Burger King: To burn down your competitors' ads, you'll get a free castle
"Focus on global marketing cases and shoot them once a day」
Journalist . . Ma Yue
Burn it, burn it all.
How many burger king ideas are there for "playing with fire"? Coupled with flirting with competitors, the little fire of fire inspiration is even more snrouting out - this time, Burger King is going to burn a competitor's ads.
The idea, which sounds crazy and dangerous, comes from Burger King in Brazil. In partnership with creative agency David Sao Paulo, Burger King has launched a creative campaign in Brazil called Burn that ad, in which users open Burger King APP and scan competitors' ads for AR's burning effects to get a free Royal Fort voucher.
Each user can only receive a maximum of one free, a total limit of 500,000.
Pulling consumers online and increasing app usage is the main goal of the campaign. "Improving the consumer experience with technology is one of our most important investment goals for 2019." Burger King Brazil's marketing director, Ariel Grunkraut, says they have launched mobile payments within the app and are using creativity and AR technology to bring interesting interactions to consumers.
Back to the idea itself, combining "playing with fire" and "怼 McDonald's", with the exception of Burger King, which is almost a brand asset.
Burger King's heart of fire is well known through its "playing with fire terriers" time and time again: it once turned negative news about its American restaurant on fire into creative advertising; If you're "fired", there's still a chance to get a free imperial castle; Burger King offers an invitation to the German people: "If you like to play with fire, join us"; and it even places a smoking car next to a highway in Vazquez Canyon, California, to test the reaction of passers-by, when well-hearted people see the scene running over and find that the smoker is hiding in the trunk of a growing... Barbecue oven.
Burger King advertises photos of restaurant fires
It's all about highlighting the brand's people who are "really roasting."
And the story of its love affair with McDonald's (mostly Burger King) is even more so: Burger King, for example, called for a truce with McDonald's in August 2015 to launch a love-and-peace-themed combination; in April 2018, Burger King attacked McDonald's backyard and stormed into a mansion owned by McDonald's executives. In every carefully photographed image, there is no less than a barbecue in the luxuriously furnished house. It's all covered with a line that reads: "True fire roasting is too hard to resist"; also to promote its own APP, Burger King USA went on a shopping spree for McDonald's in December, buying Burger King with app near McDonald's stores, placing ads on Waze maps and automatically navigating around McDonald's to the nearest Burger King.
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