After analyzing $300 million of Facebook ad data, teach you to advertise with the least amount of money
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Ads on Facebook, will you?
Source / Tencent starts a business(ID:qqchuangye)
According to Sensor Tower data from September 2017, Facebook has become one of the most popular platforms for Chinese advertisers. Advertisers from China make up one-fifth of the top 30 seats on Facebook.
So how much does it cost to run ads on Facebook?
How to develop overseas markets with the least amount of advertising costs and get the most revenue from advertising?
As of March 31, 2018, Facebook reported 2.2 billion monthly active users in the first quarter.
The huge amount of traffic lurking behind its huge users makes Facebook a must-have place to expand its advertising efforts around the world.
Among them, Chinese advertisers on the Facebook platform of the importance can not be underestimated.
According to Sensor Tower data from September 2017, Facebook has become one of the most popular platforms for Chinese advertisers. Advertisers from China make up one-fifth of the top 30 seats on Facebook.
So how much does it cost to run ads on Facebook??
How to develop overseas markets with the least amount of advertising costs and get the most revenue from advertising?
In this article shared today, Fackbook's advertising service, Ad Espresso, will help us sort out some of the factors that affect the cost of Fackbook ads and teach you how to minimize them.
Don't gossip much, for more information, please enjoy the following dry food bar.
Over the past year, we've analyzed approximately $300 million in Facebook ad spending data to get a detailed view of the average ad cost for Facebook in 2017. According to the data, we wrote this article.
In this article, we'll focus on three ways Facebook's ads are priced:
1. CPC (pay-per-click ads)
2. CPL (cost per page like ad)
3. CPA (cost per app installation)
Based on the above three different methods of billing, the price comparison is made on the basis of gender, month, different time periods of the day, and different time periods of the week.
In addition, we'll list some of the factors that affect Facebook's advertising costs and talk about how we can reduce the cost of running ads in our own right.
What is Facebook's ad bidding process like?
Facebook's ad bidding process is as uncertain as the auction process. Therefore, it is impossible to calculate exactly how much Facebook's ads cost.
As an advertiser who serves ads on Facebook, you have the right to allocate funds differently based on your budget - you can choose to pay different fees in different ad behaviors, such as viewing, likes, or conversions, and adjust the proportion of those fees during the ad pricing and bidding phases.
If you don't want to allocate your ad money, Facebook will automatically calculate the budget you provide and the time period you want your ads to run, and report the ad costs to you accordingly.
Simply put, if you want to run ads on Facebook, you can't leave if you want to pay quickly and easily. You'll need to attend an "auction" hosted by Facebook.
Entering your ad bid to bid is the first step. In the "auction" period that follows, your bid will be constantly compared with the new bidder, and the one with the highest bid will win the ad space.
It's important to note that there are many other factors that can affect your Facebook advertising costs, in addition to the uncertainty that comes with bidding processes:
- When your ads will run
This time can be divided into years, weeks, and different time periods of the day. For example, if the number of people who swipe Facebook online at 8 p.m. each night is significantly higher than at 6 a.m., the cost of bidding for ads between 8 p.m. each night will be higher than at 6 a.m., and the bidding process will be more intense.
- Bidding strategy
Auctions are also tricky, and you can do so by developing reasonable bidding strategies, such as setting average bids or setting limits on each specific bid. A good strategy can make your money more reasonable to use.
- Ad bit location
Different advertising spaces have different prices. Instagram tends to have more ads than anywhere else.
- The degree of correlation between the ad and the user base
Your relevant score(This score is calculated in part based on user engagement and user clicks.) The more interested users are in ads, the higher the clicks and the more relevant they are)will have a direct impact on how much Facebook charges you.
- The audience you're targeting
If other advertisers try to reach the same audience, it's going to cost more because newsfeed has limited space.
Has the charging model for Facebook ads changed in the near future?
As the world's largest social platform, Facebook often adjusts the way ads are charged. Examples are available to advertisers with different bidding options, new ad formats, and so on.
All changes will have an impact on the price of advertising.
Social networking has developed to the present, natural traffic coverage(organic reach)It has reached an all-time low. In this environment, more and more websites need to rely on the right advertising system to guide themselves.
The problem, however, is the flow of information that users are exposed to (News feed ) Content and platform advertising space are limited, in the face of soaring numbers of ads, Facebook's advertising costs will be pushed up. And this upward trend in prices is likely to continue.
Facebook has recently made some changes to its under-advertising space. They re-prioritized Page content with algorithmic updates that allowed ads in ad spaces to be updated continuously, increasing the rate of interaction between users and ads, and creating more room for ads to run, offsetting news feeds and the lack of ad space.
It's worth noting that the average time users spend on Facebook also directly affects ad costs.
If users spend 15 minutes a day brushing messages, they'll definitely see far more ads than people who brush 2 minutes a day. We observed a decline of about 5% in facebook's user usage in the fourth quarter of 2017, which may have been the reason for the sudden increase in advertising costs. This is reflected in the following data.
Facebook ad cost: AdEspresso benchmark for 2017
In the previous space, we explain how the bidding system works and the factors that most influence Facebook's advertising costs. Next, we'll show you the specific data from the survey.
It should be noted that although all the data in this article comes from the analysis of real ads, it can only be used as a reference or guide.
Because there are many unknown factors that are also affecting Facebook's advertising costs, you'll need to go through a few real ad launches before you can really understand these factors.
However, the data can still be used as an answer to the question "How much does a Facebook ad cost?" "A reference to this question.
The following data comes from all data from AdEspresso users in 2017 (all data has been converted to USD). When analyzing this data, we take into account the impact of factors such as age and country on advertising costs and the results of these ads.
Now, start with Facebook's three ad-counting methods and get to the bottom of it.
- CPC (cost-per-click)
This data reflects the average CPC, CPC total CPC ad spend, and multivariable values for advertisers in different countries when they run ads in Fackbook in 2017.
This information is limited to the cost of displaying site clicks or website conversion ads. The unit of currency is the United States dollar.
CPC for each country:
CPC averages $0.97 for all countries, with CPIs in Croatia, Cyprus and Switzerland at $0.75.
While there are many variables in each specific country, including industry, audience, ad space, and other factors, it's good to know the CPC average for a country.
It's a good thing to be able to target audiences in low-cost countries. Even if not, for many businesses, $2.09(Average CPC highest value in the table)It's also a good price to get potential customers.
CPC for all age groups:
There is a positive correlation between user age and cost. The older the user, the higher the cost.
For most of 2017, if your target audience is over 65, you'll also be spending the most on ads. The average CPC in the first quarter was more than $0.70, while the 13- to 17-year-old group was only $0.11. But by the fourth quarter, user fees for people 55 and older had fallen.
While older users may spend more, they may earn more, have less debt, and therefore have higher disposable income.
CPC for each ad space:
Looking back at 2017, Instagram has the highest ad space costs.
Both Instagram's Newsfeed and Story ads are higher than Facebook's equivalent. The trend in the fourth quarter becoming more pronounced.
From CPC, Instagram's Newsfeed ads(The cost is approximately $1.15)Soared to most Facebook ads(Cost is approximately $0.50)twice as much. However, Instagram's conversion and engagement rates are higher than Facebook's, so it's worth it.
The audience network has the lowest ad space price. So if you use this ad space in your ad, you can drive down the average cost of running your ad, or you can get more potential ad space.
CPC for each month:
We already know that there are a number of factors that pushed up advertising costs in the fourth quarter, and it's easy to see from here. Prices in the fourth quarter changed significantly from the second and third quarter's expense trends, jumping from around $0.35 in the summer to $0.50.
CPC every day of the week:
Cpcs vary greatly from day to week in 2017. The first quarter was Tuesday's low, at about $0.34. The fourth quarter was the lowest on Sunday, averaging $0.40, while Tuesday and Thursday were the most expensive, close to $0.50.
CPC for different genders:
In any quarter, women's positioning costs are higher than men's. With the exception of the third quarter, which was $0.09 higher than the third quarter, women were about $0.15 higher than men.
That certainly doesn't mean your ads shouldn't be aimed at women. This data is just to let you know that if your ads are specific to women, it will cost more than ads that don't target women alone.
CPC at different times of the day:
This message should be helpful if you're considering using time-between to run your ads. CPC cost-effectiveness is basically the same for most of the day. Advertising costs are always low during the morning hours.
The second and third quarters were relatively different throughout the day, with the fourth quarter more balanced, staying between $0.45 and $0.50 between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m.
This data shows that while each business is different, policies that run ads at different times may not help you save a lot of money on advertising.
CPC for each ad target:
Many people think that the CPC for display ads is lower than the CPC for link click ads, but this is not the case. Link-click ads at the end of the fourth quarter minimum CPC of $0.44, conversion ads($0.66)and guided sales($1.18)The lowest prices occurred in the second and third quarters, respectively.
We need to be aware of the fact that not all link-click ads ensure conversions, and not all guided sales ads ensure that people fill out the correct information when submitting a guide form. The information you pay for may not meet your needs, but the display of your ads can achieve your goal of disseminating your content.
-CPL (page likes campaign cost per like)
Ads that run to get page likes are valuable because they allow you to quickly gain more fans. When your fans follow you, you don't have to pay to get their followers - their Newsfeed automatically displays your message.
The data shows all the ads that targeted page likes in 2017. The number of countries counted is limited because of the minimum threshold of $50,000.
CPL for each country:
As you can see, there is no correlation between CPC and CPL in each country.
Norway's CPC is mid-level, but the CPL is the most expensive at $2.70. Swedish CPC, on the other hand, is high, but CPL is mid-level. Kazakhstan's CPL was the lowest at $0.69, with Austria and Finland in second place at $0.77.
So if your audience happens to be in Norway, your targeted ads won't actually work. If you can, it's a good idea to reduce your ad costs by moving regions.
CPL for all ages:
The older the audience, the higher the CPL, which is consistent with CPC. In the fourth quarter, CPL for people aged 55 and over rose sharply, while those aged 25 to 34 fell.
But that doesn't mean you should exclude older people. Many older groups have higher incomes and may face less competition in targeting such groups.
CPL for each ad space:
CPC and CPL differences across ad spaces are interesting. While the right column is basically the same as the CPC for Facebook's stream, this was not the case with the CPL at the end of the fourth quarter.
Although the first and second quarters were equally consistent, by the end of the fourth quarter, the CPL ad cost on the right side was about $0.10 higher than the News feed. I think it's interesting because streaming ads are more flexible, so there's not much reason to use right-hand ads.
CPL for each month:
The average CPL for each month is just over $0.12. The amount was lower in the first quarter, hedged against the increase in the third and fourth quarters, and rose to $0.16 in the fourth quarter. Interestingly, the CPL fell back to average again in December, probably because the home page for the same period was optimized for other user activities.
CPL every day of the week:
If you're hoping for more likes on your page, Friday looks like a good time - the lowest advertising cost in the world, at about $0.25. Tuesday and Wednesday were the highest at $0.15.
But you'll also find that prices change at the highest and lowest times of each quarter, so it may not be a good idea to schedule ads at different times of the week, as this situation has been fluctuating.
CPL for different genders:
The results were not surprising, with CPL prices aimed at women higher, with a quarterly difference of about $0.05.
CPL at various times of the day:
Unlike CPC, the CPL is widely different at different times, with significant growth in the fourth quarter compared to the first to third quarters.
According to the data, the morning CPL was the lowest, between $0.13 and $0.19. It then rose slowly, from $0.20 at 7 a.m. to $0.33 at 4 p.m. Advertising costs then began to fall, and by 11 p.m. the CPL would be back to $0.20.
Price changes reflect the fact that most users are active in the mainstream on social media, and this user habit is also the cause of price trends.
-CPA (cost per app installation)
Attracting people to download and install mobile apps through ads is an important part of running Facebook ads. The following data is limited to ads that target Mobile App Install and Global App Install.
Apps installed in each country CPA:
Average application installation costs vary most from country to country, with the smallest being in the UK at $3.70. The largest was Panama, at $10.39.
If you're targeting a more expensive country, try a lower-cost ad space and device portfolio. Segmenting your audience and creating high-precision ads that are relevant to them can increase your relevance score and reduce overall ad costs.
App installation CPA for all ages:
Application installation among over-65s was the highest at $2.70, up from $2.25 in the fourth quarter and less than $2.25 in the other three quarters. On the other hand, advertising costs for the 13- to 44-year-olds will be lower in the fourth quarter than in previous quarters.
In this case, focusing on low-cost groups may be a better option, as young people are more likely to install apps on mobile devices and use mobile phones more frequently.
Apps with each ad space install CPA:
In most ads, Instagram typically spends more on average, with the exception of CPA.
Instagram's app installed CPA for less than $2 in the fourth quarter, while Facebook's was $2.60, according to the data. That makes sense because Instagram uses more mobile than Facebook, and users are more likely to download apps directly when they see ads on their mobile devices.
It's important to note that in the fourth quarter of 2017, the audience network's CPA was relatively consistent with the previous three quarters, but Facebook Newsfeed and Instagram's app-installed CPA rose sharply.
CPA installed in the app in each month:
App installation CPA every day of the week:
If you're nervous about the fourth quarter of an app-installed CPA rise, the following data should make you relax a little. According to this data, the application installation CPA every day of the week will continue to show a sharp decline.
In addition, as the quarter changes, the CPA changes on different days of the week. By the end of the fourth quarter, Wednesday's CPA was the most expensive of the week($1.26)become the cheapest($0.60)。
Because we're less likely to predict these fluctuations, we don't have to worry about the impact of ad servings mobile app install ads.
Gender-specific apps install CPA:
Female app installation CPA rose sharply to $2.59 in the fourth quarter, but male app installation CPA was more expensive in the second and third quarters. The CPA for male app installation fell to $0.93 in the fourth quarter from $1.44. The differences between the sexes in this model are greater than in previous models.
App installation CPA at different times:
This data shows once again that it is unlikely that the trend of change will be predicted successfully.
Mobile app installation 5Pa fell sharply from a high in the second quarter to a low in the third and fourth quarters.
The lowest app installation CPA occurs at 2 a.m., about $0.75, and the highest is at 11 p.m., about $1.35.
App installation CPA for different devices:
Overall, Apple devices(Excluding iPhone)Spending was high throughout the year and grew significantly in the fourth quarter, outpacing Android and other devices.
As of the fourth quarter, the average app installed CPA for Apple users was at least $0.75 higher than for Android users, and iPad users had the highest CPA installed for about $6. Compared to the Android $2.40 average, there is a big difference between the two.
But that doesn't mean advertisers shouldn't target Apple users. Our advice is that advertisers should make sure their ads are targeted in the right direction and take users directly to Apple's App Store to download apps.
Summary of data for 2017
Here's a quick summary of 2017 to help us focus on some interesting trends:
1, Instagram ads as a whole are more expensive, but mobile app installation ads are a better choice.
For the four quarters of the year, most of The CPC and CPA averages on Instagram were higher than Facebook's, with the exception of app installation: Facebook's apps cost more to install CPA than Instagram.
This may be because Instagram users are dominated by mobile platforms, providing a more powerful platform for mobile app ads. That doesn't mean you shouldn't advertise on Instagram, which is a valuable platform that gives advertisers the opportunity to expand their reach and reach new audiences(especially for younger audiences)and can also help to increase brand awareness.
2, show(impression)had been more than reached(reach)became the most expensive price indicator.
In 2016, Touchda was the highest indicator of CPC calculations, but by 2017 it had been easily replaced by a show. Displays cost more almost every quarter, with the exception of the second quarter.
3, targeting women's advertising costs are always higher than men's.
Until the fourth quarter of 2014, CPC was more balanced between different genders. But things are different now, with CPC aimed at women $0.10 to $0.15 higher than men.
4. In addition to the iPhone, it is more expensive to install CPA in mobile apps aimed at Apple products.
For all of 2017, the cost of targeting Apple users was higher than for Android users. The iPad has a higher CPA than the iPhone. The exception is the iPod, which has a lower CPA than android devices.
5, CPC, and CPA both increased significantly in the fourth quarter.
It's not a strange phenomenon. In addition to the fourth quarter, the year-end holiday season, Facebook announced plans to adjust its algorithm at that stage, so we can see from the data that natural traffic coverage has decreased.
But that is not always the case. Higher fees suggest more competition among advertisers. Because the competition is so fierce, some companies don't even have the opportunity to deliver their ads through the platform.
6, on average, older users CPL and mobile app installation CPA costs more.
Unlike in 2016, the average ad serving cost in mid-2017 to target the age group over 40 for likes, clicks and app installs will be higher.
7, link click ads are the cheapest indicators.
CPC, which links to click ads, has the lowest prices among the various indicators for 2017.
Facebook ad costs: 2016 data
CPC fees and results for 2016
Fourth quarter average
In the United States, the average CPC for Facebook ads reached 27.29 cents in the third quarter of 2016(All targets reached 27.40 cents)。 A thousand display fees were reached in the third quarter(CPM)US$7.19(CPM for all targets is $7.34)。
CPC for all ages
CPC for the 18-34 age group rose, but still did not exceed the first quarter. The group over the age of 65 showed the most sustained decline in CPC.
CPC for different genders
Each ad space CPC
Instagram ads are slipping!
CPC for each month
CPC was relatively stable in all months of 2016 and increased at the end of the year!
CPC every day of the week
As of the third quarter of 2016, Sunday and Monday were the lowest times for CPC. The chart also shows that the overall and average CPC for the third quarter was relatively low.
CPC at various times of the day
EACH ad target CPC
Reaching the target costs the most.
CPL(Data for 2016)
National CPL
CPL for all ages
CPL for ages 44 and younger showed an overall downward trend, while costs for older groups increased. But parents and grandparents are still cheaper.
CPL for different genders
The cost of attracting female home page likes fell sharply in the second quarter and continued to decline in the third quarter, but rebounded in the fourth quarter. Men are getting cheaper and cheaper.
Each ad space CPL
CPL for each month
The average CPL was higher in the second quarter and lower in the third quarter, but the trend seems to be starting upward again.
CPL every day of the week
CPL at various times of the day
The app installs CPA(2016)
The app is limited to ads that targeted Mobile App Install and Global App Install in 2016.
National CPA
CPA for all ages
CPA for different genders
Both women's and men's fees have risen sharply.
Each ad bit CPA
CPA for each month
CPA every day of the week
CAP at various times of the day
Different device CPA
Summary of data for 2016
A quick summary of 2016 helps us focus on some interesting trends:
1, "touch" indicator cost the highest
Unlike presentations, Touch seems to focus on reaching as many audiences as possible, even if only once.
2, aiming at older users, each click, like installation costs are always relatively low.
However, don't forget that you also want to track your revenue per conversion: young people may be happy to interact with your ads or products, but how much are they willing to spend on it?
3, in addition to page interaction, link click CPC fee is lower than other indicators
Facebook has been trying to improve the algorithm, and this data suggests that the algorithm has indeed improved. If your goal is to generate universal traffic, optimizing for clicks is readily available.
4, by the end of the year, the company's advertising spending began to increase
Although the "average" indicates a decrease in ad costs, you can still see that ad prices at the end of the month are starting to rise consistently in the monthly data. We expect this rally to continue.
There is fierce competition for advertising space between different companies in November and December. Many small businesses complained in the Facebook advertising community last year that they simply couldn't spend last year's ad budget because they didn't get an ad space.
5. Instagram's CPC/CPA is usually higher than elsewhere.
That doesn't mean you shouldn't advertise on Instagram, because it's a valuable platform. In addition to providing advertisers with the opportunity to reach new audiences, especially younger ones, Instagram allows them to rely on Instagram to increase brand awareness.
6, the CPA of each device is not consistent
Apple's products have changed a lot except for the iPod.
7. CPC/CPA of different genders is more balanced
At the beginning of 2016, advertising for women was much more expensive for women than for men. It is now more balanced.
What factors affect Facebook's advertising costs?
As mentioned above, many factors have a direct or indirect impact on Facebook's advertising costs. The actual amount of money advertisers spend on ads and the benefits they derive from them are determined by different factors.
Here are the direct factors that have the biggest impact on Facebook's advertising costs.
1, the audience you're targeting
The ad audience you choose directly affects your Facebook ad costs, as well as other businesses that target those audiences.
As we've already shown, Facebook's ad-fee model is actually a bidding system.
It is important to note that there is a widespread misconception among marketers that their competitors are only peers. For example, if you want to sell yoga equipment, they may only worry about other yoga or fitness brands. But that's not the case, and you have to compete with all the companies that target the same customers as you.
If I'm a yoga mat salesman, the customers I'm targeting aren't just interested in yoga. He may also love fishing, scuba diving, high-end restaurants, and recently started a small business. He also has a dog and even likes to subscribe to a variety of products. As a result, he will be targeted by companies in different industries, and countless companies will rush to show the customer ads.
Fortunately, by adding other elements and crafting high-quality ads, you can stand out from the crowd in your ad bidding. Audiences are an important, but not the only, determining factor in cost. For example, if you can produce extremely high-quality ads, you'll be able to run them at a much lower cost than your competitors.
In a way, it's impossible to control the audience you want to target. Even if you have the ability to control, when your perfect audience is getting more expensive, you can only choose to accept it - after all, you certainly don't want to lose those audiences in order to control costs.
2, the quality of advertising
Ad quality can have a direct and clear impact on your ad costs, resulting in a significant increase or decrease in ad costs.
When evaluating your ad costs, you should look at two metrics - relevance and click-through rate.
Each of your ads will get a relevance score of 1 point, a maximum of 10 points. This score measures how relevant your ads are to your target audience.
Keep in mind that high correlation doesn't necessarily lead to high conversion rates, but high-quality ads increase conversion rates and lower costs.
Your relevance score changes as people interact with your ads. If they react positively(e.g. interacting with it and going to the landing page by clicking), the score increases, and if they react negatively and tell Facebook that they don't want to see the ad, the score decreases.
The higher your relevance score, the lower the advertising fee you'll pay.
We did an experiment with this: we put the same ads twice, one with a clear targeting(Relevance score is 8), there is another time the positioning is not clear(Relevance score is 2.9)。 With the same budget, an ad with a score of 8 gets four times as many clicks as an ad with a score of 2.9.
The click-through rate is calculated by divided by the number of ad clicks by the number of impressions. A higher click-through rate indicates that the higher the relevance, the more valuable it is to your audience.
Facebook can get data about the relevance of your ads to decide whether to adjust your ad costs - they'll lower the cost of ads that charge premium ads.
But if you're optimizing for CPC, the higher the click-through rate you get, the more you'll pay. However, no, high click-through rate can be useful for advertising costs and advertising performance.
3, different time periods of the year
Advertisers flock to The Peak of the Year to run a lot of Facebook ads. Advertisers pay more for ads because of the intense competition at peak times.
Advertisers, for example, do their best to get Facebook ads on Black Friday and during the Christmas shopping season because they're so useful.
Well-known brands will spend huge amounts of advertising during peak periods, and in this environment, Facebook's advertising costs will increase.
Although the cost will increase, the peak season is still well worth participating in.
The importance of CPA and return on investment
While advertising costs are important, they are more important than CPA and return on investment. That's what determines whether you need to pay to run your ads.
Is your ROI worth more than CPA?
For example, your ad has 100 downloads and costs $100. But you get $199 in revenue from these downloads and another $90 in-app purchases. That is, you spend $100, but earn $290. Such advertising is worth it.
You have to pay close attention to conversion rates, PPAs, and ROI because these are very important things. Advertisers should ensure that their advertising costs do not exceed their return on investment. The lower the cost of Facebook ads, the greater the return on investment.
How does bidding choice affect advertising costs?
Bidding options let you choose how you pay for Facebook ads. You can pay based on the number of people who clicked on the ad, or you can pay based on the number of people who saw the ad.
Specific options include:
COST-per-click (CPC): As long as people click on your ads, you'll have to pay. If people just watch your ads, they don't have to pay for it.
Thousand Impressions (CPM): The cost per 1,000 ads shown. Each show costs far less than a CPC, which is appropriate when you want to attract as many audiences as possible.
Cost per action/conversion (CPA): You'll need to optimize for specific actions taken by your users, such as conversions, but you'll be charged based on the number of impressions your ad has. When you optimize for link clicks, each click on the site may cost you more. But on average, clicks earned in this way are more likely to lead to real conversions.
Facebook itself offers different optimization options, including:
Conversions: Facebook gives your ads to the people most likely to accomplish their goals(e.g. people who shop on your site)。 They evaluate this probability based on past user history, and you pay based on impressions.
Show: Facebook will show your ads to as many people as possible. You'll need to pay based on impressions.
Click on your ad/website: Facebook will make your site available to those who are most likely to click to visit your site. You'll need to pay based on clicks.
Daily Independence Touch: Facebook controls the frequency by showing your ads to someone up to once a day. You'll need to pay based on impressions.
Finally, Facebook will automatically select the Spot option based on your goals. If your goal is to get people to click and visit your site, Facebook optimizes your bidding strategy to accomplish your goals. Of course, you can also manually modify the bidding strategy yourself.
Similarly, Facebook can automatically set up bids so you get the most conversions/clicks/impressions at the best average price, which means they can bid based on your budget and ad time. If some of the best ad spaces are slightly more expensive, they can also buy them directly for you and lower your average advertising bill later.
In Facebook's bidding system, if you want to set limits for each bid, you should choose "minimum fee" instead of "target fee" and set the bid limit at the same time.
Bidding choices can have a serious impact on your Facebook advertising costs because you need to choose your own payment method. CPA may be more expensive than CPM, but if you want to direct users to your site, but only a few presentations will attract users to click on them, you should choose CPC bidding.
6 ways to reduce Facebook's advertising costs
We've explained several factors that influence Facebook's ad delivery costs and given the data accordingly. Some users find that the data matches their own, while others find that the data shows results that exceed their expectations.
Here, we want to make it clear that advertisers can reduce Facebook's advertising costs without affecting ad quality and success rates.
Here are six ways we've summarized ways to reduce Facebook's advertising costs:
1. Separation test
Separation testing is important, helping you identify what's really valuable and increasing your ROI and conversion rates. Of course, it can also help you reduce the cost of Facebook ads.
It's a mistake for a lot of advertisers to run it directly on the platform after they've created absolutely perfect Facebook ads. If they conduct a separation test, they will be surprised to find that, in many cases, the perfect ad (A) does not perform as well as another similar ad (B) in the separation test due to a variety of uncontrollable influences.
There are times when you have to test several different ideas to know which one works best.
Currently, Facebook allows advertisers to distribute all their ad budgets evenly among different ads in their collections, allowing advertisers to conduct real separation tests.
The separation test should start with pictures and text. Ad-making software simplifies the process. You can upload two different texts and two different pictures to test 4 combinations.
In addition to pictures and text, you can also perform separation tests on the services and landing pages you provide.
These two ads are typical, but only by changing images to understand the changes. One has more likes and shares, and the other has more comments.
When you do the separation test, you can see very clearly which ad performs better and eventually finds the one that works best. Once you've completed your test, you'll be able to invest most of your money in less expensive and successful ads.
2. Frequency of attention
The high frequency of Facebook ads, while not eye-catching, is important.
Frequency tells you how often the same user will watch your ad. If the same person repeatedly watches your ad, it means two things:
- You're not reaching a new audience
- Your reaching audience looks at ads over and over again, but doesn't complete the conversion
Although users often watch the same ad multiple times before clicking and converting. But for most users, if they're interested in an ad, they'll choose to click when they see it at first sight.
The more frequently your ads interact, click through, and convert, the higher your ad costs.
Ideally, the frequency should be controlled below 3 times. If the frequency is increasing, you should stop running ads or adjust them.
If you can control how many times people see the same ad, you can use this to increase user engagement and engagement.
3. Keep your ads fresh
A variety of different ads.
As an advertiser, it's important to keep your ads up to date. This is done in order to reduce the frequency of the same ads, and in part because of the need to ensure the freshness of the user. As user freshness disappears, even the most successful ads can end up failing if they run for more than six months in a row.
Separation testing can help with innovation in advertising - by combining different images and content, advertisers can make it quickly and efficiently.
4. Select an audience for each specific ad
You should choose an audience for each ad, or create an ad for that audience. You don't need to include all your target audiences in every ad, otherwise costs will increase rapidly. Instead, focus on some segments of your overall audience and send them highly accurate messages for better results.
Re-promoting an audience that is already familiar with you may attract more clicks, especially if you combine high-precision information designed for them. The more clicks, the more conversions, the more interactions you'll pay, and the more you'll probably get a return on your investment.
Choosing an audience is important, and dividing your target audience into different groups can ultimately reduce your costs and increase your success rate.
For example, if you're running an ad designed to help you connect with new people, you should exclude people who already care about you.
Facebook offers many different audience targeting options, and you can use any combination you see fit.
You can quickly reduce your ad costs by focusing on a specific audience at once, complemented by highly accurate and relevant ads.
5. Focus on a clear goal
Many ads running on Facebook seem to lack focus - they want users to like their pages, leave guidance messages, buy items, and then install apps. Such advertisements can be messy because they have too many purposes.
When you run an ad, you need to set a specific goal for each ad.
By setting specific goals for each ad, you can identify your ad appeal and show it to the right audience, increasing conversion rates.
For example, you can set up multiple sets of ads: the first set of ads for sales expansion, the second set for social interactions, the third set of ads for product re-marketing to boost sales, and so on.
Each set of ads must have its own focus and unique audience. All content should be designed for these audiences.
Doing so will reduce your advertising costs and make your ads appear in front of people who are really interested, preventing you from paying for meaningless clicks.
6. Choose the right picture
Images are one of the most important elements in your ad, and choosing the right image can help you reduce your ad costs and boost your click-through and relevance scores.
Many businesses are using turntable ads to give them the opportunity to insert more images. Because there are more images and can be highlighted in Facebook Newsfeed, the conversion rate for wheeled ads is higher, and you can increase relevance scores and reduce the cost per ad.
You should select an image for each ad that is relevant to the exact message and the target audience, and try to improve the quality of the image.
Picture ads(Especially attractive to women)It tends to perform better than illustrations. Color contrast and color selection can help you catch the user's eye(But you need to avoid mistaking people for spam)。 To select the image that corresponds to the ad text, make sure that the ad is approved by the ad review team.
In addition, you should introduce a variety of designs and test them. Separation testing is a great option, and using a separation test can help you find the right image and reduce your advertising costs.
Summarize your thoughts
There are a number of factors that affect your Facebook ad costs, including your audience, ad relevance scores, and bidding strategies.
The data we provide in this article covers a number of real-world cases and summarizes some of the key points that determine your ad costs. You can use this content to make a real quantitative assessment of your Facebook ad spending.
While there are different issues in the real world, when you understand how Facebook's advertising costs are affected and the techniques associated with reducing ad costs, you'll get the best return on your ads at the lowest cost.(Compilation/Long Song)
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