and improve your email to get the full benefit. Some email marketing platforms have built-in analytics tools to help you achieve this goal. If you want to get a first step, check out email marketing for the top brands in the industry. Really Good Emails is a simple free tool that can help you do this by simply entering a keyword to describe the type of email you want to create and waiting for suggestions.
If you like something more comprehensive, WhoSends might be a good choice. It allows you to bookmark e-mail messages for future reference, sort e-mail samples by industry, and start searching with specific domains. It also offers a more diverse selection of e-mail options, including a beautified e-mail template.
Companies can draw inspiration from competitors or big brands in the industry, and the best thing to do is to keep a close eye on how they present marketing email essentials, the focus of the headlines, and the overall tone of the content.

Designing successful e-mail campaigns to complement social advertising isn't hard, and using the right tools can save businesses time and effort. In addition, businesses need to know that optimizing landing pages and developing e-mail content used by customers is not a one-size-fits-all approach. You need to master the above knowledge, experiment, and set goals, and constantly improve, in order to better transform visitors into subscribers, subscribers into buyers.
Wen ✎/AMZ123
Disclaimer: Reprinting this article shall not modify the title and original text, and shall retain links to the source and original text.
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