I've seen these ads to find out what advertising ideas are
Advertising, widely reported, a good advertisement, is able to resonate with people.
Creativity, innovative thinking, is a breakthrough, through creativity to create greater benefits, both material and spiritual benefits.
Creative advertising, permeable, permeable.Can rely on attractive ideas on the network quickly and spontaneously in the form of vines to promote the spread.

Simply put, the so-called advertising creativity is to advertise the special cultural connotation to be expressed, through the processing of art, so that people in a certain social context from the cultural connotation of advertising to produce identity and resonance. The following small compilation for everyone to organize a few commonly used techniques.

Use various ways to grasp and emphasize the product or theme itself unique characteristics, and it is clearly displayed, these characteristics placed in the main visual part of the advertising screen or to be baked and processed, so that the audience in contact with the words of the screen is quickly felt, to its attention and visual interest, to stimulate the desire to buy promotional purposes.
In the advertising performance, these should focus on highlighting and rendering the characteristics, generally rich in personality product image distinctive special ability, manufacturers' corporate logo and product trademarks and other elements to determine.
The method of highlighting features is also a very common expression method that we often use, and it is one of the important techniques to highlight the theme of advertising, which has the performance value that can not be ignored.

Contrast is one of the most prominent expressions of artistic beauty, which tends to be opposing conflicts. It shows the nature and characteristics of the things depicted in the works in sharp contrasts and direct contrasts, and then shows them, comparing them against each other, from the differences presented by the contrast, to achieve the performance of concentration, simplicity, twists and turns.
Through this method more clearly emphasize or prompt the performance and characteristics of the product, to give consumers a profound visual feeling. As a common and effective expression, it can be said that all art benefits from comparative expression. The use of comparative techniques not only makes the advertising theme strengthen the performance, but also full of interest, expanding the infectious power of advertising works.
The success of the use of comparative techniques can make the seemingly ordinary picture processing implied a wealth of meaning, showing the different levels and depth of advertising theme performance.

This is one of the most commonly used and widely used expression techniques. It will be a product or theme directly and truthfully displayed on the advertising page, the full use of photography or painting skills such as realistic performance.
Place the product directly in the main position of the screen to show to the audience, this method should pay attention to two aspects. First of all, a product or theme directly and truthfully displayed in the advertising layout, the full use of photographic realistic performance ability, carefully depict and render the product texture, form and functional use, the product exquisite texture fascinating to present, giving people a realistic sense of reality, so that consumers on the promotion of the product has a sense of intimacy and trust.
This method because of the direct product to consumers, so we should pay great attention to the combination of products on the screen and display angle, should focus on highlighting the product's brand and product itself is the most easy to impress the part, the use of color light and background for baking, so that the product is placed in an infectious space, so as to enhance the visual impact of the advertising screen.

Humor exaggeratesRefers to the description of certain characteristics of the object and extreme exaggeration.Plot hyperbole, proportional exaggeration and counter-psychological exaggeration are mostly in the form of comics, cartoons and photography.Dramatic exaggeration, so that the picture more lively, reminiscent of the aftertaste;Surreal exaggeration, with imagination to create a new image of the consumer;Contrasting exaggeration, so that the theme is more distinct, strong (commonly used to candy, alcohol, footwear, film, cosmetics and other merchandise publicity);Comic hyperbole, humorous;Reverse exaggeration, grasp the psychological characteristics of the opposite publicity, arouse curiosity.
Exaggeration is a novelty change in general, through fiction to the characteristics of the object and personality of the Chinese and American aspects of exaggeration, giving people a novelty and change of interest.
According to the characteristics of its performance, exaggeration can be divided into two types of morphological exaggeration and appearance exaggeration, the former is the appearance of the treatment, the latter is the implicit emotional treatment. Through the use of exaggeration techniques, for the artistic beauty of advertising into a strong emotional color, so that the characteristics of the product is distinct, prominent, moving.

In advertising design, the three-dimensional image is emphasized, made up, concentrated, with a unique imagination to grasp a point or a local to focus on the description or extension of amplification, in order to more fully express the theme of thought.
This kind of artistic treatment with a little view of the comprehensive, small-sighted, never-to-full expression, to the designer has brought a lot of flexibility and unlimited expressive power, while providing the recipient with a broad space for imagination, to obtain vivid interest and rich association.
To see the big and medium", is the focus of advertising picture description and visual interest center, it is not only the concentration of advertising creativity and hair, but also the designer's unique arrangement, because it is not the general meaning of "small", but small and medium-large, to small and large highly refined products, is concise and deliberate pursuit.

Screen, forming a complete visual impression, so that through the picture and text to convey the advertising message is very clear, prominent, powerful.

Mineral water, pure natural, non-polluting water
Financial insurance advertising
Smoking is harmful to health, and vivid public service advertisements
Toothpaste ads, don't let bacteria decay
Durex advertising ideas
Billboards for fashion dyed hair brand Koleston Naturals

Hair dye advertising using hollowing techniques, make full use of the color of the sky, to evolve the color of hair changes, with the rising and falling hair constantly changing color. Interestingly, it also sends a signal to consumers that our hair dyes are all natural colors.
What do you think? These very creative advertising films, simple to give everyone the most abundant connotation, not only can convey the concept of products, services, but also to bring you more thinking, such ads are our audience would like to see, isn't it?

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