1 ルーブル = 0.103139 人民元、1 人民元 = 9.69569 ルーブル
1米ドル = 6.67704人民元;1人民元=0.149767米ドル
1米ドル = 64.7385ルーブル;1ルーブル = 0.0154468ドル
会社紹介:Jiaxing Zhuoya輸出入有限公司/Jiaxingフーピン株式会社は、主に旧ソ連の自動車部品や建材の輸出入業務に従事し、事業拡大の必要性のために、現在、会社との共同開発で次のポジションの人材を募集する緊急の必要性、部門は、リラックスした作業環境を提供し、開発プラットフォームを促進する機会を提供します。1-3ヶ月の試用期間の満了後に正式な契約を締結し、政府が定める保険および積立金を受け取る。
勤務地: 江蘇省Jiaxing市
連絡先:Jiaxing Zhua輸出入有限公司/Jiaxingフーピン株式会社 - リン氏
連絡先: 0573-8226-2798 QQ: 2912-9388
金館洋食は、ロシアの歌と踊りで食べ物と共有されるロシア料理の洋食レストランです! レストランの環境はエレガントで快適で、ロシア料理は手頃な価格です。 プライベートディナーや小さなビジネスディナーに最適な洋食レストランです。
現在、ロシア人シェフの1人、男性を募集し、要求:ロシアの伝統的な料理を作る豊富な経験を持って、簡単な中国語が優先されます。 給与はメールとWeChatで交渉されます。 2523766629@qq.com
マイクロ信号: jinguanxw
予約電話番号: 01088895613
GCP (Global Career Path, Inc.) bears themission to inspire and empower professionals to pursue meaningful careers. Weprovide free career consultation services to exceptional talents and place theminto companies that will have a global and societal impact. We specialize inproviding high-end talent search and human resource consulting services betweenthe United States and China to help businesses succeed in recruiting the right talents. Three pieces of our business lines: 1. Recruiting events in Silicon Valley. 2. Local Silicon Valley recruiting services 3. Cross-border technology talents recruiting.
We are looking for a talented Social Media Marketing Manager to join us for this efforts. You are ultimately expected to be the liaison between US and China for Human Resource practitioners; you will be the culture ambassador to observe and compare thecareer
development practices for young professionals in two countries.
* Collaborate with our Silicon Valley & Beijing team to learn and write aboutcutting-edge human resource & career practices, particularly in technology industry
* Serveas an evangelist for best human resource practices for our clients and industry at large
* Runsocial media campaigns (Wechat, Weibo, etc.) to advocate for recruiting and
career development and run analytics tools to track its performance
* Hostround-table discussions about career development, recruiting strategies, etc.
* Conduct market research on trending career development practices and conferences
* Manage 3rd party vendors including producers, agencies, etc. andadvertising clients
* Great Chinese writing skills, can demonstrate previous writing samples
* Some level of image processing skills using Photoshop, etc.
*Previous background in consumer facing writing efforts
*Passionate in HR or Education industry
* Fluent in English
*Entrepreneur type of personality
*Journalist background preferred
* Competitive compensation
* Opportunities to learn cutting edge SiliconValley HR practices
*Opportunities to be exposed to a large network of exceptional talents in tech,investment, and HR practices
* 1-1 weekly meetings with the founders of the firm, both of which have Silicon Valley backgrounds
* Trips to Silicon Valley
Please send your resume to hr@globalcareerpath.com
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