These Facebook ad ideas and paper skills help you stand out from the crowd in social media marketing

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Marketing and advertising have changed over the past decade or so. TELEVISION advertising tends to calm down; Internet users can also block ads from popping up. Anyone who wants to read, watch, or listen to online ads should rely on fascinating ad content or marketing campaigns to capture them. It's a challenge for marketers to reach the right audience at the right time and keep their eyes on the ad and remember what it's about.

The answers are three:

First, write compelling papers; 
Second, find the right audience location and target it; 
Third, analyze and determine which advertising strategies are effective and which are not.

These three steps are no strangers to marketers. Today, social media has become a platform for advertising campaigns, and small and medium-sized enterprises can compete with large companies as long as they have the right tools and creative marketers.

Against the backdrop of a trending environment for Facebook ads and chatbots, this article will suggest some key ways to write a text that could lead to greater success.

Optimize Facebook ad content to get your audience's attention

Anyone with a Facebook account knows that Facebook ads are presented to their audience in the form of new feeds. Marketers must understand that social media platforms are a time to rest in a user's life, that users are more interested in what the community posts, and that they like, share, or comment on those posts. To force viewers to stop browsing posts and focus on ads, the content must be amazing. Here are some important tips:

Images are the most important part of advertising - photos, illustrations and even videos. Make Facebook more intuitive, and advertising must do the same. The image form better catches the user's eye and allows the user to pause while quickly sliding the page.

James Daily, marketing director at Flash Essay, said

"Our team spent a lot of time brainstorming images on Facebook ads. If we can't get attractive images, the response is really bad.

As far as audiences are concerned, text may be secondary, but it is the most important part of ad creation. Marketers need to demonstrate the value of the brand/product and call on users to act in these short words. A good suggestion is to put the value of the product on the picture - preferably at the top (But keep in mind Facebook's rules:The text content must not exceed 20% of the entire image

Product value should address the needs and issues of the audience. This is an example of expressing the value of a product in a concise case:

If an advertiser needs to reposition a previously viewed person or customer, the value of the ad may be new items, such as discounts, and such a document is best located at the bottom of the image. In a study of consumer buying tests, 100,000 Facebook ads were tested, which ultimately proved that discounting at the bottom of the picture was more likely to drive the final deal.

All in all, the text must be concise and clear. If your ad is targeted, your ad's profile needs to change depending on the audience, whether it's for the first time or the audience you're targeting. You can use the same image, but the ad file must be different.

Ad documents can also "call" users, describe exactly who the message is delivering ("If you're planning a Caribbean cruise, check these prices") or ask the user - you can ask questions ("Do you hate your wrinkles?" ")。

Facebook ads should never be too formal. Any paper is the same, too formal to shut out most viewers. Keep in mind that Facebook is essentially an informal advertising platform, so keep the language simple, friendly and personalized.

Jane Friedlander, a photo editor at Resumes Center, said

Providing resume services is a serious business, and one of the biggest challenges we face is writing an informal, friendly but serious ad. But experience tells us that such a document can get the most conversion

Facebook chatbots to attract more potential customers

Smartphone-owning people are used to using Facebook Messenger to communicate with their friends, and most are used to asking smartphone assistants questions - Google, Siri, etc. Facebook now allows businesses to install online chatbots on their pages to engage in automated conversations with users. In fact, there are more than 100,000 bots on Facebook Messenger.

Chatbots have many uses - businesses can set up searches for content through menus or keywords to direct users to conversions. Users can type keywords related to what they want to know or their questions, or use menus to select topics, such as getting directions, setting appointments, or getting answers to common questions.

The robot uses the conversation tree to respond to blocks of text and then reduce the path until the user finds what they want.

If advertisers want a chatbot that appeals to potential customers, consider learning the following tips:

1. Keep it relaxed and make your interaction more interesting

The most popular chatbots are those that have interesting names and interact with users in a fun or entertaining way. One of the most popular chat machines is weather cat Poncho. Not only do users get daily or weekly weather forecasts, but it's also more interesting to get weather forecast content in this way.

2. Use the conversation tips to guide the user

First-time users may not know how to get the information they need, so chatbots should provide tips to help them. Poncho first introduces itself as a robot that provides weather forecasts and forecasts, and then asks the user's region. Another tip is that it asks the user how often they want to update - every day? Weekly?

3. Create personality

To do this, you may need a screenwriter to give you some professional help. Creating a fascinating chatbot requires creative and enjoyable conversation tips and responses. The following resources can help you create Robot Man: The site offers free ideas that allow you to view their product cases before hiring

Essay supply: This is a writing organization with an entire creative writers department and a variety of success stories in entertainment.

People per hour: The other is a freelance website with experienced writers

It is important to make the questions and responses look like a natural conversation with the user. Here's an example of Taco Bell's Tacobot:

4. Step by step

Believe that the use of chatbots is not a brain to dump all information to the user and confuse them, the response text settings need to first answer the user's questions. The robot can then gradually propose other options. Catcho, for example, also offers daily constellation potential, but this feature is only introduced after responding to user questions or when the user returns to ensure that the user feels comfortable:

5. Pay attention to the data and keep it optimized

By tracking access and sharing, it's easy to know if your chatbot is getting more and more popular. If your robot doesn't push any of the processes you need, rewrite the script until it helps you achieve your desired goals. Follow the data and analyze to see where visitors are active and reprocess those places.

Today, social media marketing is critical to business success, and this is where businesses can capture their audiences. The key to maintaining competitive advantage is to take advantage of the right positioning, be as creative and engaging as possible, and maintain the use of the latest tools and technologies


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