Learn English words in digital advertising and marketing in half an hour (by nine segments)

Editor's note:Song Xing, founder of Web Analytics in China (WeChat ID: Chinawebanalytics), authorised DoMarketing-Marketing think tank to publish this article, which is not authorized to be reproduced.

This paper from the "most basic nouns; data analysis terms; Internet and Internet marketing analysis technology field; traffic and user behavior field nouns; strategy and operation; Internet advertising nouns; effect marketing nouns; mobile common nouns; enterprises, organizations and products" nine aspects of digital marketing, advertising often involved in the field of hundreds of English proprietary terms, is in the field of Internet marketing essential toolkit, please take away and share. The following is the body:

Part 1

The most basic noun

ROI:Short for Return Of Investment. Generally speaking, the word of of of should be lowercritten, so ROI seems to be RoI, but everyone agrees that it doesn't have to be true. ROI is a key indicator of typical marketing in the pursuit of the effect category. In China, this value generally refers to how much I spend on promotional fees and how much sales I directly generate. For example, it cost 10,000 yuan to promote SEM and sold 30,000 yuan directly. ROI is considered to have done 3 (i.e. 3:1).

Impression:"Exposure", also known as "show" or "display", is a measure of the number of times an ad is displayed, and how many times an ad is displayed, it counts. For example, if you open a page on Sina, all the ads above are "displayed" 1 time, adding 1 Impression per ad.

Click:Clicks are the number of times an ad has been clicked by an Internet user.

CTR:Click Through Rate, click-through rate. is to divide click by the scale of impression.

CPM:Cost Per Mille, this time actually omitted impression, the full text should be cost per mille impression. Mille means a thousand, and in English it is used only with per, that is, per mille, which means "every thousand..." in Chinese. So CPM is the cost per thousand impressions.

CPC:Cost Per Click, the cost per click.

Ads:It's the English pluration of advertising (nouns). Ads - Advertisements. If it's "advertising" (a verb), you should use Advertising.

SEM:Short for Search Engine Marketing. It's search engine marketing. In China, however, SEM actually refers only to PPC. But SEM is actually the collective called PPC and SEO. What PPC and SEO are, as explained below.

PPC:Short for Pay Per Click. Generally refers to the search engine's paid bidding ranking advertising promotion form, because search engine bidding ranking only one way to charge, that is, pay per click. Although there are other forms of advertising that are also charged by clicks, they are generally not called PPC, but CPC, or Cost Per Click. Why? It seems to be a convention.

SEO:Short for Search Engine Optimization. Is search engine optimization, especially the search engine search results natural ranking optimization. The so-called natural ranking is the ranking that can be obtained without paying the search engine. It's certainly good to be in front of search engines without spending money, but everyone (every site) thinks so, so it's hard to get ahead. Master who understands this field can make a lot of money in the past, but today SEO is getting more and more short-term results, so it is more and more difficult to make quick money through SEO.

Social:Socialization is short for social marketing or social media, whichever of the two depends on the occasion. Social media, in China used to be Renren, Happy Net and so on, is now WeChat, Weibo, picture sharing and other website applications.

WA:An abbreviation for Web Analytics. It's website analysis.

DA:An abbreviation for Digital Marketing Analytics. Digital marketing analytics.

Part 2

The field of data analysis

Dimension:Dimension. Dimensions are different aspects, characteristics, or attributes of a thing. That's too abstract. Simply put, people can be divided into men and women, gender is a dimension of human beings. Or the car can be divided into white, black, red and so on, color is a dimension of the car. Dimensions are the most basic data structures, and any measure (indicator) must be attached to a specific dimension to make sense. For example, when I say visit- 100, it doesn't make any sense. I said that search engines bring visit to my website, 100, it has meaning. Search engine traffic is the specific value of the dimension (i.e., the source of traffic) (just as men are the specific value of the dimension of gender).

Metric(commonly used as a plulu number, or Metrics): usually translated as a measure or indicator, but because indicators are broader in meaning, such as KPIs or benchmarks can be called indicators, in my training metrics are expressed as measures, which is more rigorous. The vast majority of measurements can be expressed in numbers, such as the speed of a car, and speed is a measure. The measures involved in the course fall into two categories, one is the counting measure (e.g. common PV, UV, visit, dwell time, etc.) and the composite measure (two measures are four operations, the common conversion rate, jump rate, retention rate, activity rate, etc.). Other metrics are represented by Boolean quantities, i.e. yes or no. Measures must be dependent on dimensions to make sense.

Unique:Unique refers to scheduling (excluding duplication). Unique is rarely used alone and is commonly used in front of count class measures, such as unique visitor, which refers to the number of visitors excluding repeated counts of the same visitor - the same person to the site once today, again tomorrow, not just two people, unique visitor is still 1. Unique visitor can usually be simplified to visitor, and both can be universal. Unique visitor and unique user are the only two measures that can be counted as unique without unique. Another example is unique impression, where the same person sees the same ad multiple times, or is calculated as 1 time. Unique impression and impression are two different measures because the latter are not scheduled.

Benchmark:When I was in college, the word was translated as "calibration ratio is super", which is really a feeling of uncertainty. Benchmark is "a reference value that can be used as a comparison." Many of my clients will ask, what is the average of this indicator in the industry? Their question can be expressed in the same way: What is the benchmark of this indicator in the industry?

Pattern:A pattern or pattern that recurs. Pattern is often used to discover certain convergence characteristics in user behavior. For example, we found that users like to open an app between 10 and 11 p.m., which is a pattern.

Random:Random number, or randomness. But foreigners also use it to describe "chaos" and the like.

Cohort:It's hard to translate, it's hard to describe, and I'll translate it as a "queue" for the time being. It's a bit like Segmentation, but it means a little more, a little more queuing. Cohort is generally an analytical method, so it is not usually out alone, but with analysis, that is, cohort analysis.

Filter:Filter. Filtering is about discarding unwanted data and leaving only what you need. Filtering is subject to certain rules (which is nonsense), and filtered data is often not retrieved. Filtering is a common way to locate a segment, unlike segmentation, which divides the population into segments side by side, while Filter retains only rule-compliant blocks and discards other non-rule-compliant blocks.

Segmentation:Segmentation. This is our most basic method, that is, the whole according to a certain rule into several pieces side by side. Once you've done the segmentation, each block is a segment. So segmentation and segment are not synonyms.

Part 3

Internet and Internet marketing analysis technology

Cookie:Cookies don't Chinese really translate, cookies are a small TXT file that the web server places in your computer's (or mobile device's) browser while you're browsing the web. This file contains an anonymous ID identifying you as a person, as well as something related to the website you visit, so that the next time you visit the site, the cookie will know you're here again and remember some of the status or settings of your last visit. Cookies and things like cookies are one of the most important technologies in Internet marketing, and almost all the work of identifying and tagging people requires cookie and cookie-like technology.

Deep link:There is no Chinese direct noun, I think directly called "deep chain" OK, but can not be called "inner chain", the latter is another thing. Deep link has a long history of linking links to the site's inner pages (i.e., non-home pages) called deep links, but soon after the meaning of the word deep link disappeared because such links were so common that they did not need to be expressed in a specific noun. But with the admin of mobile apps, deep link is also "hui( hui) and then (fu) (ran)," referring to links that link directly to the app's inner screen (similar to the site's inner page) across the app's first screen.

Link Tag:Link Tag refers specifically to a tag that is added after the URL of the traffic source to indicate the name and properties of the traffic source. The most typical link tag is a tag in the UTM format of Google Analytics. It is now standard for paying media (ad traffic for money).

Heat map:Heat map. Mark on a diagram which parts of the diagram are getting more attention. Attention can be vision, mouse clicks, or finger-pointing. Heat maps are a good visualization tool for behavioral statistics research. Everyone can understand things, but with good to level.

JavaScript:JS, the program on the website page, can make the page in addition to displaying content, but also to achieve more program operation and functions. The web site analysis tool monitoring code is the JS code, the JS code deployed in the page you want to monitor, you can be on the page of the interactive access behavior of the user to the corresponding data analysis tool's server, so as to obtain the desired user data.

Attribution:Attribution. But in fact the word is better translated as "belonging". Attribution refers to the extent to which factors should play a role in a result caused by a combination (or seine) effect of multiple factors, i.e., "how credit should be distributed and to whom". The model built to solve the attribution problem is called the attribution model, which is the attribution modeling. But I've always had the pity that the word wasn't translated well, and it might be easier to understand by translating it into a attribution model.

Path:Path. Any series of events or behaviors that constitute order can be described as paths. Path analysis is also a commonly used method of analysis.

UID:Is an abbreviation for User Identity, or User ID.

Bots:Robot. Non-human traffic is called machine traffic, or bots traffic. Bots is one of the main creators of fake traffic on the Internet.

Spider:Often translated as spiders, spiders are an automated program, its role is to access the collection and organize the Internet web pages, pictures, videos and other content. Baidu spiders, for example, will crawl back all kinds of Content on the Internet and set up index databases in categories, so that users can search baidu search engine for the content they want.

IP:is an abbreviation for Internet Protocol (Internet Protocol). An IP address is an address assigned to each host connected to the Internet that used to determine that different access behaviors belonged to the same person (because access was generated by the same IP record). However, due to a variety of dynamic IP and virtual IP technologies, it is no longer feasible to use it to determine the number of users.

Tracking:Translation as tracking, is the data analysis tool to track the user's various behavior "tracking", all the user's online behavior can be tracked. The word "supervisor" of the word monitoring is tracking. And "measurement" is measurement. So to monitor this Chinese word, the most accurate translation is tracking and measurement. Monitoring needs to be done with some technical means, one of the core techniques being tracking code, a string of programs that can perform monitoring functions (many of which are scripted, such as JavaScript).

Pixel:It means pixels, but in the field of monitoring, it's synonyms for tracking code.

VAST:That's Digital Video Ad Available Template. A basic protocol for implementing video procedural advertising. It is currently version 4.0.

Part 4

Nouns for traffic and user behavior

Bounce Rate:Bounce rate.

Referral:Translated as the source of the referral. In real life, if I recommend you to use a product, I'm the referral. In digital marketing, referral refers to other sites that bring traffic to my site, usually with links to my site. If there are no special tags (such as link tag tags) or not special traffic sources (such as search engines), most of the traffic sources are recorded as referral by the monitoring tool.

Retention:Refers to the user's retention. How to keep users is an important subject.

Engagement:There is no Chinese translation, which refers to the degree of interaction or engagement of users on a website or APP and can be combined with multiple metrics. For example, a website has a lot of interactive behavior, including downloading documents, watching videos, consulting, etc., then each interaction behavior will be assigned according to the property of each interaction, each user completes an interaction and give the corresponding value, so that you can judge the degree of interaction of different categories of users and the interaction differences between different pages. Engagement is similar to other nouns such as effectness, performance, and therefore, and is a generic noun.

Session:Session is actually the same thing as visit. Originally, all kinds of tools called a user's visit (website), but with the popularity of the app, the visit app sounds awkward (because we are all use apps), so the app does not exist visit, so use session instead. In order to uniformly express visit and session, some monitoring tools change the name of visit to session.

Visit:That is, access. Refers to a user's access to a website, usually in a 30-minute partition. If nothing happens on the site for more than 30 minutes, one visit ends.

Direct:Translated as direct access, such as a user entering a URL directly into a browser, or a user clicking directly on a URL in a favorite to access it, is recorded as a direct visit. In addition to the above, direct access to the website from the QQ client chat window or a link to the WeChat client is also recorded as direct access.

Exit:Exit, that is, the behavior of the user leaving the site or APP, the last page before the user leaves the site is called the exit page, and the last screen where the user leaves the APP is called the exit screen.

Part 5

Strategy and operations

Acquisition:Generally refers to user acquisition. It is widely used in user operations, and the first step in the operation of any product is to obtain users, such as the acquisition of promotional traffic on the web side, downloads of users in app promotion, etc.

Goal:The goal is to achieve some kind of effect, each site will have some interaction as the target, such as clicking on the download instruction manual, login, registration, submission of orders, etc. Then we can target these, and then another concept is introduced here: conversion. Each time you complete the above goals, you can be considered to complete a conversion.

KBR:Key Business Requirement. Key business needs. is the most critical business goal of a business. KBR determines the other goals of an enterprise and how we should set the goals for digital marketing and what metrics or KPIs should be used for those goals.

KPI:Key Performance Indicator, short for Key Performance Indicator, is one of the most important measures of business performance. Different business objectives, different businesses, and different KPIs. How to set up KPIs is a technology and a science.

Part 6

Nouns in the field of Internet advertising

Display Ads:Show ads. Display ads mainly refer to static image ads, animated ads, and rich media ads (that is, flash god horse that can interact). This form of advertising and text advertising (that is, the text chain) and video patch advertising form is side by side with different types of advertising forms.

Banner:Broadly speaking, it is the general meaning of image or animation display ads. The meaning of the word originated when large banners with slogans were pulled from the parades on the streets, which later spread to Internet advertisers and were synonymed with display ads.

Pre-roll:Also known as pre-roll ads, that is, front patch ads. It's a 120-second video ad from 10 seconds before the video plays.

Content Feeds:Streaming ads. The flow of information (primarily on social networking sites and apps) is a top-down flow of content arranged side by side like a waterfall stream, and the flow of information is inserted in the same form as the form of information content, which is the form of information flow advertising.

Native Ads:Native ads, in layman's terms, look like normal content on a website or app. Native ads tend to be confused with streaming ads, but they're not the same thing. Native advertising can be implemented using information flow, but it's not limited to that.

Reach:The crowd reached. If you do Internet advertising, how many people can make the ads touch is of concern to advertisers. Touch is actually equivalent to unique impression, so it's not a verb, but a noun, a measure of how many people an ad touches.

Coverage:Crowd coverage. It's very similar to touch, but it's a little more vague. Often expressed as a percentage, for example, if the number of people who want to reach is 100 million, and the actual reach is 60 million, then coverage is about 60%. Coverage is not a measure, but a convention.

Viewability:Ad visibility. In the past when the exposure of statistical ads, do not consider whether the ads are really seen, so some ads in a very long page of the second screen or more behind the position, and a classmate only looked at the first screen left the case, this advertisement is actually not in the screen at all, this classmate simply can not see this advertisement. Without considering viewability, the ad still has an additional exposure, and if viewability is considered, the ad does not have one exposure.

Pre-click:Click on the previous stage. Refers to the relevant user behavior of the traffic portal (especially the advertisement) before being clicked by the user (including the click itself) and the corresponding marketing monitoring and analysis system.

Post-click:Click on the post-stage. Refers to the relevant user behavior after the traffic entry is clicked by the user, that is, the corresponding marketing monitoring and analysis system.

Fraud:Cheating, there is also a more popular way of writing that is cheating, but fraud in particular refers to traffic cheating. Anti-cheating is anti-fraud. Another counterword similar to fraud is spam, which is spam, spam, spam, and so on.

Campaign:It is particularly difficult to find an accurate chinese noun, to the good end of a marketing campaign with beginnings and ends. There is a beginning, refers to the marketing campaign is from a rigorous planning and detailed implementation plan to start, there is the end, refers to the marketing campaign has a clear end of the implementation of the node. So a marketing "guerrilla war" can't be called a campaign, nor can a marketing practice (such as an SEM launch) that almost never stops.

Audience:Audience. is the viewer of the advertisement.

Target Audience:Target audience. Anyone can see your ads, but only the right people will buy your goods. So the right person is your target audience, the group you want to reach the most.

Effectiveness:Effect. This is a key indicator for advertisers to evaluate the quality of branding ads. The effect has a wide range of meanings and may vary between different campaign targets. For example, a coverage of the population that can be reached can be an effect, or whether people really recognize your brand is also known as an effect. Similarly, people also use performance to indicate the good or bad of marketing, the two are synonyms, but not exactly the same. Performance tends to have a specific effect on actual output and is often translated as "performance", such as how many clicks the campaign generates, how many transactions are generated, and so on. As a result, effectiveness is more abstract and is almost only mentioned in branding, while performance is more specific and more common in effect class promotion.

Efficiency:Efficiency, i.e. the cost (including money and time) of achieving an effect. Brand promotion marketing is commonly used, and the effect promotion class is rarely mentioned.


Awareness:Awareness of the brand or product. The primary purpose of advertising is to make consumers aware of the existence of your brand or goods, to put it actually is to fight for the existence of a sense. If you look at the recent intensive release of mobile phones in various news and e-commerce apps, you can see how important awareness is to advertisers.

Buzz:Consumers or netizens for brands, products and other advertisers care about things made on the Internet a variety of voices. With IWOM is a meaning. Buzz is a buzz like a fly bee, and countless internet users make comments online every day that God sees as a fly bee buzzing.

IWOM:Short for Internet Word of Mouth. That is, network word-of-mouth.

Survey:Research. The word is an interesting word, mainly in its pronunciation. When you make a noun, you ˈsəːveɪ in front of you - səˈveɪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ePR:PR over the Internet.

IP:Intellectual Property, i.e. intellectual property. It's the original, intellectual property stuff that used to be said. The word that now appears every day in all kinds of spoken language and reports refers to all kinds of content created on the Internet. For example, my public lesson can also be called IP. Papi Sauce's Net Red Video? Of course it is!

Minisite/Microsite:There is no corresponding Chinese noun, and people never describe it in Chinese. This refers to a campaign site that is specifically tailored for the campaign and is not large either small, so it is called mini or micro.

Programmatic:Programd (advertising). A revolutionary way of advertising works.

DSP:Demand Side Platform (demand side platform). The ad delivery management system platform for programd ads and the corresponding service providers.

SSP:Supply Side Platform (supplier platform). Programd advertising advertising advertising resource management system platform and the corresponding service providers.

RTB:Real Time Bidding is one of the most important ways to program advertising and the theoretical best way to realize your advertising resources.

Bid/Bidding:Bidding. Search engine PPC ads, or RTB ads, all require bidding. Similar to an auction, but with pre-conditions, it needs to be implemented through a program.

Bidder:Bidder is the bidder, and in the context of PPC advertising, bidder is the operator of a regular SEM. In the context of procedural advertising, bidder is typically a DSP service provider.

DMP:Data Management Platform, data management platform. Programmatic advertising is a data platform that you need to rely on to achieve targeted audiences.

Verification:Refers to the verification of an ad. There are two types of validation, one is to verify that the ad was 3ded and what the environment in which the ad was placed after it was placed. What is the environment in which the ad is located? For ads on the PC web, the environment is the site and the page where the ads are specifically hosted. The other category is to verify that the people ad reach are not as good as expected.

Part 7

Nouns in the field of effect marketing

Conversion Rate:Conversion rate. Refers to the ability to convert from traffic to actual sales. It's the same as ROI in nature. "Only ROI measures the ratio of cash (revenue) to cash (expenses), while conversion rates measure the ratio of the number of sales to the number (or number of times) they enter the sales funnel."

Churn 和 Churn Rate:Customer churn and churn rates. There is this metric for all businesses that need to be repeated (or paid) as much as possible. As you can see by name, this measure is used to describe the loss of a customer.

SERP:Search Engine Result Page. is the search results page of the search engine.

Search Query:The user's search term. Words that people fill in various search boxes, such as search engines, can be unstructured and very casual. Keyword, on the other hand, is a keyword set by advertisers who use search engine bid rankings.

Keyword:Advertisers who use search engine bid rankings set keywords that are more structured and standardized. These words can't exhaust the user's search queries, so search engines transform the user's search queries into keywords that are closest to them (but if they really are the closest, only search engines know) and then display the results of the search.

Organic Search:A natural search traffic source, that is, traffic generated by a user clicking on a natural search result, rather than clicking on a Spot Rank (PPC).

Affiliate Marketing:Sometimes it's referred to directly as Affiliate. The word has no corresponding noun in China and is translated as "co-marketing" in Taiwan, but the translation still seems inexplicable. Affiliate marketing is a typical sales model - your stuff, how much I sell for you, how much you give me a percentage. On the Internet, affiliate marketing becomes I help you draw traffic, I give you traffic if there is a conversion, you give me a percent. Domestic billion hair, collar, etc. is to do the affiliate marketing of the special platform.

EDM:Email Direct Marketing, short for e-mail marketing, is a marketing method that uses e-mail to communicate commercially with your audience, and e-mail marketing is one of the oldest methods of online marketing.

Performance:Performance, i.e. "results" through marketing. ROI is a typical performance, and so is sales.

GMV:Gross Merchandise Volume. This is often used by e-commerce words, written is "gross sales", in fact, is the sale of running water. Of course, selling running water doesn't equal the last money you make. GMV s1 Sales s2 Cancel order amount s3 Rejected order amount s4 Return order amount. GMV is running water, as long as you place an order, generate an order number, even if the GMV. The actual revenue from this order into the platform will also have 2, 3, 4 of these losses. After the order regret to cancel the order, the order sent to you regret to reject the order, after signing the order regret to return (this step is different e-commerce platform calculation method is not the same, some platforms are regardless of return or not return are found into the sales). All in all, it's hard, the GMV numbers are big, they look good, and we're the easiest to monitor, so that's the most commonly used.

AOV:Average Order Value. Average order price.

Monetization:Cashing out.

MRR:Monthly Reoccurring Revenue, which translates as monthly revenue, is actually the monthly fee that users pay. For example, I had a $158 monthly phone package, and for telecommunications companies, I contributed $158 to them.

Part 8

Commonly used on the mobile side

Screen:If the web side uses page view to record the number of times a page has been viewed, then screen is the page of the app, and screen view is the number of page views of the app. But because screen doesn't have page, it's represented by screen. I don't know what Chinese nouns should correspond to, or should I use "screen display"? I believe you understand anyway.

DAU:An abbreviation for Daily Active User ,which typically counts the number of users who sign in or use a product within a day (statistical day) (removes users who log on repeatedly) and is an important measure of the user stickiness of a product.

MAU:The concept of Monthly Active User (number of monthly active users) is similar to DAU and differs from the time span. In addition to measuring user stickiness, MAU can also analyze product decline cycles.

H5:it's short for HTML5. It implements functions similar to Flash (for animation and various cool human-computer interfaces, etc.), but with greater compatibility, scalability, stability, and security than Flash, because the technology is an extension of HTML, not a separate creation like Flash. Major Internet companies, including Adobe (the owner of Flash), have joined in supporting H5, which has almost completely replaced Flash on the mobile side.

ASO:App Store Optimization. Narrowly referred to as optimization work for app rankings in the Apple App Store. Broadly speaking, it refers to the optimization of all application markets. Similar to SEO, it's all ranking optimization, but the object of optimization becomes the application market.

LBS:Location Base Service, location-based service.

Part 9

Enterprises, organizations and products

Google Analytics:Google Analytics, or GA for short, is the world's largest user of the site and APP traffic user behavior monitoring and analysis tools.

Universal Analytics:The paid version of Google Analytics has basically the same functionality, but with fewer data limitations.

GTM:Google Tag Manager is Google's platform tool for managing advertising, monitoring, and analyzing code on web pages.

DCM:Referred to as DoubleClick Campaign Manager (the new version of DoubleClick for Advertisers 7), DCM is a comprehensive solution for managing and serving ads, from ad planning, management, targeting, serving, optimization to generating reports. Almost all metrics, such as impression and click, can be monitored through it.

AdWords:Google Adwords, the keyword bidding system of Google's search engine, charges per click (CPC).

AdSense:Google Adsense, or Google, is an Internet advertising service launched by Google's Alliance of Web Owners ,referred to as Publishers, which uses programs to analyze the content of websites and run ads related to their content.

DAA:Digital Analytics Association, Data Analytics Association. The Internet Marketing Data Analysis Industry Association of the United States, known as the Global Association, but its main charters and members are in the United States and have less influence over other countries.

IAB:Interactive Advertising Bureau, the U.S. Bureau of Interactive Advertising, is also a DAA-like trade association, focusing on digital advertising. The association is in the United States, but has a huge influence on digital advertising around the world, especially in standards and technology.

DoMarketing - Marketing think tank: The only official public number on the marketing think tank website.

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