The latest Facebook, Instagram ads suggest full analysis of footage specifications
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Cough, it's all dry goods, don't share after reading, don't like it, don't give it next time (proud face) 1. Facebook single-link post photo footage specification Footage specs . . . recommended sizes to give your ads the best rendering in every place Recommended picture size: 1,200 x 628 pixelsPicture ratio: 1.9:1 Inside: 90 characters Title: 25 characters Link description: 30 words Campaign goals apply:Website clicks, website conversions, increase app installs, increase app usage, reach people around the business, increase the number of event participants, and attract businessLeads, brand awareness (with link)2. Facebook multi-image post photo footage specificationFootage specifications Recommended picture size: 600 x 600 pixelsPicture ratio: 1:1 In text: 90 words Title: 40 characters Link description: 20 words Campaign goals apply:Website click, website conversion, attract potential customers for the business, brand awareness3. Facebook's video footage specification for rotating postsFootage specifications Inside: 90 wordsTitle: 25 characters Link description: 30 words Format: MP4 Aspect ratio: 1:1 or 16:9 is recommended Video size: Up to 4GB Video length: No more than 120 minutes Thumbnail size: Should match the aspect ratio of the video Campaign goals apply:Website click, website conversion, attract potential customers for your business4. Facebook push post photo footage specificationDesign recommendations--- News FeedDimensions: 1,200 x 900 pixelsScale: 4:3 --- right column pictureDimensions: 254 x 133 pixelsScale: 1.9:1Inside: 90 characters Campaign goals applyPush the post, brand awareness (no link)5. All Facebook video footage specificationsFootage specifications Recommended aspect ratio: 1.33:1/4:3/1.375:1/1.77:1/16:9/1.85:1 / 1:1 Inside: 90 characters Title: 25 characters Thumbnail size: Should match the aspect ratio of the movie The proportion of text in a thumbnail image must not exceed 20% Format: .mp4 Length: No more than 120 minutes Video size: Up to 4 GB Cast film design principles : A film made from still imagesRecommended picture size: 1,280 x 720 pixelsPicture scale: 16:9 (max 4:3) or 1:1 Inside: 90 characters (too long a post on a small screen can be.)can be truncated) Images of the same size and aspect ratio are recommended to avoid cropping Campaign goals apply:Website clicks, site conversions, boost posts, promote your Page, increase app installs, increase app usage, increase engagement, engage potential customers for your business, and increase video views 6. Facebook's text-only creative specificationDesign recommendationsInside: 500 characters (too long a post may be truncated when displayed on a small screen) Suggested policiesKeep the text thin, so that users can quickly understand the information ideal text length of up to 150 words Campaign goals apply:Push the post7. Facebook promotes Image Materials for Page AdsFootage specificationsRecommended image size: 1,200 x 444 Pixel.Picture ratio: 2.7:1 Inside: 90 charactersTitle: 25 characters (limited by right column) Campaign goals apply:Promote the Home page 8. Instagram single post photo footage specificationFootage specifications Picture scale: 1:1 to 1.9:1Recommended image size: 1080 x 1080 pixels (square). Shape)Image caption Plain text, recommended for 125 wordsunder Minimum resolution: 600 x 315 pixels (1.9:1 horizontal). 600 x 600 pixels (square) Campaign goals apply:Website click, website conversion, post boost, improve application installation, improve app usage, brand awareness9. Instagram non-rotation post sub-video footage specificationFootage specificationsAspect ratio: 1:1 to 1.9:1Format: .mp4Movie commentary: Plain text, recommended 125 words 1: 1Following.Video size: Up to 4 GBLength: 3 - 60 secondsThumbnail picture scale: Should match the aspect ratio of the videoMinimum resolution: 600 x 315 pixels (1.9:1).Landscape)/600 x 600 image (square) Campaign goals apply:Website clicks, website conversions, tweets, increase app installs, app usage, video views 10.Instagram Rocast posted sub-pictures and video footage specificationsPicture footage specifications3 - 5 pictures and links / 1 picture caption textFile format: .jpg / .pngRecommended size: 1080 x 1080 pixelsSize lower limit 600 x 600;Pixel.Document cap: 30 MB/per picture Text: Plain text (links in text cannot be clicked), suggested less than 125 words Video footage specificationsCan be used with photo footage Size limit: Must be square, at least 600 x 600 pixelsVideo length: Up to 60 seconds Campaign goals apply:Website clicks, website conversions, boost posts, increase app installs, and increase app usage I'm so expected, don't you pay attention?
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