Youtube's non-original way to make money?
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YoutubeAs the largest video sharing site in the United States, together with the world's largest video site, its commercial value will certainly not be strong, now become a good way for Americans to make money at home online, many Chinese useYoutubeThere are a lot of people who earn tens of thousands of dollars a month. Although no one has the opportunity to upload videos to make money, it is assumed that they want to become oneYoutubeChannel operator, viaYoutubeEarning money requires satisfaction with certain conditions, which is almost every channel will have a threshold setting, such as the number of subscribers exceeded1000,12The cumulative length of the month's broadcast exceeds4000Hours, don't think it's a trick, it's no harm in just doing the operator the benefit, it's equalYoutubeThe way to help operators close expenses When you really have these conditions, you can easily get advertising revenue because you used to have the money. Just be satisfied with these conditionsAdSenseThe account will be able to keep the video surplus plan, which will be obtained55%The advertisement is divided into dividends, while the rest45%GoogleReceive. some arrangement or arrangement of the worldYoutubeOn the opening of the channel, the basic video is original, but the need for a lot of human and financial resources. So for the collective, there is no need for original can also passYoutubeThe answer to the way to make money, of course, is yes.
First, jitter transfer Download a segment of fire or beauty clip from a major video site, then arrange it into a video for a few minutes, and upload it to itYoutubeBelow. In the case of the channel above, which has been in operation for less than a year,3.8Million subscriptions, press1U.S. dollarsCPMAccounting, total cost5More than ten thousand dollars.  Second, the film/Drama to some of the most sought-after movies or TV series arranged into a few minutes of small clips, with well-known titles, and then upload the video, this set of video channels in the world is relatively rare, and this kind of short video users are very much in love, small editors to the commonly used Baidu will recommend a variety of such film clips, and sometimes even see clips to catch up with the missing version of the film or TV series. Subscriptions to this channel below are available15for about two years of operation, at a cost10More than ten thousand dollars.  Third, music video can be popular, classic music, re-singing, mixing choreography are OK, slightly make packaging, upload the video toYoutubeWith this channel as an example, there are hundreds of videos uploaded, and the total cost is there1Ten thousand dollars or so.  All three sets of methods cited above can be passedYoutubeMake money, but some videos can have infringing results, but the strange thing is that many of these channels live continuously great, the method is only for us to refer to.
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