Facebook suspends tool app ads in China, what should I pay attention to in cross-border e-commerce promotion?
Recently, it was reported that Facebook "suspended all tool-type app ads in China".
Facebook explained the email:"Suspend all tool-type app ads in China" for deceiving users and violating Facebook's advertising policy.
Credit and user experience have always been a priority for Facebook's community, and any one that might threaten either, Facebook will send a signal to investigate your account or terminate it because you've broken Facebook's trust in you.
We know that Facebook ad violations are usually warning signs, and seriously, deactiving accounts, similar to the following:
This time, Facebook has unethicily deactivation of all tool-based app ads, in what must have been a major crackdown on such fake news, just days after it purged hundreds of fake news sites in an effort to step up censorship of the spread of fake and misleading news. Visible, there is no luck to say about violations.
The following image comes from an unseer luckier user receiving an email from Facebook:
Although the suspension of certain types of advertising phenomenon is relatively rare, but in the advertising account, there are often accounts blocked phenomenon. Facebook accounts are locked out, or restricted functions are divided into:Part of the function limit, part of the function permanent limit, account lock, permanent blocking of the account。 Either way, it's an important damage to the account.
Today, Facebook is one of the largest sources of traffic for cross-border e-commerce, and as one of the key channels for cross-border e-commerce promotion, serving Facebook ads can bring a significant number of visitors and have a huge impact on sales growth. So to avoid another breach, we have to regulate our accounts and not touch Facebook's no-go zone.
SoWhat ad actions can easily lead to a Facebook sign?
1. Create advertisements for any type of related website;
2. Try to make money online, work from home, email collection, list building, investment or financial related pages like;
3. Use the Facebook advertising coupons you purchased from filer or other websites;
4. Create a new Facebook account and use it for advertising immediately;
5. Use two or more separate accounts to create an ad for a name page or website within a short time of the first ad production.
Sounds a little hard, think of it from a popular point of view,There are several main reasons why Facebook's ad accounts have been blocked:
1.IP landing is irregular. In the country through some special ways, such as the use of VPNs, agents and so on, this time there is different IP in each landing on Facebook. This time Facebook will think your account is abnormal and will block it.
2. Violation of Facebook policy.
3. Payment information and registration information is not consistent, to run Facebook ads, you must bind credit cards or pay with PayPal, so as long as the card holder name of the credit card you bind to do not match the name when you sign up for Facebook, the general account can not be reviewed.
4. The newly registered Facebook account will run ads directly as soon as it comes up.
Gu Xiaobei previously introduced in an article, now most Chinese enterprises still use a crude way, on the platform to send spam, do spm action, frequently send the same message everywhere, with the same picture, the same link, these behaviors are easy to be blocked. In addition, speculation cleverly engage in some imitation cards, this must also be sealed, in one is the material suspected of counterfeiting, some words, some pictures are FB can detect, we need to be very careful.
5. Facebook ad user feedback.
Since Facebook introduced relevance scores and users' ability to "turn off ads," they've valued user feedback.
While relevance scores may affect overall impressions, negative feedback may cause your account to close at any time, and it's important to be aware that your ads have the best user experience. Facebook executives, including CEO Mark Zuckerberg, have expressed concern that too much ad content could lead to a loss of users, including ads with deceptive content, and a bad user experience.
Therefore, how to maintain account health during use:
1. Newly registered Facebook accounts should not be used directly to serve ads, to improve the account information, at least to keep the account for a period of time. If it's a hassle to keep a new account, you can buy it through Facebook's agents in China or in Hong Kong.
2. Guarantee that the IP to log on to Facebook should be regular, there is no guarantee that you will always use the same IP to log on to Facebook, but also to ensure that this IP is in a range, do not jump too much.
3. If you want to put a Facebook account, when registering should pay attention to their credit card information to be consistent, and your credit card generally do not have a record of default and so on.
4. Identity is true, keep the information authentic, but also for the follow-up once sealed, easy to get back the account through the document.
And if you need to create a new account or have an account that you can use,Plan to make sure that the billing information for the new account matches the account you want to use. At a minimum, your billing zip code for Facebook should match your credit card. Ideally, your name and birthday should also match. If you use someone else's account, you can provide them with an additional credit card in the account you want to use for Your Facebook ads.
If I accidentally seal my number, how will the disabled Facebook ad account be resolved?
1. If your account is blocked, you can choose to click on Contact Facebook, fill out the form, Facebook will contact you;
2. If your credit card name is different from your account number, explain why it's not the same;
3. If your landing IP is very confusing, explain why the confusion;
4. If you frequently violate Facebook's advertising policy, admit your mistakes and promise not to do so again.

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