The latest additions to Google App Campaigns (AC) features and ad display

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In August, Google officially released its latest app campaign announcement, and Google has made product updates to five aspects of its app campaign that will benefit developers from different perspectives.
The five specific changes are as follows:
Added ad group features
Advertisers can set up to 100 ad groups, each with up to 10 text, 20 images, 20 videos, and 20 HTML5 footage resources.You can use themes to divide your ad groups, such as you have a video app, you can be classified by comedy, love and other different types.Ad groups can expand the amount of footage resources, and you can use different ads to more accurately match the people you need.The ad group feature is now randomly posted on 50% of Google Ads accounts and will cover all accounts over the next month.
New location reporting
Currently, when you've run an app campaign, you can select Report in the Information Center and see Where your app campaign appears to see where your ads appear.
Open Exploration places for app campaigns

Google's Discovery page explores new and interesting content for nearly 800 million monthly active users, such as global news, sports, music, hand trips, and more.In the near future, this important layout will be open to app campaigns.Explore the ads in the layout to deepen the impression of more potential users with the app's products through high relevance and outstanding visuals.
Open campaigns at the top of YouTube search results

YouTube, which has more than 2 billion active users for more than 2 billion months, is open to app campaigns from now on in the upper-level search results on the mobile side.This will help you present highly relevant app ads to your target users in an important position on YouTube.
Exposure on your iOS browser is about to increase
App campaigns will get more in search results on the iOS mobile web browser. Other than thatFuture app downloads from your iOS browser and in-app conversion events will be reflected in your ad campaign reports.More data feedback will help you improve your ad performance through data analytics to reach more people who are interested in your app.
Enjoy es a sea
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