Four strategies to adjust Facebook's ad performance measurement sits in difficult times
The new crown outbreak is affecting people's lifestyles and habits, as well as the way businesses serve users around the world. Everything has changed dramatically, from the daily life of individuals to the global supply chain. Businesses have also been affected in many ways, including budget spending and marketing strategies on media platforms: about 89 percent of advertisers said they adjusted their advertising budgets because of the new crown outbreak, and 45 percent said they adjusted the type of media they run or adjusted their budget allocations across different media types.
We recommend that businesses adjust their media strategies and identify their most valuable campaigns if they are to survive this difficult time, so it's more important than ever to know exactly how your ads are performing.
However, we all know that a key problem in making these adjustments is that the impact of the current outbreak has led many established behaviours to deviate from the norm. In the US and UK, for example, Gen Z, Gen X and Baby Boomers all said they spent more time checking social media (up 27 per cent, 29 per cent and 15 per cent, respectively) because of concerns about a new crown.
Given that these changes in spending habits can be temporary, businesses must carefully evaluate their deal measurement strategies to ensure that they do not make bad judgments about long-term consumer behavior while accurately understanding the effectiveness of advertising during the outbreak.
What key best practices should ☑ follow in the extraordinary period?
Below, we'll outline four strategies for understanding ad performance in special situations. On Facebook's guide to "adjust ingesta-effectiveness measurement strategies to address the impact of the new crown outbreak"(Download the full version at the "Read the original text" section)in more detail, each strategy is explored and additional resources are provided to help businesses explore the potential impact of different ad performance measurement decisions during this period.
1. Simplify the strategy
Assessing existing performance measurement strategies to adapt to the status quo doesn't mean advertisers have to abandon the original performance measurement program. Instead of changing the strategy altogether, consider how to simplify the strategy and focus on measuring effectiveness against some of the company's most important trusted data sources today. This helps you understand consumer behavior changes more quickly and optimizes what your media is delivering.
2. Re-evaluate the tests used to guide future decisions
In view of the profound changes in people's daily life at this stage, the performance of media content is also "unusual". So when you look at the results analysis data from the tests conducted during this period, it's important to think about how much the outbreak situation affected the test results. Many of the analytical findings and best practices of the tests may be universal and can be used to guide future decisions, and some may only apply to the present.
3. Quickly optimize your ad strategy with A/B and multi-group tests
To better understand today's consumer behavior, consider quickly conducting A/B and multi-group tests (A/B testing with control groups). Through performance measurement and learning summary, advertisers can evaluate how effective adjustments to audience targeting or ad ideas can be. In this way, advertisers can quickly adjust their ads with greater confidence and develop strategies that are more in line with the current situation.
4. Consider the impact of the industry and marketing environment
At this stage, the realities facing different industries may be quite different: some show demand growth, others show a collapse in demand. In addition, the marketing environment varies greatly depending on geographic location and customer base. In other words, a one-size-fits-all approach is not feasible. Ultimately, advertisers are best suited to their performance measurement strategies based on their specific goals, customer base, and marketing environment.
Read "Adjusting your ad performance measurement strategy to address the impact of the new crown outbreak."(Download the full version at the "Read the original text" section)Learn more about each of these strategies and use the decision flowchart to evaluate the effectiveness of different effectiveness measures the effectiveness of the strategy.
☑'s Enlightenment to Advertisers
1. Review your strategy
Evaluate your own effectiveness measurement approach and compare the costs and benefits of different test strategies to better understand which campaigns are most valuable to your business.
2. Combining the status quo to interpret the results
From consumer media usage habits to advertising systems, the impact of the new crown outbreak is in every way. Therefore, when looking at the results analysis data from the tests conducted during this period, consider whether they apply to future behavior.
3. Flexible and evaluate your specific marketing environment
The current marketing environment varies greatly from industry to industry to market. Get fast A/B and multi-group tests to understand the specific state and impact of policy adjustments on your business.
"Adjusting the strategy of measuring advertising effectiveness to deal with the impact of the new crown epidemic"
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