What should I do if my Facebook ad account is blocked?

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No matter what product you're selling, using Facebook ads to promote it is a great choice. But at the same time, let everyone more irritable is the advertising account was blocked the problem. Because no matter how careful you are, you will often be accidentally blocked for violations. It is almost impossible to avoid the question.
Well, now that the account has been closed, isn't it business? Not to kill you, will only make you stronger. So we have to find a variety of ways to hope to restore the account, the most direct is livechat directly to customer service, but the weekend can not be contacted. Link here: https://www.facebook.com/business/resources.
If you need livechat customer service, please click Get Started in Active Support at the bottom of the page to follow the instructions step by step and, if it's weekday, you can ask livechat customer service.
Facebook Customer Service Hotline (mainline and straight line)
Main line: 650-543-4800 ,
Line: 1-650-853-1300-1-650-308-7300.
(Note: Both the main line and the straight line are machine recordings with no human service)
Use the Facebook Help Center.
Contact Facebook through the community.
Facebook has created a community for users.(https://www.facebook.com/help/community)
Title of education and training.
Well, let's talk about what if your Facebook ad account is blocked. First, go to https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/through the platform advertising rules (which I'll summarize below) to see if your ads or operations have any rules that violate the platform, people, in case you make a mistake and don't learn from it, that's for living. If you look at the rules yourself and find yourself really in violation, learn from it, take a small book down (what I'm doing now), know what's wrong, go back to your advertising account, and modify the ads you don't pass.
Then contact customer service! In various ways (mail, livechat, phone, forum), first ask customer service what went wrong with your account or advertisement, why it was banned or disapproved, and then say that you then carefully study the rules, make changes, and must follow the rules of the platform in the future. Temporarily unable to contact customer service, continue to complain on the platform, if your ads do not pass, Facebook can let you fill out a form to appeal, the reasons written well, and constantly appeal. https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/1582364792025146.
What if I don't get in touch or if my complaint fails?The road or to go, life or to pass, the problem appeared, to solve the problem, see the trick.
1. Re-register a new ad account, preferably a business account,Note that with the new information.
Well, here's a summary of Facebook's Advertising Policy. (The same mistake, don't make it twice) learn and solve the problem. Perfect.
How long does facebook ad review take? Usually within 24 hours.
What do you want to review?
Ads for images, text, targeting, and positioning. In addition to the ad itself, the landing page to which your ad is linked will also be reviewed. Your ad may not be passed because your page is missing something, such as: your page must contain the relevant page of privaty policy, your page can not be logged in, or your page provides products and services that do not match the description in your advertisement.
Ads don't pass the review?
You can re-edit your ads and submit them again. If you still don't pass, you think you've been wronged, and you can appeal via this link below:https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/1582364792025146/
1. Advertising content must be in compliance with the Facebook and Instagram communities.Code.。
2. Advertising products must be legitimate products/services, and if you are promoting alcohol, the person serving must be over 21 years of age (in the United States, 21 years of age and older can only be legally drinking alcohol).
3. Advertising statements must not be based on any, race, creed, international, sticky, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, family status, physical condition, and genetic discrimination. For example, in advertising cases, do not use "You", which would make it easy to discriminate when cited as an example, preferably in the third person.
4. There can be no advertising related to the sale and use of tobacco.
5. Do not promote illegal drugs or prescription drugs.
6. Unsafe health products cannot be advertised.
7. Weapons, arms-related content cannot be publicized.
8. Adult services/products cannot be advertised. In addition to the prevalence of contraception or sexual safety knowledge.
9. There must be no pornography, such as nudity, or certain sexually suggestive movements.
10. The copyright, trademark, privacy and other intellectual property rights of third parties must not be infringed.
11. The content of violence cannot be publicized.
12. There can be no reference to the attributes or names of a particular person or category of persons. For example, "Billy Taylor, get this t-shirt with your name in print!" Can be changed to, "We print customizable t-shirts and stickers with your name." (This article may need to be noted, see https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/prohibited_content/personal_attributes)
13. Neither advertisements nor landing pages contain any false, exaggerated or misbooted content or offers. For example, Earn 15% profits every 2 weeks. This is not possible and can be changed to: "Earn profits every 2 weeks". For example, it's best not to have words like "Free Shipping" in your text. https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/prohibited_content/misleading_or_false_content.
14. Advertising cannot use controversial social or political issues for commercial purposes.
15. The landing page must be in accordance with what the advertisement says, must be accessible normally, and the drop page must not be a PDF or JPEG file. https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/prohibited_content/non_functional_landing_page.
16. No surveillance and eavesdropping instruments can be publicized.
17. Ads must not have obvious grammatical errors or garbled code, and must not have offending icons and actions. https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/prohibited_content/grammar.
18. You cannot include any pictures with incorrect boots. For example, if your picture has a play button but it doesn't actually play, that's not possible.
19. Advertisements should not have before-and-after photographs, or exaggerated photographs of efficacy. Ads for products such as health, weight loss and weight loss must be placed in people over the age of 18.
20. No short-term lending services can be advertised.
21. No MLM-related products and services can be advertised. Business models and products must be explained in detail.
22. Advertising cannot promote any related business model, such as a penny auction.
23. You cannot promote any services such as false documents, false academic qualifications, false passports, etc.
24. Landing pages must be relevant to your product, and landing pages must have a good browsing experience. Https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/prohibited_content/low_quality_or_disruptive_experiences.
25. Ads and landing pages cannot contain any computer viruses and surveillance software.
26. Ads cannot contain any autoplay audio and flash animations.
27. Advertisements cannot promote any unauthorized media content.
28. No trick can be used to try to circumvent Facebook's vetting mechanism.
29. No falsely directed or deceptive financial products can be promoted.
1. Alcohol-related.
Must comply with the policies and laws and regulations of the place of delivery. For example, some countries prohibit the promotion of alcohol-related products, for example.
Afghanistan, Brunei, Bangladesh, Egypt, Gambia, Kuwait, Libya, Lithuania, Norway, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Yemen。
2. Appointment service.
Promotional online dating services must be licensed in advance. https://www.facebook.com/business/help/143949649021372 must also be placed in people over the age of 18. https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/restricted_content/dating.
3. Gambling-related.
Advertising for gambling must be licensed in advance. It must also be placed in people over the age of 18.
4. Lotto.
Lotto ads must be placed in a legitimate area where the lotto is available.
5. Online pharmacy.
Prescription drugs cannot be advertised and must be approved in advance.
Health products.
Must be placed in people over 18 years of age.
7. Subscription services.
Ads about any subscription service, automatic update payment, etc. See https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/restricted_content/subscription_services.
Financial services.
Advertising about any financial and financial institution must detail information about fees, interest and transaction fee percentages on the landing page. Services related to lending cannot directly require users to enter financial information, such as credit card information.
9. Branded content.
Ads promoting branded content must tag the featured third party product, brand or business partner using the branded content tool. Branded content within ads is defined as a creator or publisher's content that features or is influenced by a business partner for an exchange of value. When promoting branded content integrations, advertisers must use the branded content tool (please learn more here on how to tag the featured third party product, brand or business partner).
Student loan services.
Ads promoting student loan services must be targeted to people 18 years or older. Ads must not promote misleading or deceptive services related to student loan consolidation, forgiveness, or refinancing.
Politically relevant.
Must comply with the relevant legal requirements.
12. Virtual currency-related offers.
Promotion of the relevant product must be approved in advance.
Alcohol and drug treatment centres.
In the case of delivery in the United States, prior permission is required.
1. Destructive content.
For example, you cannot have a flashing screen, etc.
2. Entertainment-related restrictions.
Content such as movie trailers, TV shows, video game trailers, etc. must be approved by Facebook in advance and must be available to audiences over the age of 18. In addition, too many of the following in the video will not be allowed:
1. Heavy drug and alcohol use.
2. Adults
3. Dirty words.
Violence and blood.
1. You may not use targeting options to intentionally incite, discriminate against and harass users.
2. When using Custom Audiences, please comply with the regulations. https://www.facebook.com/ads/manage/customaudiences/tos.php?_=_
1. Related.
The text, images and related content of the ad must match the people who serve it.
2. Accurate.
Ads must accurately and clearly express the company's products/services.
3. Related landing pages.
Products and services advertised must be consistent with the content of the guided landing page, which must not contain any prohibited products and services.
The text in the image ad.
Too much text in your image may keep your ads out of reach or reach fewer people. Make sure that the text on the picture accounts for less than 20% of the total.
Advertisers cannot use form ad questions to request and direct audiences to provide the following information without prior permission:
1. Account number.
Including: telephone account, etc.
Criminal records.
Financial information.
Includes bank account, credit card number, credit score, income, debt, etc.
Important documents.
Including Social Security number, passport number, driver's license, etc.
5. Health information.
Including physical and psychological, mental condition, medical records, etc.
6. Insurance information.
Including the current health insurance number and so on.
Political leanings.
8. Race and ethnicity.
Sexual orientation.
11. Template issues.
12. Guild members.
About the status of guild members, etc.
13. Username and password.
Read more about Facebook Brand Resource Center and Instagram Brand Resource Center when your ad includes the Facebook or Instagram brand.
1. Brand endorsement.
Ads can't imply any endorsement of Facebook or Instagram or endorsements from Facebook-related brands or endorsements of Facebook Company.
2. Brand use.
Any content in the ad that directs to Facebook or Instagram (including Pages, groups, events or sites use Facebook Login) must be included in the text of the ad indicating reference to "Facebook" or "Instagram"
Copyright and trademarks.
Do not use logos on facebook and Instagram in your ads unless pre-authorized.
Facebook Brand Resource Center and the Instagram Brand Resource Center
4. Screenshot of the user interface.
When advertising involves the Facebook, Messenger or Instagram user interface, it must detail and match the features and appearance of the actual use process.
Facebook Brand Guidelines or Instagram Brand Guidelines
Data usage restrictions.
1. Make sure that the data collected in any advertisement is shared only with the service you represent. It is your responsibility to confirm that your service provider protects Facebook's advertising data and any data obtained from advertising, restricts their access, and ensures the confidentiality and security of your data.
2. Do not use Facebook advertising data to do anything illegal.
3. Do not use Facebook ad data to modify user accounts.
4. Don't transfer Facebook ad data to other ad networks.
https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms other legal provisions.
Advertisers are responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Non-compliance can have a variety of consequences, including canceling your ads and terminating your account.
Facebook does not use sensitive personal data for ad targeting. The ad theme you choose does not reflect the personal beliefs, characteristics, or values of Facebook or Instagram.
Once displayed, the ad is public information. Ads can be re-shared and accessed outside of the target audience, including from the Facebook page or Facebook product where the ad is running. If a user already interacts with your ad, your ad may remain on the Facebook product (for example, share until the user deletes it or is visible to the user through their account tool). If your ad is a political ad, it will appear in our ad profile. This means that Facebook may display (free for you) and provide access to ad content and ideas, as well as information about ad campaigns (such as total spending and delivery data) within seven (7) years of the order's completion. Facebook may disclose the content of your ads and all information related to your ads to government entities or agencies if Facebook believes such disclosures will facilitate a legitimate investigation.
If you manage ads on behalf of other advertisers, each advertiser or customer must manage them through a separate ad account. You may not change the advertiser or customer associated with an established advertising account; It is your responsibility to ensure that each advertiser complies with these advertising policies.
We reserve the right to refuse, approve or delete any advertisement for any reason, at our sole discretion, including advertisements that negatively affect our relationship with our users, or advertise content, services or activities that violate our competitive position, interests or advertising philosophy.
Facebook or Facebook may grant these licenses to policies that require prior written permission.
These policies are subject to change without notice.
Don't upload ads that don't pass multiple times (the system will think you've been out of compliance many times and automatically lock your account)
You may not use facebook asset, such as logo;
In the case of special items such as tobacco and alcohol, it is important to ensure that the audience meets the age rules;
Do not include content about sexual violence;
Do not include statements such as "Free Shipping";
Do not include before and aftere comparisons;
If it's not a video, don't put the playback key in.
If the picture text too much, may not pass, the text more then the people will be less, and spend more.
Sign up for multiple ad accounts to manage different pages and use different payment sources.
Remove the disapproved account so as not to affect future audits;
Try to use Business Account, you can connect 5 Ads and Pages at the same time, the new account first run a simple sure through the ads, and then slowly do important delivery.
For questions, it's best to contact customer service at https://www.facebook.com/business/resources.
I hope you do not encounter account closure and other issues, if encountered, do not panic, encounter problems, solve problems, life but so, easy point.
Sweep code consultation open an account immediately.
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Pandas go out to sea.Generation.Twitter: 'I'm not going to say i'm not going to do it'such as corporate advertising accounts, covering the current foreign market mainstream media.
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