Foreign trade dry goods . . How do B2B companies leverage Facebook marketing? (Scientific Internet tool collection)
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In fact, Facebook can be a "lonely place" for B2B marketers, says the vice president of marketing at a US marketing technology company. "
The secret to B2B's successful marketing on Facebook: use it as a network to connect customers, that is, to connect people. Even if your business is for other companies, such as selling air conditioners to real estate developers, there is still one person (or group of people) who has completed the purchase. Think differently - even for B2B, the goal is to attract the living.
Facebook, meanwhile, is a busy place. It has a bigger population than any other country in the world except China and India. According to Facebook, its "citizens" are very active, visiting the site an average of 40 times a month for an average of 23 minutes per visit. This means that B2B marketers may compete with more compelling things, such as photos, party invitations, and the way a handsome guy from high school is now.
Still, B2B companies can make good use of Facebook. Here are five ways to use Facebook to increase engagement and customers. The first and most important thing about any of the following is that your company must have a company page, not just a profile.
Getting potential customers to "like" your page is critical to engaging them further. Typically, less than 1% of your Facebook followers visit your company's page again, but if they "like" your company, they can find out what's going on with your company through an automated news feed. Your Facebook page will be the foundation for building awareness and trust. In addition, it will serve as a platform for content sharing, including promotional information and special offers to customers. It's also a good idea to provide registration forms, contact numbers, and links to company websites to convert potential customers faster.
A risk management firm in St. John's, Newfoundland, does a good job of that. It offers free and informative e-books that users only need to fill out contact information to obtain. Once visitors "like" the page, they will be directed to an embedded application form, leaving their contact details, and an e-book will be emailed.
Regularly share content on Facebook, such as e-books, white papers, and webinars. Emphasize the usefulness and validity of the content with links and summaries in the body, rather than giving "Register now!" command.
Social media marketing company Involver communicates its brand value on Facebook through videos, PDF documents from Facebook's success story collection, and customer identities. It also has a clear sign of attracting new customers - the newsletter subscription logo.
If the prizes are picked right, it's a great way to attract fans. What kind of sweepstakes work is useful for B2B companies with a specific customer base? Eloqua asked itself, and in turn launched a project with Empire Avenue, a virtual stock exchange, where users who "like" Eloqua will be eligible to participate in the game site raffle and receive virtual currency.
One piece of advice: Read Facebook's promotion guidelines before you launch any Facebook contest or sweepstakes. Offer must be managed as a separate page. Information about sweepstakes or notifications to winners can be placed on the Canvas page, or on the page tab, but not as an entry placed on Facebook's main wall.
Facebook uses an algorithm called EdgeRank to bury boring content and determine which content will automatically appear in news feeds. Therefore, it's critical to place interactive and visible content on your Facebook page, such as useful and creative content, or private or interesting events that are sometimes hyped up. Make sure that the content you place is compelling, attractive, and relevant to the interests of your target customer base.
● Ask open-ended questions to increase interaction.
Provide truly valuable information, not sell ads.
Post for different platforms at different points in the day (don't post automatically or post the same content on multiple platforms).
The maximum number of posts posted is up to 1 to 2 posts per day.
EdgeRank gives videos and photos more weight than this text, so you'd better tell a story in a more intuitive way. By the way, don't forget the weekend: it's the best time to attract fans who can't get online on weekdays.
Embedding gadgets and plug-ins into your company's website can also increase user interactivity. Integrate your Facebook sharing identity into your site's homepage and emails to customers, making it easy for your customers to share offers with friends to increase your visibility.

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