Get started! Facebook automates ad management tools to free up people

Ad Asset Management (Advertising Account/BM/Home)
Advertisers can use BM to manage assets such as home pages and add workers to manage their business together. Most of the asset rights involved in running ads require management authorization in BM.
Pixels (Pixel, used to track ad performance)
Catalog (Catalog, used to manage items placed)
audience and so on

Automatic rules (the system periodically checks campaigns, ad groups, and ads, sends notifications according to pre-set rules, or automatically makes ad adjustments)
Copy ads across accounts
Advanced and efficient tools such as bulk budget modification
To assist sellers to get started after more in-depth optimization means
So this tool is really good for a lot of people who want to do it, and the main reason I'm introducing this article today isAt present, the system is open to the public free of charge。

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