Use Google search ads to run online red product cases
We usually use Facebook ads to run online red products, so if you use Google search ads to try, how effective?
I run below the product A, is an electronic household products, the product price of 30 dollars, express cost is 13 dollars (shipping from China, e-mail treasure), 16 dollars (U.S. shipping, ups), of course, there is a U.S. warehouse, this focus must be highlighted in the description.
Product page is optimized under, 6 product main map, product description contains 5 static pictures, 2 gif dynamic pictures, 6 small text details description.
Because Google search ads traffic is more accurate than display ads, I use Google search ads to run here first.
Before I add a search campaign, I need to use Google Keyword Planner to do a preliminary analysis of the keywords I want to serve.
The search volume of the main keyword is 4400 per month, peak time can reach 13,000 search volume, the top bid (low range) is 0.12 dollars, the top bid (high range) is 0.25 dollars, then will add a few long tail keywords for accurate delivery.
The top bid estimate is still relatively low, according to the 5% order conversion rate, 100 click out of 5 orders, I directly bid 0.3 dollars, 100 click advertising costs are 30 knives, 5 single sales are 150 knives, minus costs and advertising costs, net profit is 40 knives.
Click To add a campaign, and then target Sales.
Campaign type Select Search Ads,
Select Site Visits and enter the product's URL
The campaign name can be filled in by itself (visitors can't see it), I suggest ticking the "include google search network partner" above, google's search network partner includes and other third-party size search engine platform.
Or either you can check it, because Google search itself is massive enough.
Click Expand more settings and you can set the start and introduction dates of your ads, your ad's tracking URL (if you're using a third-party tracking tool), and your dynamic search ad settings (it's not recommended to run dynamic search blindly here).
Geographical location, choose the United States, because I have this product has the United States warehouse, the main force is also to promote the United States.
Language, choose English.
Audience, search ads do not actually have to set the audience, because we are mainly based on keywords to accurately target, set the audience will greatly reduce the exposure of ads.
Budget, here's the daily budget, up front, $15 a day.
Bids, because ads don't have any data at the time, are not recommended for Conversions and Conversion Value because Google can't automatically optimize them.
My suggestion is to choose "clicks" and make a bid that you can afford.
Or if you want to grab the first page ranking, just select "show share", and then select "absolute top of the results page", but note that after selecting "show share", your ad will run out of the cpc will be very high, usually a few dollars a click.
ps: If you want to make adjustments to your search ad bid, be sure to click "Keywords" and then make bid adjustments for each keyword, and I've made bid adjustments throughout my campaign before, and found that it didn't work at all, spending more than a hundred more knives in vain.
Then click "More Settings" and we can set up conversion settings, specific time periods for ad serving, and ad rotation.
Then set up ad extension, this I stressed many times, additional information is necessary to fill in, not only can increase the click-through rate, but also can reduce the cost of advertising cpc.
Then is to enter the key words to be put, I selected a total of 9 broad keywords, why not choose exactly match keywords in the early stage, both worried about traffic can not come in, while worried about missing a lot of accurate long-tail keywords.
Below is to fill in the ad file, you can see the right side will have a prompt, ask you to add more than one unique title, the title to contain popular keywords, content description is also unique.
About how to write advertising, in fact, the simple and effective way is to refer to competitors, whether it is the competitors who run ads or not to run ads of competitors, take its essence to its dross, of course, but also combined with their own product characteristics, more from the product title and description of the inside pick.
I've added 10 titles, 4 descriptions here, and then look at "Advertising Effectiveness" on the right.
Here, too, adaptive search ads, we have to add at least three ads to have the best results.
Google advertising also has a learning process, generally 7 days, and the initial keyword quality score will be relatively low, generally 1-5 points is the most common, with the growth of advertising time, quality score will gradually improve.
In the next few days, this ad I am directly bid to the "top of the page", because the process of waiting for traffic to come in is relatively slow, do not want to wait, did not expect to finally run out of the cpc2.28 dollars, but converted 4 single, advertising costs 32 dollars, sales of $120, net profit of $32, just half.
Summary: Sometimes google search advertising testing process is still very simple, as long as to test, nothing but three results, profit, loss, break-even, but if it is profitable advertising, we can continue to invest, and then look for the next profitable product.
ps:October's independent site promotion coaching (selection, site building, Google ads, Google seo, Facebok ads) will officially start at 9 a.m. on October 9th, the registration price is 1500 yuan, the validity is:Life-long valid, stay tuned!

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