Data: Video advertising audience media are all revealed
According to the 2012-2014 CSM Key Cities Basic Research Data, TV advertising audience is far ahead of network video advertising and outdoor video advertising audience among all respondents, but compared with the rising trend of the latest two years, the proportion of TV advertising audience has declined year by year, and the contact media habits of the respective audiences of the three video ads show the following characteristics.
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Nearly 90% of TV advertising audiences come into contact with TV at home every day
According to the 2014 CSM 12 Urban Foundation Study, 88.5 percent of TV ad audiences said they had been exposed to TV media at home every day;
In contrast to the frequency of exposure to television media outside the home, 68.4 per cent of TV advertising audiences said they had not been exposed to television media in six months, while only 18.7 per cent of TV advertising audiences said they had been exposed to television outside the home at least once a month and above.

It can be seen that for the television advertising audience, the television media still tend to be a "family-type" media, the main place of communication is still concentrated in the home, and the contact behavior is very frequent.
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Network video advertising audience media habits are polarized, online on-demand high-frequency audience nearly 70%.
For network video contact can be roughly divided into "online viewing network video live", "online viewing network video on demand" and "download network video" three.
Data show that in 2014 the network video advertising audience in the three modes of media frequency showed a certain difference.
First, the proportion of ad audiences "watching live webcasts online" accounted for 49.7 per cent of "at least once a week" and above, accounting for almost half of the total;
Second, the proportion of "online viewing network video-on-demand" advertising audience, the frequency of contact "at least once a week" and above is 69.3%, close to 70%, said that in six months did not contact the network video audience proportion of 14.9%, a relatively small share, the remaining 15.7% of the audience contact frequency is relatively moderate.
Finally, 42.4 per cent of ad audiences who reached online video through "download web video" were "at least once or more per week" and 30 per cent said they had not been exposed to online video in six months.

Thus, the audience contact frequency of "watching live webcast online" is polarized, the proportion of audience contact frequency at "at least 1 time per week" and above is close to 50 percent, and the low frequency audience "no contact within six months" is more than 30 percent; Download web videos" audience contact frequency is similar, high-frequency audience and low-frequency audience ratio is more concentrated.
Respondents who were exposed to "online video-on-demand" were more active, with nearly 70 percent of high-frequency audiences and 20 percent of "daily" audiences, compared with less than 15 percent of low-frequency audiences.
In terms of three ways to reach out to network video media, "online viewing network video-on-demand" is richer than live-streaming programs, and audiences can choose more content.
Combined with the data results, it can be found that for the network video advertising audience, online on-demand with a variety of communication advantages is a relatively high degree of activity of network video contact.
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More than 90% of car-based TV ad audience "at least once a week"
In 2014, the most concentrated range of in-vehicle video advertising audiences was "3 or more times a week", with an audience ratio of 48.8%, and the high-frequency audience with "at least 1 time per week" and above was 91.1%, i.e., more than 90% of in-vehicle TELEVISION advertising audiences were high-frequency audiences for on-board television media.
In contrast, the proportion of low- and medium-frequency audiences with a frequency of "at least 1 every 2 weeks" and below was low, totalling no more than 10 per cent.

In terms of the contact frequency of TV, network video and car TV in their advertising audience, audience contact with TV media is the most active and concentrated on watching at home, in-car TV is second, and online video, online on demand relies on a variety of communication advantages to become the most active audience contact.
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Tv advertising audiences watch an average of about 1-5 hours of television a day, with longer weekends than weekdays
Looking at the 2014 CSM12 Urban Foundation Study data, the average daily audience for TV ads from Monday to Friday was between "about 1 hour" and "about 5 hours", with an audience ratio of more than 10 percent and a total audience of 81.2 percent.
At the same time, only 13 per cent of audiences received an average of "approximately six hours" or more per working day, while the proportion of audiences with an average audience length of "approximately half an hour or less" was smaller, at 5.8 per cent.
Over the weekend, television advertising audiences were further focused on longer periods of time, with an increase in the audience ratio in the "approximately 4 hours" and above bands, and a decrease in the audience share in the "approximately 3 hours" and below.

Taken together, in 2014, tv advertising audiences focused on "about 1 hour" to "about 5 hours" of television on average, compared with a larger proportion of 2014 audiences who watched long hours on weekends than on weekdays.
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More than half of online video ad audiences spend an average of about 2-5 hours a week online on weekends tending to be short- and medium-term Internet users
From Monday to Friday, online video advertising audiences spend an average of between "about 2 hours" and "about 5 hours" a day online, with more than 10 percent of the audience and a total audience of 52.6 percent in each time zone, while 13.9 percent of 52.9 percent of the audience spends "about 10 hours or more" on weekdays.
Over the weekend, the "approximately 6 hours" and below time zones generally experienced an increase in the audience ratio, while the "approximately 7 hours" and above time intervals experienced varying degrees of decline, especially in the "approximately 10 hours or more" of the audience segment declined significantly.

Overall, compared with the usual, network video advertising audience in the weekend internet time tend to be medium and short two states, long, long time online audience proportion decreased significantly.
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73% of car-mounted TV ad audiences average 0.5-3 hours per touch
Looking at the average length of time an in-car TV audience was exposed to in-car TELEVISION in 2014, the most focused periods ranged from "approximately half an hour" to "approximately three hours", with a shorter time and a total audience share of 73%.
The average audience for "about 4 hours" or more was smaller, at 27 per cent.

As one of the representatives of outdoor video media, the communication conditions of car TV need to use subway, bus and other means of transportation, the dissemination target is mostly people traveling by means of transportation, its audience contact time is more limited, so the media contact time of car TV advertising audience is generally shorter.
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19:00-20:00 Brings together more than 70% of your TV advertising audience
Comparing the media audience ratio of TV, network video and car TV advertising audience at different times of the day, TV advertising audience is concentrated between 18:00-23:00 during the peak time of the day, the audience ratio is more than 35%, during which the highest audience ratio appears between 19:00-20:00, the audience ratio is more than 70%.
Network video media audience in the day's peak hours of 10:00-12:00, 14:00-16:00, 19:00-23:00, the audience ratio is more than 25%;

In-car TV advertising audiences peak at 7:00-10:00 and 16:00-19:00 through the day, with an audience ratio of around 10%-20%.
In contrast, the media peak of TV advertising audience is mostly concentrated in the evening, the peak of network advertising audience is more diverse, the highest point also appears in the evening, but slightly behind the TV advertising audience, and the peak media peak of car TV advertising audience is mostly concentrated in the morning and evening commute time.
Source: View China
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