Want to establish an "authentic" positioning for seconds to kill your opponent? The brand has to know the 4 principles

The future I want is to see a sense of security
《弟子规》是我国古代幼儿传统礼教经典,在以前《弟子规》就相当于现在《中小学生行为规范》但其的价值要远远超过后者。 现在的人在Read.之后不难发现《弟子规》从里到外都渗透着儒家的气息,在通读之后净是德行两Word.贯穿了全文。儒家就是在强调通过对先贤的学习提升A.人的德行。且可发现《弟子规》中的大多数句子就是有《论语》中直接简化过来的。在儒家哲学体系中强调了社会等级与身份象征,正所谓其云;君君臣臣父父子子。长幼有序尊卑各异。在森严的等级框架下通过仁爱等德治思想使社会和谐发展。而《弟子规》则是儒家治国中治民的初级教程。通过日常的行为规范,初步的构建等级框架,在这A.框架下正常的发展后会形成一A.较和谐较礼貌的社会风气,正如邻国日、韩。 有些历史常识的人会发现中国的历史发展一直处于儒法并举的兼容式发展下几度出现民富国强的大盛事。在倡导法治社会与国门大开的今天,在受到外来文化的侵袭中,国人的素质在逐渐的下降不仅80、90年代的人饱受骂名倚老卖老者不胜数。一系列社会为题不断的暴漏出来昔日的礼遇之邦无颜再谈礼法。反而效法我们的岛国却搜获名誉。正是因为我们在发展经济的时候忽略的文化的传承,渐渐地我们的价值体制开始发生变化拜金,趋权附势等不良风气渐长。儒家思想左右华人2000余年,当我们重新捡起他时会重骨子里透出一股子亲和力。不够让大学生来背诵《弟子规》实属多余,对经典的背诵给该是自发的背诵能引起自己共鸣的。 这次的《弟子规》品读活动最大的意义应是同学们在拜读之后会自发的去Read.其他传统作品。通过对古代先贤的品读与自身环境的辨别形成自己的一套价值体系,而对于《弟子规。》中的一些观点,因为我们和作者处于不同的时代故我们只要领会其中的精神就好,不必一步一手的尊崇,正如鲁迅言:取其精华,去其糟糠。 暑假,我看了《成语故事365》这本书,学到了许多的知识。 小说《红与黑》出版至今已有200年左右的历史了,为什么在这风云变幻的200年中小说仍可以经久不衰?原因在于小说不仅十分成功地塑造了于连·索黑尔这A.极富时代色彩,又具有鲜明A.性的艺术形象,而且通过主人公的经历,展示了法国复辟王朝时期广阔的时代画卷,触及到当时许多尖锐的社会问题。小说主人公于连的经历和遭遇反应了当时广大小资产阶级青年的普遍命运。于连生性聪颖、高傲、热情、坚毅,但又自私、多疑。在僧侣贵族当政、门阀制度森严的封建社会,因出生平民而备受歧视。这种受压迫的地位使他滋长了对现实的不满情绪:启蒙思想和拿破仑的影响,培养了他的反搞性格。他立志要像拿破仑那样靠A.人才智建立功勋,飞黄腾达。但是在复辟时期,拿破仑式的晋身之道已被贵族阶层堵死了。 就在这样的岩石底下,一株小树弯弯曲曲地生长。于连为了博取大家用赏识,明知毫无价值,却还把拉丁文的《新约全书》背得滚瓜烂熟。他那惊人的背诵能力让他跨进了维立叶尔市长家,当起家庭教师来。在那段时期,他与德。瑞那夫人发生了暧昧关系,大部分是为了反抗和报复贵族阶级对他的凌辱。但是,纸醉金迷、利欲熏心的上流社会也腐蚀了于连的灵魂,助长了他向上爬的欲望和野心。 于连进入阴森恐怖的神学院后,亲眼目睹了勾心斗角、尔虞我诈的丑恶内幕,于是他便耍起了两面派手法,这种表里不一的行为居然得到院长的表睐和宠幸。神学院的生活进一步扭曲了于连的性格,强化了他向上爬的野心和虚伪的作风。于连给木尔侯爵当私人秘书后虽然还不时流露出平民阶级的思想意识,但在受到侯爵重用,征服玛特尔小姐后,于连的“平民阶级叛逆心”已消失。他成了复辟王朝的忠实走卒。正当于连一步步走向他所向往的“光明”时,因枪击德·瑞那夫人而彻底断送了自己的前程,把自己送上了断头台。 作为一部优秀的批判现实主义小说,《红与黑》并没有从概念出发,将主人公于连图解成一A.追求功利的符号。相反,作者却给予了他深切的同情,通过人对欲念的执着追求与追求不到的痛苦来批判那A.时代特定的社会现实,这也是《红与黑》流传至今魅力长存的原因。 《成语故事365》精选了三百六十五条知识性、思想性和趣味性较强,适合少年儿童Read.的成语故事,并配以生动风趣的连环彩图,使图文互为照应。 其中最让我感兴趣的是<凿壁偷光>和<悬梁刺股>. <凿壁偷光>是讲以前有一A.名叫匡衡的少年,非常好学,很爱读书,但他家里很穷买不起书,于是他只好去别人家里借书,但那A. 有书的大户要匡衡帮他干活才肯借书给他,还限制他白天干活晚上才能看书.于是夜晚,匡衡就拿着书在黑暗的房里看起书来,但没 放下《骆驼祥子》,祥子从老实、健壮、坚忍、自尊好强、吃苦耐劳变成一A.麻木、潦倒、自暴自弃的一幕幕在我的脑海里像翻电影似的,不断地重播着。经过了三起三落,丢失到拥有,拥有又到丢失后,他已经不再是那A.拥有梦想、要强的祥子了。 这部小说以二十年代末期的北京市民生活为背景,以人力车夫祥子的坎坷悲惨生活遭遇为主要情节,深刻揭露了旧中国的黑暗,控诉了统治阶级对劳动人民的深切同情。 本文的主人公——祥子,是一A.十分善良淳朴、热爱生活的人,他最大的梦想便是拥有一辆属于自己的车。凭着自己的勤劳和坚忍,他用了三年的时间省吃俭用,终于拥有了自己的车,成为了自食其力的上等车夫。然而一切并没有那么顺利,在当时兵荒马乱的时代,他被逃兵掳走,失去了洋车。在他准备重新来过时,辛苦攒下的钱却又被侦探敲诈,一贫如洗。在他在一次拥有车时,却是以和虎妞扭曲的婚姻为代价。虎妞难产而死,祥子又不得不卖掉了车为虎妞置办葬礼,又一次一无所有。后来又失去了他最爱的小福子,祥子再也无法忍受这种痛苦,也无法再鼓起重新生活的勇气,他丧失了对于生活的任何信心和希望,他从上进好强变得自甘堕落,成为了一句黑暗社会的行尸走肉。 祥子的悲剧有力地揭露了旧社会把人变成鬼的罪行,同时也深刻地揭示了造成这A.悲剧的原因。 这A.故事,反映了北平当时劳动人民的生活以及他们命运的悲惨。祥子本是一A.对生活充满希望、勤劳上进的人,他热爱生活,热爱北平,但系列的挫折使他恨透了整A.世界。 祥子的悲剧,是他所置身的社会生活环境的产物。在黑暗的社会中,人类的力量实在太渺小了。祥子多次想要凭自己来打败命运,可是最后呢,却使身心又一次的伤痕累累。祥子在一次次的痛苦中挣扎,越陷越深,他渐渐的被黑暗所扭曲、吞噬。以前有抱负且满是骨气的祥子,现在只有对钱的贪念而已。在社会的黑暗与金钱的诱惑下,祥子没有了骨气但是,我依然坚信,命运是掌握在我们自己手中的!挫折面前,敌人不是对手,而是自己。我们要把挫折看成一种精神财富来珍惜,不要为一时的痛苦、失败而蒙闭了自己的双眼,而要将自己的命运交给自己来安排,努力找回自己的出路。《茶花女》是法国著名作家小仲马的成名作,她开创了通俗剧的先河。使得人们对世俗情感有了一A.较深的理解,也使得人们心中的一些世俗偏见有了一定程度的转变。 《茶花女》主要讲述的是一位巴黎名妓悲情的的一生。这里采用了倒叙的写法,男主角那痛苦悲伤的回忆,使得情节看起来更加煽情。巴黎名妓玛格丽特是一位貌美钟情的女子,她生活在一A.充满金钱和色欲的肮脏的社会里。在这样的环境中,任何一A.纯洁的生灵也会身不由己而走上歧途。往往这种人又正是被人们所忽视的,甚至是歧视的。而谁又知道像玛格丽特这样柔弱女子在那荒淫无度的生活下,内心感受又是怎样的呢? 玛格丽特是位貌美的女子,她也正是靠着这点姿色去讨好那些贵族以维持生计。但她的内心世界其实是很空虚的,没有人能给她真爱,没有人能去理解像她那样的人,为此使我想到了妓女这A.讨人厌、而且又是很可怕的名词。 在小仲马那A.时代,资产阶级占有大量的生产资料,贫富分化严重,不少人为了生存只好走向极端,而当时的一些妓女就是这样情非得已,但生活所迫只有出卖肉体才有一丝希望。这样的生活可能是寝食无忧,但是这些妓女们还是要尽量力摆脱这种生活,她们依然是向往那种平淡自由的生活毕竟只有那样的生活才有可能幸福,那样的生活才有可能做到真实的自己,那样的生活才有可能摆脱世俗的偏见,就像普通的百姓一样。 玛格丽特正是为了这样的生活,宁愿舍去一切和心爱的人一起过上平淡幸福的生活。但世俗的偏见的力量就是那样的强大,男主角甬迪的父亲因为她有损于他们家的名誉,毅然要求玛格丽特离开他的儿子。人都是自私的,但那位遭人贱视的妓女用自己的幸福无私的换取了一A.家族的名誉。 玛格丽特和甬迪两位悲情恋人最终还是摆脱不了世俗的偏见,阴阳分隔,这本著作让我们重新审视了妓女这A.特殊的人群,在我们对这些人警惕和批评的同时也情给予一些的怜悯吧,毕竟没有人甘心堕落,没有人愿论位唾骂之人,只不过有苦衷罢了。 光怎么看呢?他想出A.点子在别人家的墙壁上凿一A.小小的洞,这样光就可以照进来了就能看书了.从此每天晚上他就这样看书.匡 衡发奋读书勇于进取的精神很值得我去学习.我们现在拥有那么好的学习环境一定要好好珍惜努力学习. <悬梁刺股>这A.故事诉说了战国时的苏秦目不识丁,无所作为,受到别人的嘲笑,他为了有所成就便开始发奋学习.每当困了就用锥 子猛刺大腿,让疼痛驱除疲倦继续读书.读到这里我的眼睛湿润了....很敬佩他坚强的毅力.想想我平时做事总是三天打鱼两天嗮网. 看着《成语故事365》,我学到了许许多多的道理,这本书使我受益匪浅,推介给每一A.同学都去看一下。《阿Q正传》中的阿Q,是鲁迅创作极成功的典型形象。在半封建半殖民地的社会里,阿Q由于受剥削受压迫而要求革命,但又因为受愚弄受毒害而落后,不能真正觉悟,最后还是被迫害致死。 阿Q是是旧中国未庄的一A.贫苦农民。这未庄是赵太爷,钱太爷的天下,阿Q连姓赵的权利都没有,所以被人叫着阿Q。他勤劳,专做短工,但穷得只有一条“万不可脱”的裤子。他是弱者,受了欺负却又欺负比他更弱小的小D;他挨了打,常用“儿子打老子”的话来安慰自己,在精神上求得胜利。他常为生计发愁,而关于妇女和婚姻,他还要“合乎圣贤经传“.野蛮的压迫剥削使他贫穷无奈,深重的愚弄毒害更使他愚昧麻木。革命了,“但他有一种不知从哪里来的意见,以为革命党便是造反,造反便是与他为难,所以一向是‘深恶而痛绝之’的,殊不料这却使百里闻名的举人老爷有这样怕,于是他未免也有些‘神往’了况且未庄的一群鸟男女的慌张的神情,也使得阿Q更快意。”革命造反的对象是举人,老爷,造反只能使劳动者失去枷锁,不可能与一无所有的人为难,这“意见”显然是赵太爷之流愚弄阿Q的。但阿Q毕竟不堪凌辱,他想改变处境,于是“神往”革命。革命目的认识是极其模糊的,他的革命行动是去静修庵里胡闹。当假洋鬼子不准他革命时,他恨假洋鬼子,却又恨起造反来了,这些都是阿Q想革命却又愚昧不觉悟的表现。 《爱的教育》,书名使我思考,在这纷纭的世界里,爱究竟是什么带着这A.思考,我与一A.意大利小学生一起往探寻案。《爱的教育》采用日记的形式,讲述一A.叫安利柯的小男孩成长的故事,记录了他一年之内在学校,家庭,社会的所见所闻,对祖国,父母,师长,朋友的真挚的爱,有着感人的气力。文章中孩子们所表现的更多的是闪光的美德,这正是小说极力颂扬的地方。小说记录了长辈们对孩子的教育和启示,附在日记后面还以第二人称写了他们呕心沥血的教子篇。这本小说在漫长的岁月里,它陪伴一代又一代的孩子成长。可以说,这是一本永远不会过期的书。它用爱塑造人,引导我们永远保持一颗勇于进取而善良真诚的心,爱祖国,爱人民,同情人民的一切不幸与苦难。这本书一出版就受到教育界的重视和欢迎。有夏先生的推崇当然是A.原因,还有A.更重要的原因,当时有很多教师要求冲破封建主义的束缚,而这部小说给他们塑造了一A.可以让他们仿效的榜样——当然,实际上体现的是小资产阶级知识分子的理想。 爱,像空气,天天在我们身边,因其无影无形就总被我们忽略。实在他的意义已经融进生命。就如父母的爱,不说操劳奔波,单是往书架上新置一本孩子爱看的书,一有咳嗽,药片就摆放在眼前,临睡前不忘再看一眼孩子,就是我们需要张开双臂才能拥抱的深深的爱。当我们陷进困境,没人支持,是父母依然陪在身边,晚上不忘叮嘱一句:早点睡。读了安利柯的故事,我熟悉到天下父母都有一颗深爱子女的心。安利柯有本与父母共同读写的日记,而现在很多学生的日记上还挂着一把小锁。最简单的东西却最轻易忽略,正如这博大的爱中深沉的亲子之爱,很多人都无法感受到。读了《阿凡提的故事》这本书后,我感到阿凡提充满了智慧。 有一次一A.孩子在阿凡提的摊买了一公斤苹果,小男孩在路上吃了两A.大苹果,妈妈发觉不对劲,就问小男孩:"为什么一公斤苹果只有这么点?"那A.小男孩撒谎道:"摊主就给我这么多。"于是妈妈就去问阿凡提,阿凡提猜出了是男孩吃了,并证明了给他妈妈看。 这A.故事显出了阿凡提的神机妙算,对小孩的了解和对生活的仔细观察。 还有一次,阿凡提的老板不给他工钱,法官也偏向老板那一边。阿凡提见到这情形,赶紧掏出一A.红色的红包,法官立刻叫老板给钱阿凡提。这也表现了阿凡提的机智。中小学写作指导、写作素材、优秀作文以及有奖活动《茶花女》是法国著名作家小仲马的成名作,她开创了通俗剧的先河。使得人们对世俗情感有了一A.较深的理解,也使得人们心中的一些世俗偏见有了一定程度的转变。 《茶花女》主要讲述的是一位巴黎名妓悲情的的一生。这里采用了倒叙的写法,男主角那痛苦悲伤的回忆,使得情节看起来更加煽情。巴黎名妓玛格丽特是一位貌美钟情的女子,她生活在一A.充满金钱和色欲的肮脏的社会里。在这样的环境中,任何一A.纯洁的生灵也会身不由己而走上歧途。往往这种人又正是被人们所忽视的,甚至是歧视的。而谁又知道像玛格丽特这样柔弱女子在那荒淫无度的生活下,内心感受又是怎样的呢? 玛格丽特是位貌美的女子,她也正是靠着这点姿色去讨好那些贵族以维持生计。但她的内心世界其实是很空虚的,没有人能给她真爱,没有人能去理解像她那样的人,为此使我想到了妓女这A.讨人厌、而且又是很可怕的名词。 在小仲马那A.时代,资产阶级占有大量的生产资料,贫富分化严重,不少人为了生存只好走向极端,而当时的一些妓女就是这样情非得已,但生活所迫只有出卖肉体才有一丝希望。这样的生活可能是寝食无忧,但是这些妓女们还是要尽量力摆脱这种生活,她们依然是向往那种平淡自由的生活毕竟只有那样的生活才有可能幸福,那样的生活才有可能做到真实的自己,那样的生活才有可能摆脱世俗的偏见,就像普通的百姓一样。 玛格丽特正是为了这样的生活,宁愿舍去一切和心爱的人一起过上平淡幸福的生活。但世俗的偏见的力量就是那样的强大,男主角甬迪的父亲因为她有损于他们家的名誉,毅然要求玛格丽特离开他的儿子。人都是自私的,但那位遭人贱视的妓女用自己的幸福无私的换取了一A.家族的名誉。 玛格丽特和甬迪两位悲情恋人最终还是摆脱不了世俗的偏见,阴阳分隔,这本著作让我们重新审视了妓女这A.特殊的人群,在我们对这些人警惕和批评的同时也情给予一些的怜悯吧,毕竟没有人甘心堕落,没有人愿论位唾骂之人,只不过有苦衷罢了。
Quiet boulevard, still, I walk slowly alone. The yellow leaves followed in my footsteps, quietly following. I stretched out my hands and tried to get the air out of here again. Recall the taste of the past, a yellow leaves quietly fell to start, it is so vicissitudes. I fished for the wrinkles of its years, and I was dazed... What the road ahead will be, how to get out of the mud. I can't help looking up at the sky, it is still so blue, so high, a few light white clouds flow ... I often think, we are on the beach to pick up the children, when we move forward footprints in the tide of the years gradually disappeared, leaving only inexplicable memories ... Her big eyes, ceramic skin, are very much like a Barbie doll. She was my first deskmate in high school. However, our getting along is not without its ups and downs. One day at noon, I was sleeping when I heard a sound like a mouse eating and woke me up. I was so annoyed that I saw her leisurely pinch a bag of Beijing instant noodles with two fingers and pinch a root to eat. I stared at her, and she looked up at me and smiled and said, "Please eat it!" "I threw her bag of instant noodles straight away. She took my arm and had no choice but to return the bag of instant noodles to her. Somehow, she always likes to ask me gossipy questions. She always said my eyes are small, I said people Zhou Jielun is also very small wow, she said people are more talented than you; She says people are handsomer than you, and I'm speechless. But then, her boyfriend was darker than me! Then she switched school and never saw her again. I am not very enthusiastic about sports, every day to see the basketball court on the "grandfather" to fight for their lives on the court to grab a ball, some still holding the ball on the ground rolling. Whenever this time, I am very disdainful, if playing basketball is like this, then everyone sent one is, why hold it like this! But I'm hooked on table tennis. Don't eat and play with others every morning, or even sneak around during the lunch break. "People walk in the river, where there are no wet shoes." One day, I played table tennis with others, playing the right momentum, far away to see the head teacher to this side, I and others quickly hide, when the head teacher went far, we dare to come out. Continue to fight with a hint of psychology that the head teacher did not see. Http://www.zUoWEn8.co.uk/who knows where the head teacher came from, and we're so scared that we run to the classroom with our rackets. However, he never let us go, the result, of course, "cup" out. After this lesson, we had to fight in the morning. The winter morning was unusually cold, but it didn't stop our enthusiasm. Once, the weather was so cold that I couldn't hold the racket in my hand. When a good ball, I habitual hand-pumping, suddenly the racket slipped, just rub a girl's hair and pass, scared her to scream, I was also startled, rushed over to apologize. She glared at me angrily, and I spat my tongue out helplessly at the players. The colder the weather, the thick ice on the ball table, the ball beat wildly on it, alas, no way, we had to stop. Then the ping-pong ball gradually fades out of my sight. Irritable life and gradually backward results make me depressed, especially in my so high school last semester. Three points can not become a plane, it did not give me a world, but triangles have a fixed role, will be my firm bondage. In the face of such achievements, I kept asking selves if my head had deteriorated. The depression in my heart can't be calmed down, and I'm addicted to memories and fantasies. As I tried to listen to the class, what had happened in the past recurred in my mind. I wrote countless forgets in the book, but the more I always want to forget the more memorable. The acid in my heart and the eyes of others make me struggle. Finally, six months later, I gradually forget the things that often happen in my mind. So I learned to forget. Forgetting the past will allow the window of your own heart to heal slowly. First, you have to have bulletproof clothing so you're not afraid of the unexpected. Second, you have to have your own survival weapon, so that you have value and a foothold. The real bottom line is never bluffing, but on its own absolute strength. Only with real strength, you dare in the storm hit, calmly said: It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid.
Baidu terms can roughly represent people's understanding of "classic", he explained: classic refers to exemplary, authoritative; A closer look reveals that in this day and age, information is as vast as smoke and products are changing with the times. This is a positive sign of social progress. For consumers, however, there is a sense of security because there is too much product and information, and frustration with choice arises, creating more negative emotions.
In today's highly connected digital environment, it's hard to do business without brand trust.
From the Chinese market, classic brands are usually the best in the category, no brand because of the "classic" awareness and gradually fade away. From the point of view of vocabulary definition, authentic, original, true things, classics in the meaning of the word slightly different,From the practical point of view, the concept of "authentic" is more competitive and exclusive, but also more conducive to Chinese consumers to understand the "classic".We often persuade businesses to create an "authentic" concept in the consumer mind rather than constantly trying to convince consumers that it's better to offer your product.
Coca-Cola's management is convinced that young people prefer "sweeter Cola". So Coca-Cola announced in 1985 that it was updating its 99-year-old cola formula.
The Coca-Cola Company was overjoyed and held a nationwide press conference on April 23, 1985, when 81 percent of Americans reportedly learned that Coca-Cola was changing its formula, even higher than 16 years ago when Apollo landed on the moon.
Today, no brand can easily beat classic Cola.
In September 2017, KFC launched a "Price Back to 1987" marketing campaign to mark the time the brand entered China;
At the beginning of 2019, Tsingtao Beer 1903 retro fashion launch will be held in Shanghai retro trend landmark - Berle Gate, followed by Tsingtao Beer Classic 1903 vintage ads in the national market;
We found that the more information explodes, the shallower the consumer's intake of a single message, and the higher the probability that information will be blocked, so the concept of positioning that can counteract insecurity is more important at this time.
A strong follow-up appears
The U.S.-China market is the two most competitive global markets. In both markets, there has been a commercial battle over the new Challenger VS "classic" brand, and it goes without saying that "authentic" brands have won.
Coca-Cola, the inventor of Coke, has been leading the market for the first 60 years. After 1964, Pepsi struggled to catch up, especially with the concept of a "next-generation Coke" that was popular with young people around the world, and at the time Pepsico even surpassed Coca-Cola in some countries.
Coca-Cola didn't panic, nor did it create a "cola leader" position. In order to maintain its market position, Coca-Cola gave Pepsi an effective shot:"The real thing""The most compelling proof for Coca-Cola is that it was the inventor of Coke. With this advantage, Coca-Cola introduced the concept of "authentic" positioning in its advertising, which means that other colas are imitating Coca-Cola and trying to denigrate Pepsi as a "cheap imitator".
In 2011, Gadobo's cooperation with Gadot Group came to an end, and Gadobo's team started a new stove to launch a new brand: Gadobo's participation in the herbal tea market competition.
At this time, Wang Laoji in addition to the brand, almost nothing, no channels, no products, no team, no suppliers, no supporters. For Wang Laoji at that time, the victory over Gadobo is almost impossible to complete the task, many media and industry experts have given Wang Laoji the "death penalty."
Wang Laoji company did not bury this advantage, timely creation of "authentic herbal tea" positioning concept, the brand and "authentic" herbal tea on the equal sign, trying to push Gadobo to the "herbal tea imitator" side.
Establish an objective basis
Using geographical differentiation to create a positioning concept is a more common and effective method because consumers can verify the authenticity of the brand's birthplace on their own. Therefore, it can be said that the concept of "authentic" and geographical indications complement each other, is the most appropriate combination.
How can Niu Barshan prove that he is "authentic"? Niu Barshan cleverly borrowed the brand was born in Beijing, and Beijing is the birthplace of the second pot, so that since then, Niu Barshan's "authentic" identity has been confirmed.
There are so many cases like this, and they're all developing very well.
Phoenix red: authentic red, from the birthplace of red;
Wujiang cuisine: authentic Lingling vegetables;
Lang card special song: from Sichuan, strong fragrance authentic;
Spicy Prince: Authentic spicy strip, from Pingjiang, Hunan Province, the origin of spicy strips.
The purpose of creating an "authentic" positioning is to define a competitor as an "impersonator."If the brand has the objective facts of the pioneer, then consumers will think that the brand first engaged in this business, other brands are obviously "imitators", more conducive to the creation of the brand "authentic" positioning.
Consumers believe that there are only two types of brands in the market, one is with their own unique formulations and patented technology brands, the other is to follow the trend of imitation of the brand. Companies with unique formulations or technologies can easily be defined as "authentic goods" and "shanzhai goods" in the other category.
KFC's most important secret weapon is also in the recipe, and its "super recipe" is still "super weapon" today, still a classic representative.
China has a long history of the country, pay great attention to cultural heritage, cultural heritage to change people's views play a great role,Chinese like to judge a person or a brand from the perspective of cultural tradition.
Think about why people trust Tongrentang so much. Why do Quanjude's roast ducks make people flock to them?
Brands are disguised, and consumers can reveal the truth behind them through brand culture.Consumers undoubtedly prefer brands that stand the test of time and think they are trustworthy.For enterprises, such as "old Chinese" and "national intangible cultural heritage" are extremely valuable cultural assets, is the brand to create a "classic" positioning concept is a very solid foundation.
If a company has a unique process in a product, then consumers will think that the product has a different performance, otherwise, why the process passed down from generation to generation, and only passed on to others.

McDonald's is the leader in hamburgers, which are made from deep-fried processes. Burger King is unique in its fire-roasting process, which helps Burger King create a distinctive difference in the minds of consumers. Because of the popularity of fire-roasted burgers, McDonald's also uses fire-roasted technology to make burgers.
Burger King pioneered the fire roasting process, which in the decades that followed,The constant emphasis on being the "real fire roast" has kept it third in the world for the long term.
China's liquor market has a strange phenomenon, is the use of historical culture to shape the "classic" brand, inject historical elements so that the liquor brand is full, the taste is better, the face also hangs.
If your brand lacks a history and culture, craft heritage is another way, and it's definitely a good way to do it.
Psychologists believe that it is difficult to believe the clues of the future without clues of the past. The long-established brand provides consumers with continuous clues that the brand has the ability to produce great products.
Emotionally, people tend to connect brands with a long history with national emotions. For the mind, brands with a long history are often given classic recognition.
Having a long history of this objective basis for entrepreneurs to create "authentic" brands is self-evident. As a result, we can see that many brands are showing their history to consumers in different ways.
Zhang Yu solution Baina: 80 years of quality assurance;
A. O Smith: Created 52 years of use miracles;
Danon Biyu: more than 30 years of history;
Guig: 100-year-old Guig, nutrition every day;
Burger King: 60 years of fire roasting heritage;
The concept of "authenticity" is constantly reinforced
There is no doubt that "authentic" is a very good cognitive concept.Once a concept is recognized by the enterprise, the following marketing task is to repeat the concept over and over again.
From a cognitive point of view, repeated "authentic" will strengthen the depth of the concept in the cognition, short-term memory into growth memory, so that "authentic" long-lasting storage in the consumer mind.
The future I want is to see a sense of security
All say that the human dream is colorful and colorful. So, what's Mom's dream? I have always wanted to report a sketch class, so every day annoying mother: "Mommy, friend small C also signed up!" Class leader Little A is learning too; even Naughty Ghost Little Z is practicing! Are you willing to let me fall behind? "One day, I was so annoyed with my mother, who was doing housework. At first, my mother didn't hear it, but she felt her growing impatience from her constantly powerful hands and sinking mouth. After more than ten minutes, she finally couldn't help it, throwing a towel full of water in her hand, and for a moment, the water splashed all over the plate half a meter away. At the same time, mom was angry: "Report! Report it! Report it! You know to report some interest classes to play, what else do you know besides playing? "I was startled and huddled. Mother a look at me like this, had to helplessly say: "You this child, how so obedient, so do not love to learn, really let me sad!" "When she's done, she's gone -- sign me up. I stayed still, can't help but recall my mother for my growth to pay a little bit: in order to accompany me to write homework, she ignored the composition https://www.ZuoWEn8.Com / daytime work hard every day to stay up late into the night; When I think of it, I'm too shy to take it easy. So, I have a bold plan, try my best to turn the efforts of the two tigers, secretly changed the sketch lesson. On the same day, I carried my mother to withdraw the money for sketching classes, and in a training institution next to the same time period of remedial classes ... Since then, I've been in cram school on time every week and I've never been absent. My heart is like a rabbit, has been excited to jump, but can not say it--- absolutely not. At the same time, in peacetime, my attitude towards learning is like playing chicken blood, non-stop, hard study. So a semester passed, when I took back a 100-point test paper, my mother was surprised and happy, a hug to me, mouth can not help but say: "You finally grow up, you finally understand!" "Everyone has the right to dream, and one day it will come true. Mom, please let me decorate your dream. What is energy? To be precise and simple, energy is a material resource in nature that can provide some form of energy to mankind. Bees pollinate honey and do their duty; yellow cattle work hard and do their part; pigeons deliver letters and do their duty; and, in particular, how can one be embarrassed? Think of dedication as a duty and a duty, loyalty to duty, self-interest. We live in an age of materialism and impetuousness. Many people have followed the flow and changed their mood. The land where we live is lined with tall buildings, flashing neon, the coast where we dock is bustling and noisy, and there is floating noise. Dare to ask who can defend their duties in such a large context, but also their own heart side of the clean soil? Life in the world, can roar to the top of the world after all, is a minority, most people are in their own posts under the struggle for life. Ringing the bell to worship Buddha is the monk's duty, protecting the country is the soldier's responsibility, teaching and educating people is the teacher's task. No one has ever been good at it, and celebrities are just successful people in a certain field. The world is so big that there is always a place for you. To take responsibility as a bet on life is a clear conscience. Some people envy those who landed in the capital city at birth, they are not "nobility" in the country is still the nobles of the people; Our people's police in order to investigate the case day and night ambush, our courier brother shuttled through the streets of the city every day, our team of teachers around the night to change the homework. They are like flowers, so that the city has a colorful color; Loyalty to duty, self-sacrifice is to make us love their work, work as a kind of fun; Unworkable, when a day monk hit a day clock mixed days of people slightly suffering a little tired will sigh, will sell their souls for the sake of fly-head profits, lose their self. If life like a sword to strip them of false sacs, they will have no way to escape, will be like a lost child bemoaning this life of inaction, corpse vegetarian meal. They peep at the interests, but always want to put on their own "benevolence" cloak. People who are loyal to their duties are always revered, no matter what field, small to cleaner, big to leader. It is the people of all different positions who build the society and let the society develop in an orderly way. Due diligence is the epitaph of the struggler; Be loyal to your profession and experience the joys of life before you can read through the vicissitudes of the world and be aware of life. We must uphold our duties, stand up straight, stand upright under the pure sky. The beginning of any road is simple. Our team marched in a neat and orderly manner. Everyone is active, every heart is excited. We passed through the early morning mist, we experienced the busy streets, we crossed the steep V-shaped valley, we climbed the towering mountains. The team is as strict as the five-line spectrum, we are the five-line spectrum notes, lively and unruly leap. The cool wind travels through our bodies, through pores, blowing heat and the constantly producing lactic acid out of the body. Blood is moving at high speed, like an army, to bring energy to our whole body and to annihilate fatigue at any time. The sun drifted lazily through the cracks of the clouds, spilling on our skin; the April wind patted us gently on the shoulder; and the dust, accompanied by the fragrance of the earth, harnessed the wind, rushed into our nasal cavity, and rested in our lungs. Gradually, the sun began to heat up and the road began to swing up and down like a sine function. Clothes have long been soaked in sweat, but our faces only smile, we still run, jump, no stagnation. We respond to the difficult road with songs. In the martyr's mausoleum in the half-mountain, I can't help but ponder for a long time. Martyrs, before becoming martyrs, are also flesh and blood, there are children and long people. They will be happy, they will be angry, they will be afraid, they will be impatient, they will waver, they will make mistakes. Some of them, in the face of the enemy, will be afraid, when tempted, will waver, when they go to the death penalty, will despair, will not control their bodies, but throughout, they have not abandoned their morals, did not harm the interests of the country, did not abandon their beliefs. When the bullets ended their lives, they were also physically and mentally free, and they became fearless, true martyrs. The martyrs fell, their blood was redened, they were buried, their bodies and bones slowly decayed, they slowly written https://www.zuoWEn8.Com/land and land, and they slowly disappeared. In this land, this country, this nation, in people's hearts, left behind is their courage, morality, and the spirit of patriotic love for the people. And the spirit left by the martyrs will be etched in the heart of every Chinese child, will flow with our blood, in our bodies, and passed down from us to the next generation. In the mausoleum, there are pine cypresses and red flowers, just like those heroes, even if the blood is scattered all over the earth, but also gloriously, proudly standing. The flag of the party is dyed red by their blood, and the air of our happy life has a sweet smell of blood. While we mourn the martyrs, we should also be proud that we are the successors to the martyrs. A lot of the teams have been washed away. The afternoon sun was getting more and more spicy, and I felt exhausted. I began to have strange feelings - that the army in my body was dead, that their remains had been transported to my lower limbs by my blood, that my dusty lungs were beginning to resist my body, that the dust had squeezed through the altruo membrane, that it had sunk in my body, and that I felt the mass of sunlight, that it was pressing on my back, that I could not breathe. A cold wind woke me up, and I realized that what I saw was a fake. Still tired, legs as heavy as lead. The mouth was thirsty, and I could seem to see the smoke and flames exhaling from my throat. After a few hours of patience, the stomach reached its limit and began to paralyze. I don't know how many times I've seen my watch, and the scenery on the road is starting to get familiar - steep slopes, V-shaped valleys, mountains, and finally, the streets are in front of me, and my lead-filled legs are starting to regain their instincts. When I thought I was going to the limit, I saw the school gate , the school gate, which was like a nightmare after the holidays, and by this time it had become the gate of heaven. The pilgrimage not only inherited the spirit of martyrs, but also taught us the spirit of perseverance. Flowers to be exhausted, tide ups and downs, like water years, light and shade like arrows, hurriedly meandering, Fang do not know the years fade away, waiting for young adults, has passed away for many years. Walking on the small slate road in the countryside, looking up, through the fingers seams to see the high sky, the same action, the same place, the same scenery, different, I have changed. Different hearts to see the same scenery, new feelings to see the old scenery, inevitably touch the scenery memory. Grow up, mature, complex, a little more sorrow, less a happy. The man said, "The teenager doesn't know what it's like to be sad." "Perhaps, everyone, every thing, only as a teenager, is the most innocent, the most worry-free period of time." White clouds melodious, blue sky is still, but now, people have changed, sighing things all bustling, sighing time in a hurry, sighing things are right and wrong. Goodbye, when I was a kid. Everything has become a memory, may the wind bring me a trace of pure happiness, let me take this innocence to continue the next journey. That journey, perhaps arduous, perhaps bumpy, perhaps full of thorns, or perhaps composition https://www.ZuoWEn8.Com/happiness, perhaps flat, perhaps full of sunshine, but are the only way of life, choose a wide and flat road, rather than choose a strange but fun-filled sheep intestine path to practice their own, for their own journey to add color. Looking forward to my future, through the road of thorns, to meet the fragrance of the Sunshine Avenue, with hope, with ideals, with full of joy, bravely towards their own future. In the future, do not need red willow green full garden spring color, do not need the magnificent landscape, do not need to be full of dreamy sea market, do not need the vast green original, that is not my exclusive, I just want that corner of the unique gorgeous, a scene alone staged pictures, a small and delicate wooden house, a little quiet green, a little casual encounter. My future, simple but not lost color, beautiful but not more than bright, plain but not lost fun. Life, should be so, the dead can not be re-started, then plan the present, look forward to the future. The energy we use is divided into three main categories: first, energy from celestial bodies outside the Earth (mostly solar energy). In addition to direct radiation, it provides the basis for the generation of wind, hydro, biological and mineral energy sources. Most of the energy the human body needs comes directly or indirectly from the sun. It is through photochemical applications that plants convert solar energy into chemical energy that can be stored in the body. Second, the earth itself contains energy, such as nuclear energy, geothermal energy and so on. Third, the energy generated by the interaction of the Earth and other cerial bodies, such as tidal energy, hot springs and magma spewed out by volcanic eruptions, is a manifestation of geothermal energy. We are now using conventional energy sources such as coal, oil, natural gas, etc., all of which are non-renewable energy compositions https://www.zuoWEn8.com/sources that will not be regenerated once used. Coupled with our massive use of these sources of energy and the unbridled waste of it, these sources are in danger of drying up. If the earth's energy is exhausted, by that time, there is no electricity, television can not see, even the computer can only be set up, we can only walk, ride a bicycle to school or work, that kind of life we simply can not imagine! Although countries are now working hard to develop new energy, but many new energy has not been widely used, the development and use of new energy is still a problem we need to study. In short, the world's energy is limited, so we should cherish the current energy, but also to learn to make good use of each energy! Perhaps, in the future we will find more new energy, but before that, we must know how to cherish what we have now! Yantai is my hometown and the place where I grew up. Yantai has a long history, "Yu" is one of the earliest cities and ancient capitals, from now on there is 3500 years of history of the city. From Yantai also out of a lot of emperors, such as Guo Wei, Chai Rong, Meng Zhixiang, Li Yuan and so on. Yantai scenery is beautiful, Zijin Mountain, Canyon Group, Tianhe Mountain, Yunmen Mountain, Kowloon Gorge and other famous scenery. I like yun dream mountain scenic area, look up, the mountains are very tall, a mountain rise, each not connected, some towering into the clouds, some like the old man carrying the green dragonfly, some like a pavilion Yuli girl, is showing their beauty, let people see the flow back. Yantai's cuisine is: black family dumplings, table cakes, ancient Shun wine, cake roll meat and so on. My composition https://www.ZuoWEn8.Com/favorite black family dumplings, soft and smooth to eat, gravy overflowing, really eight rare jade food ah! Yantai also has many famous actors, film and television star Wang Baoqiang, CCTV famous program host, broadcast host Zhao Zhongxiang, famous Beijing Opera representative figures, one of the four famous Dan Still Xiaoyun. We taiwan people are very simple and kind. Once, my mother and I went to the tutoring class, saw an aunt is on the phone, the wallet accidentally fell out, when the wind was very strong, the money was blown away. A lot of pedestrians around came to pick up the money, and I thought to enough: They won't pick it up and put it in their pockets, will they? I didn't expect them to pick up the money and give it back to aunt. This is my hometown, although it is not a big place, but the mountain clear water show, people Jedring, I like my hometown! Nature, just around us, a mountain, a water, a grass and a wood are nature, are the masterpieces of nature, there will be natural scenery, learn to appreciate it with eyes, taste it, you will find the beauty. Good scenery, will let people put down the reality of the pursuit of famous heart, will let people forget sadness, regain happiness. May Day long vacation, in order to participate in cousin's full-year banquet, parents and I went back to my hometown, but I can not suppress the joy in my heart, think of another ten hours I can set foot on that piece of homeland, I will be full of joy, I never thought I would go back on May Day, body In a foreign country I do not have a moment not to miss the hometown, as well as the natural scenery of the hometown, as the ancient poem wrote "in a foreign country for foreign visitors, every festival to think of relatives" I not only miss the hometown of relatives, more miss the scenery of that homeland, remember when I was a child, every weekend Climbing with my partner, all the way up the mountain, enjoying the gorgeous work of nature, reaching the top of the mountain, I sat in a pavilion with my partner, and a few older boys went fishing in the pool by the stream, because they lived in the countryside for a long time, smart, would do some simple fishing tools, wooden plugs Wood stick these, all these, I around the composition https://www.ZuoWEn8.Com/partners will do some, but I am not good water, can not enjoy fishing with partners, one person sitting by the stream to enjoy the scenery , see, the water is clear, the trees are green, hundred birds chirp like a band, neat and orderly, scrambling to chirp, perhaps also love this nature, watching the water fish a few happy games, seems to be happy with us, a few people put up a fire, the fish simple treatment will open the baking, small partners catch fish can really be quite a lot, the number also has seven or eight, enough for us to feed a meal, through the fish continue to turn over and bake Eighteen minutes later cooked, we will take out the seasoning from the backpack seasoning, after seasoning, we began to enjoy this vulgar meal, think about, there are good people around, good scenery, good food, the heart don't mention how happy, fast to the evening, we also went home, play a day, physically and mentally tired, think of when we were young together to go out to play and enjoy the scenery of nature, the heart a little happy, really miss, drinking with small partners together. Originally did not speak, but because busy with the small college entrance examination, the Language teacher's words touched my heart, I think of my mother. Mother accompanied me the most time, my father all year long in the field to work, planning my tuition and family expenses, my mother is from Jiangsu, wearing a simple light black coat, wearing a pair of wide trousers appeared above the black cloth shoes, short, her yellow skin and her coat in sharp contrast, lining her extraordinarily hard work. Mother every day is four or five o'clock to get up, busy outside, cleaning the cement floor in front of the door, help the birth of a busy home. My mother and I about the second reading, the relationship has been bad, meet is a noise, who do not let anyone, fight for the first strong words, each time you face back, I proudly approached the study to do homework, until one night, I was busy writing the National Day layout of the homework has been done ten A little, at this time, I heard a voice next door, quietly approached to listen, mother is sobbing tears sitting in front of the bed, I see this scene; The son is wrong, the son should not make you angry, the son regrets every time you hurt, ah... At this moment, my heart is full of composition https://www.ZuoWEn8.Com/is tears, it flows in every blood vessel in my body, quickly transmitted to my whole body, I dare not shed tears, can not cry, I am afraid to be known to you, that night, I can not sleep, many times in the night until dawn, from that night, I decided to put down my selfish, stupid, happy life with you. In a blink of an eye, the first half of high school is about to pass, and I have to be busy with the small college entrance examination, this winter vacation I decided to take you to Salt City Scenic Area to relax, even if I am sorry for your atonement, for every past insanity to apologize, tired of most of the housework, I know your Hands by the years cruelly scratched scars, years and life more than your ruddy face, leaving two wrinkles, mother you hard, son filial piety, let you break the heart, upset a lot of God, you rest assured that the son grew up, understand your hardships and pay. Remember that year on that bridge in dafeng City Scenic Area, Yancheng? I face the river shouted: "Mother, your hard work I remember, when I grow up, I want you to live a good life, " you smiled happily, smile engraved in my heart. Each student has youthful rebelliousness and way willfulness, do not understand the people around you for your pay, lost to chase, grasp the most precious life, let love walk together on the road of the years. Since then, I have learned to appreciate nature, good scenery can make people happy, forget sadness and trouble, really thank nature left me memories. Sima Yu not only did not passively wait, but also in the process of waiting to take a hundred essences set a person's body, will wait for the magic of the most vivid display.
Quiet boulevard, still, I walk slowly alone. The yellow leaves followed in my footsteps, quietly following. I stretched out my hands and tried to get the air out of here again. Recall the taste of the past, a yellow leaves quietly fell to start, it is so vicissitudes. I fished for the wrinkles of its years, and I was dazed... What the road ahead will be, how to get out of the mud. I can't help looking up at the sky, it is still so blue, so high, a few light white clouds flow ... I often think, we are on the beach to pick up the children, when we move forward footprints in the tide of the years gradually disappeared, leaving only inexplicable memories ... Her big eyes, ceramic skin, are very much like a Barbie doll. She was my first deskmate in high school. However, our getting along is not without its ups and downs. One day at noon, I was sleeping when I heard a sound like a mouse eating and woke me up. I was so annoyed that I saw her leisurely pinch a bag of Beijing instant noodles with two fingers and pinch a root to eat. I stared at her, and she looked up at me and smiled and said, "Please eat it!" "I threw her bag of instant noodles straight away. She took my arm and had no choice but to return the bag of instant noodles to her. Somehow, she always likes to ask me gossipy questions. She always said my eyes are small, I said people Zhou Jielun is also very small wow, she said people are more talented than you; She says people are handsomer than you, and I'm speechless. But then, her boyfriend was darker than me! Then she switched school and never saw her again. I am not very enthusiastic about sports, every day to see the basketball court on the "grandfather" to fight for their lives on the court to grab a ball, some still holding the ball on the ground rolling. Whenever this time, I am very disdainful, if playing basketball is like this, then everyone sent one is, why hold it like this! But I'm hooked on table tennis. Don't eat and play with others every morning, or even sneak around during the lunch break. "People walk in the river, where there are no wet shoes." One day, I played table tennis with others, playing the right momentum, far away to see the head teacher to this side, I and others quickly hide, when the head teacher went far, we dare to come out. Continue to fight with a hint of psychology that the head teacher did not see. Http://www.zUoWEn8.co.uk/who knows where the head teacher came from, and we're so scared that we run to the classroom with our rackets. However, he never let us go, the result, of course, "cup" out. After this lesson, we had to fight in the morning. The winter morning was unusually cold, but it didn't stop our enthusiasm. Once, the weather was so cold that I couldn't hold the racket in my hand. When a good ball, I habitual hand-pumping, suddenly the racket slipped, just rub a girl's hair and pass, scared her to scream, I was also startled, rushed over to apologize. She glared at me angrily, and I spat my tongue out helplessly at the players. The colder the weather, the thick ice on the ball table, the ball beat wildly on it, alas, no way, we had to stop. Then the ping-pong ball gradually fades out of my sight. Irritable life and gradually backward results make me depressed, especially in my so high school last semester. Three points can not become a plane, it did not give me a world, but triangles have a fixed role, will be my firm bondage. In the face of such achievements, I kept asking selves if my head had deteriorated. The depression in my heart can't be calmed down, and I'm addicted to memories and fantasies. As I tried to listen to the class, what had happened in the past recurred in my mind. I wrote countless forgets in the book, but the more I always want to forget the more memorable. The acid in my heart and the eyes of others make me struggle. Finally, six months later, I gradually forget the things that often happen in my mind. So I learned to forget. Forgetting the past will allow the window of your own heart to heal slowly. First, you have to have bulletproof clothing so you're not afraid of the unexpected. Second, you have to have your own survival weapon, so that you have value and a foothold. The real bottom line is never bluffing, but on its own absolute strength. Only with real strength, you dare in the storm hit, calmly said: It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid
In the instant noodles market, Master Kang because of red roast beef noodles to take the lead into the mind, thereby suppressing unity for a long time, the two sales difference is huge, Master Kang sales of 5 billion, unified sales of 120 million.
In 2003, the unified and innovative in the red-burned cattleAdd pickles to the meat noodles and quickly gain the favor of young consumers with their sour, spicy taste. In 2008, the unified establishment of "old altar pickle beef noodles" as a national single product, with "this sour, can't believe" advertising spread, unified old altar pickle beef noodles overnightBetween the red river north and south, the single product from 150 million in 2008 to 4 billion in 2010, the growth rate reached a staggering 2500 percent.
Passive cheese Master Kang obviously can not be indifferent, before this, Master Kang red roast beef noodles have few enemies, a move "is this taste" in the national market leader.
Master Kang decided to try his best to block the taste. In 2010, Master Kang introduced three kinds of pickle flavors to block the unity of the old altar pickle beef noodles.
Master Kang chess slow step, the introduction of pickle beef noodles so that Master Kang became a follower.This is the first time in more than two decades that a unified, suppressed country has assumed the role of a defender.It's a great way to do your best.
First of all, when Master Kang pickle beef noodles enter the market, unity is first of all to increase advertising, in the volume of suppression of Master Kang, as the pioneer of pickle beef noodles, unified information is particularly concerned, in the same amount of the case, unified advertising will be more attention.
More important is a unified brand communication strategy.Defining the follow-up as a "shanzhai" is the most common thing.Unity clearly knows this, and it constantly reinforces the concept of "authenticity" in advertising. Hunan TV famous host: Wang Han as a brand image spokesman, in the advertisement said: "Some people imitate my face, there are people imitate my face."
Because master Kang's endless pursuit, unity at all levels constantly repeat their authentic identity, has not been slack, to this day, unity still "authentic" concept as an important strategy and constantly repeat.

Coconut trees have long dominated the coconut juice market, with a market share of more than 80% and sales of nearly $5 billion, and no brand can pose a threat to it.
Even so, coconut palm juice continues to reinforce its "authentic" status. Look at the text on his bottle, the paper on the box, the video ad and the printed text, not too much beautiful text, only to reinforce an "authentic" concept.The value of this is to make the concept of "authentic" solid and credible, and then produce a shielding effect, shielding the spread of new brands.
In practice, we find that "authentic" is valuable in some categories, because of the lack of brand guidance, resulting in consumers do not realize the value of "authentic".
Shaping classic cognitive symbols
The mind is a small container that actively processes and processes information. The mind will judge the reliability of existing information based on the information available, so providing valuable clues to consumer decision-making becomes the focus of the enterprise marketing department.
People's view of a classic brand is not about its performance, but about its impact on consumer perception. Of course, the product must also perform well. In general, consumers' initial impressions of the brand are often memorable visual symbols.
Since its inception, the product has been changing in response to competition.What classic brands usually keep the same is the visual symbol。 Coca-Cola's bottle shape is the representative of its classics, for which Coca-Cola has also applied for a patent, held a centennial celebration; McDonald's golden arch is its classic symbol; Tongren Tongren retro-style appearance makes it easy to think of classics.
The value of visual symbols is that they don't need to be explained in writing, and consumers immediately become aware of them and associate them with classic brands.
Brand storytelling is popular, and more and more brands are understanding the power of stories to change their image and identity. The story is logical, emotional, and vivid, so it's moving and free.
A brand story can be seen as a process of brand birth, or as a favorable event in the process of brand development, such as Haier's story, which eventually takes the form of a story. In the long run, these stories will gradually become classics and an integral part of creating classic brands.
A good example of a classic brand in business history is Coca-Cola, which not only has classic visual symbols, but also a series of classic stories, including: the story of coke invention, the story of cola formula, the story of bottle design, these stories have been celebrated, become part of the Coca-Cola classic brand.
In China, I personally tend to be short and refined with the design of brand stories like Mrs. Le. It says: "100 years ago, the human invention of MSG; "
Mrs. Le made a mistake,It failed to realize the importance of the brand story to the classic brand, and the right thing to do was to constantly reinforce the story.
As the name implies, classic products are time-tested products, but also the brand's most representative products. Classic products not only represent the product itself, the more important value is to shape the brand of classics.
The best practice for owning classic products is to introduce them every interval to indicate the brand's classic identity in this area. 、
Levi's Classic 501;
Coca-Cola Classic Bottled Coke;
Rolex classic oyster bracelet.
Luxury brands have tried and failed to shape their history through classic products, louis Vuitton has several classic women's bags, and Burberry shows off its classic windwear in the display case, and classics don't let these luxury brands fall into the trap of making them last.
Classic products because of its "classic" widely favored by consumers, it means that the product meets a wider range of consumer user base and aesthetic standards, so the choice of classic products is more insurance.
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