Google . . Ad keywords and documents - important factors that influence your ad ranking
When we use Google ads, we inevitably encounter confusion about how to choose keywords.
Choosing keywords that match better can help our ads get a better ranking when bidding.
Five factors that determine your ad ranking
Ad and landing page quality
The minimum requirement for an ad rating
User search situation (region/device/time, etc.)
Expected impact of ad extensions and other ad formats
As you can see from the above, bidding is only one of the factors. So even if our competitors bid higher, as long as we're keyWord.Better, we can still beat each other in the rankings.
Understand the keyWord.After the importance, let's look at the key togetherWord.A basic introduction.
Keywords location
It will mainly appear in the following three places:
Google searches and searches web partner sites
Google Display Network
Google Play (mobile apps only)
The choice of keywords
After understanding the importance and location of keywords, how we should choose the keyWord.What about it?
For example, we want to increase sales of flowers through Google ads. We can start in the following directions:
1The keyword category
We can distinguish between keys by level of detailWord.:
Broad keywords: General nouns, such as flowers
Torso keywords: General nouns and categories, such as rose/month season, etc
Long tail keyword: product, price, color, model..., such as white roses under 100 yuan
Keyword searches in the above three categories decrease from top to bottom, accuracy increases from top to bottom, and CPC decreases from top to bottom.
Therefore, in order to make the ad run reasonable. We'd better have all three types of keywords involved in the ad, if all are broad keywords, although the search volume is very large, but traffic is not necessarily accurate. If all are long tail keywords, although you can find accurate low-cost customers, but the magnitude is too small, not conducive to overall sales. Therefore, we'd better be in these three categories of keysWord.find a balance.
2Five keyword ratiosRight.Type.
Use symbols to make keywords more accurate:
Widely compared: Synonyms/approximate variants/typos are also included, such as when searching for flowers, flowers, sunflowers, and our ads appear.
+Widely compared modifiers: Enter+Blue Flowers must appear in blue.
“Phrases.compared”:Enter the“Flowers.”, flowers must be included. For example, buyFlowers."Blue."Flowers.】【Flowers.Sold, but when searching for newFresh.of theFlowered.It doesn't appear because there are other words in the middle of the flowers.
[Completely.compared]: As literally, it needs to be exactly the same, only search.Flowers.will only appear.
-Exclude.compared: Enter-Free flowers, will exclude a keyWord.Free, for example, will be excluded here, when we search for ...Free.Flowers.When, our ads won't appear.
The accuracy of the first four pairs of types increases from top to bottom, and the search scale is top-upDown.Decline.
3KeywordsDissipate thinking
We can try to spread thinking from the point of view of products and services. With "flowers" as an example, here are some directions you can refer to:
Name: Flowers/Flowers
Nature: Fresh/multi-species
Features: Short flowering period / difficult to transport
Effect: Decorate/purify the air
Complementary products: vases/nutrients
Substitute: Fake flowers
Keyword planner
If we judge keywords only by the above points, we will inevitably miss some important keywords. That's when we need to use Google's tool, Keyword Planner. It can provide us with keyword tips and traffic price estimates, very practical.
Go to Google Adwords, click tools in the upper right corner, and select Keyword Planner.
Keyword planners are mainly thereTwo features:
1Look for new keywords
Click "Find new keywords" and enter "Flowers".
Here we can get the three most basic indicators:
Average monthly searches
Level of competition
Home Bid (Lowest/Highest)
The more important the keyWord.Perhaps the more intense the competition, the more we need to pass constant testing in order to find some good results and low prices of the keyWord.。
2Get search volume and forecast data
Click get search volume and forecast data and enter "Flowers".
We can get the expected number of clicks, costs, unit price and other information, there is a certain reference value, but the actual delivery data also involves a number of factors, need more testing.
3Exclude keywords
Enter a negative keyword, such as "free" and the system will exclude the search for "free flowers". This will help us get rid of people who just want free flowers.
Also, exclude the keyWord.There are also a number of matching types involved that can be used according to the actual situation.
Ad preview and diagnostics
Ad previews and diagnostics let you know why ads or ad extensions don't appear, and you can preview Google search results pages for specific words to see which ads and extensions your keywords trigger.
Go to Google Adwords, click tools in the upper right corner, and select Ad Preview and Diagnostics.
The following is the result of entering Flowers (consistent with the actual situation at the time of advertising, but without any charges).
You can scroll up and down

Pick keyword tips
In addition to some of the basic selection keys aboveWord.Here are a few tips:
It is recommended that each ad group use 5-20 keywords (which can also be outside this range)
Similar keywords are placed in the same ad group
in the broadKeywords.Find a balance with the long tail keywords
Think from the customer's point of view
Advertising paper
Google's advertising documents generally limit the characters, can expand to play a relatively small space, so try to be as direct as possible, highlighting the characteristics of products and services, will be keyWord.Incorporated into the paper, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of advertising.
At the same time, we should avoid common paper mistakes:
Grammar and spelling errors
Punctuation is incorrect
Use some emojis
Capital letters are not used properly or too much
Spaces are not used properly or too much
The ad file contains a phone number
The paper repeats too much
Ad-paper errors may result in our paper not being able to run, or we may not get a good ranking.
The higher the alignment between ad documents and keywords, the higher our ad ranking and click-through rate may be.
Hope this article is key in your selectionWord.can help to you

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