6 simple and effective ways to expand Facebook's advertising campaign by 2020.

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But keep in mind that don't rush to scale up unless you've found winning creatives that can perform well for days on end.
From a few hundred dollars a day to $5,000 a day is not as easy as increasing your budget.
If you increase your budget too quickly, it will launch Facebook's algorithm the next day to spend your money.
In fact, research shows that if you increase your campaign budget by more than 15 percent, your conversions will increase, and the cost of each conversion that might cost $25 to get a sale can turn into a $50-$75 algorithmic project per sale.
So how do you increase your daily fee from a few hundred dollars to $5,000 on your Facebook ad account?
Here are some practical ways to effectively help you expand your Facebook campaign in 2020 and beyond.

The initial campaign settings are as follows👇.
Originally launched are 2 video ads and 2 image ads in the same ad set.
We make a $100 CBO campaign with four ad sets, each with an audience of 2-4 million.
Here's a practical example: Let's say we're selling a PHOTO STICK.
In each ad set, we exclude global express sales and abandon shipping so that other direct shippers don't see our ads in espionage.
Now that we have the basic framework, we need to start and then let it run for 2-3 days.
During the run, we'll be able to see which ad set and which creative (s) has achieved a positive ROI.
Now, let's say you've found the winner and created an ad ID of 23908293823982323 to target a wide audience: people over 35 like technology, but don't include Express/Swap Shippers.

Method s 1 - Different ad sizes.
It's an incredible way to zoom when I'm running Google Display ads.
Be sure to try the three most popular ad sizes 1200 x 628, 600 x 750 and 1080 x 1080.
Suppose you find a winner, that's a square. Remake the same ad to the other two ad sizes, put them in the ad set, and start.
Method s2 - Test different ad formats.
Marketers are usually very lazy people who like to do the minimum and want to maximize it.
Usually the mailbox or square, most of the time to take pictures or videos. How manycary ads do you see? How about dynamic ads?
That's where this approach works. Use when you find the winning ad.Ad text, title, description, image, or video content.and other elements to create each ad format provided by Facebook.
Wheeled ads are one of my favorites, especially in re-targeting campaigns.
Method s3 - Make a manual bid.
This has to do with how facebook algorithms work. It has to do with who spends the most money.
The person who first appears at the top of the ladder will be shown to Facebook users scrolling through their news feeds.
To be seen first, with the advantage of getting the most hyped clicks, it will take action.
The problem is, we don't know what the highest bid is, the right bid, so we test it.
We use these 3 different bid settings when scaling with manual bids.

Method s 4 - Effective LOGOLIKE audience.
Indeed, Facebook knows everything about its users. Including their buying habits, what they like, what they talk about.
They look at people in the audience and check what they like, where they go, what they search for, how long they read a topic, what movies they read, when they are most likely to buy, click on ads, and much more.
In fact, they say Facebook has 1,000 data points intersecting per user. Allows their system to build people that look like your buyers in minutes.
It works by creating a Custom Audience, waiting for it to fill, and then generating a similar audience from it. You can set up a new campaign and target these similar objects.
We typically create custom audiences by:
Method s5 - Reposition your audience.
Repositioning visitors is a must, and if you don't do any form of re-marketing, you'll have a lot of money left on the table.
We prefer a systematic approach to launching re-targeting campaigns and directing users to people and offer pages of interest, rather than making cold-blooded audiences keen on ads or landers.
When you expand your Facebook ads, be sure to use these titles to create custom turncast re-targeting campaigns to get attention.
This applies primarily to ecom, but it can also be applied to any kind of quote.
When repositioned, is."Add to Cart - Last 30 Days","Initial Checkout - Last 30 Days"Create an audience.
Exclude the buyer's custom audience from these.
Since we have 3 ads, we'll create 3 ad sets for each audience, so for the example above, we'll have a total of 6 ad sets.
Copy twice as many ads per ad set, so there are a total of 3 ad sharing social proofs per ad set.
Method s6 - Take the DEAD COLD audience test.
The test is simple enough to tell you if you do have good ads. Take out the "win" ad you want to expand and use it to create a new campaign.

That's why it's hard for me to make sure you test your creatives first.
Expansion is one of the most important things, especially if you want to make money from affiliate online marketing through paid Facebook ads.

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