Are liars so crazy now?! Boca's official anti-fraud guide helps you keep your DOT
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As Polkadot gets more and more attention, so do the scammers who play boka.
We've seen ourselves on your YouTube home page posing as Boca for "money-sending" scams.
Scammers stole Gavin's profile picture and video, changed his Youtube account and profile picture to Polkadot, and showed that 120,000 people were watching. Don't say, it's pretty much the same thing. Seriously, before pointing in, we really thought it was Poca on the pipeline to open a live broadcast, thinking of hurrying in to see if there is any news to dig, but point in to see the video is letting the user punch money, immediately backhand a report ...

DOT scam ads on Youtube
PolkaWorld community members and hard-working workers have also given us clues that someone tricked users into taking control of their accounts by posing as Dan Reecer, a Web3 Foundation employee, on a telegram and asking for a code scan.

Telegram impersonates officials to chat about scams
Of course, we reported the scams to the Boca officials the first time, and the official response was swift and quickAnti-fraud guide。 The following article isPolkadot Wiki, the official Polkadot document List some common types of scams and how to deal with them. Everyone is advised to look good, be vigilant, and protect your DOT and KSM and various encryption assets.
Unfortunately, fraud has affected our community. It is important to be vigilant and protect yourself and non-refundable encrypted assets from scammers. If you feel cheated, please email our support team at
Basic rules:
Never share your seed word or account password.Don't trust anyone online. Lying and changing identities are easy for them.
If you are cheated, you may not be able to take any action to recover your funds.If scammers master your seed words, they can transfer all your funds to their accounts in seconds. Keep it safe without putting all DOTs and KSMs at risk.
If something sounds good enough to be fake, it may indeed be.People, especially celebrities, don't offer cryptocurrencies for free. Even if they want to, they can ask you to provide an address directly instead of asking you to send them tokens.
Fraud is rife in this area.Setting up scams is easy and cheap, and it's hard to put an end to. Therefore, users should do their best to avoid them.
Some common types of scams
Send it to you via telegraph, Twitter and other social mediaPrivate letter
"Send coins"Ad - claims "You send us some DOT / KSM and we will refund you double the coin"
Pretend to be our team, are asked to provide dot/KSM's private key or seed word
Some scammers will use itOfficial videoand add words such as "send money" to make it look like it's supported by Polkadot, the Web3 Foundation, Parity, or other well-known organizations
Many scammers create almost exactly the same as the originalFake websites - Important URLs are checked three times
proposedHelp you Staking or get rewardspeople
In.Private chatthe person who answered your public inquiry
Jump from scam adsPhishing sitesand ask you to enter seed words
These are just part of the scam. Scammers have been inventing new scams. In general, don't trust anyone you've never contacted but offered to send you a message. And be alert to anyone who tries to "help" you or give you "benefits."
Scammers often imitate the usernames, profile pictures, and so on of well-known members of the community. Typically, the differences between these accounts are small, such as joe_sm1th or jo_smith rather than joe_smith.
Scammers often make you feel that "opportunity" is out of date. Don't be fooled about it, it's better to tell carefully than to bet on everything.
Administrators will never contact you via Telegraph or any other social media
If you already receive an "administrator" message on Telegram, ignore it. Our Polkadot team will never send you a message in person. Our social media accounts have been posted on our website and any new social media accounts will be announced by our team. We will never sell you DOT with discounts, airdrop "rewards" or talk to you to help you solve your publicly released problems. Our social media can be found below:
Polkadot YouTube:
Official Polkadot Telegraph Group:
Medium Blog:
Our community page also lists more social media accounts for the Web3 Foundation, Polkadot, and Kusama:
Keep your personal data safe
Never share your keys with anyone or your private information with anyone. It is recommended that your information be stored securely on paper or in a hardware wallet. Never enter your seed words or mouns directly on the website. If you're concerned that a wallet might be counterfeit, check out the official list of wallets that support us here:
Always check the source
For any potential scams, be sure to check the source for background checks, i.e. any userna name, email, Youtube channel name, URL, and so on. If it looks suspicious, it's probably a big chance. Do not enter any personal data if you believe the source may be a scam.
You can always contact for confirmation.
Check again and again before sending dot/KSM
A good habit is to verify the address of the cryptocurrency you want to send. If you don't know the account, you probably shouldn't send assets to it. It is your responsibility to know where the money is going, cryptocurrencies are a place to be, and if you make a mistake, your only solution is to appeal to the council (but the council usually does not deal with mis-transfers).
Translation: Polka World
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Boca Events Annual Table: A article that understands Boca's history
The big white version of "What's Poca"
"When does the Boca Parallel Chain Slot Auction begin?" Gavin replied!
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