Answer this week: How to avoid the pits in Google ads.
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How to avoid the pits of Google's bidding ads
Toronto time: Saturday, 9.26pm- 8-9pm.
Zoom: 912 6169 7495.
Hello, students!
During the recent outbreak, everyone's enthusiasm for learning is still high, in our public welfare learning group asked a lot of good questions.
Today's North American online marketing training True-E's Jenny teacher will answer your questions one by one, I hope you can benefit from it.

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Not much to say, let's look at the first question!
Question 1.
What is google's advertising auction ranking mechanism?
Jenny replied.
In big words.Who pays more, who's in front.。
If the industry keyword is an average of 5 yuan, competitors 5.5 yuan, you out of 6 yuan, you come first.
If you and your competitors are spending about the same amount of money, everyone takes turns to get ahead.
Every day the ad back office has a budget setting, for example, your budget is $500, 5 dollars per click, 100 clicks to consume the budget.
But if your competitor's budget is 600 bucks, he'll run out later than you, so he'll be up there.
Also, depending on how many keywords there are ads, the more ads ad, the more intense the competition, the more expensive the keyword price.
Question 2.
How do we see google ads from our peers?
Jenny replied.
You can search google for keywords and your competitors' ads will appear.
You can still pass.SEMrushThis software sees who competes with you on SEO keywords.
There are also paid keywords on who are your strong competitors.
Question 3.
How can we improve Google ads to make our ads better than our peers?
Jenny replied.
1. Advertising words.title,description和key wordsdesigned to appeal to an audience. For example, to do the medical and aesthetic industry, to highlight the recent discounts, special services and the hottest items. Extract the words you care about and put them in a clear position.
2. Use professional advertising.Keyword search software.Go to the maximum extent to find the keywords your target user will search for. One of the benefits of Google ads is that you can set 100 to 200 keywords by click, as long as the keywords are not ordered, Google will not charge you money, will not waste.
3. Use.Anti-selection avoid non-target users clicking on your keywords. For example, you don't want the car you want to sell to be associated with a "car accident" scene, then you need to use anti-select keywords to block "car accident" and other keywords that you don't want to be associated with.
Want to learn more about Google bidding advertising,
Welcome to Toronto Time.9.26pm.of the .
How to avoid the pits of Google's bidding ads
Zoom: 912 6169 7495.
At that time, Jenny will share.
Advanced marketing tips for Google bidding ads.
And answer questions about Google ads one by one.
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