Those brainless mis-settings failed your Facebook ad display (above)

Low-budget A/B test, set too many changes to the ad group Pictures don't appeal Low ad relevance (-wrong audience targeting) Use the wrong optimization or spot options I don't have the patience to change the ads all the time
Use Total Budget to cover when your ads are running You want your ads to work when they first run. For example, you're going to put 100 bucks a day for five days, not a one-day budget of 100, but a set of 500 total budgets. It's about making your ads work quickly in the early stages. Use less of your one-day budget unless your ads are super-relevant to your target audience. Increase your starting budget and expand your audience in the early stages of your ad launch (about a week).

Although our newly released advertising targets are forConversion optimization(Register, add shopping cart, etc.), initially will find little effect (conversion), ad impressions are not many, this is not enough data, can not be very good evaluation of ads. After changing the optimization mode with link clicks, we saw a sharp increase in relevance scores and point views.

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