ACTIVATION DIGITALは、IAI国際広告賞など12のデジタルコミュニケーション賞を受賞しています
We are glad to announce

4月の初めに、ACTIVATION DIGITALは誇らしげな姿勢で次々に現れるIAI国際広告賞、ゴールデンマウス賞、タイガーハウリング賞デジタルコミュニケーションの分野で最も影響力のある3つのイベントで合計12の賞を受賞!
Since the beginning of April, ACTIVATION DIGITAL has won a total of 12 awards from three of most influential accolades in the digital space, the IAI International Advertising Awards, the Golden Mouse Awards and the Tiger Roar Awards.
ACTIVATION DIGITALは、ACTIVATION GROUPのデジタルエージェントとして、デジタル戦略、社会戦略、コンテンツ開発、デジタル広告、eコマースなど、優れた高級ブランド、ファッション、メイクアップ、ファストブランド業界の経験を持つハイエンドブランドにサービスを提供しています。 同社のチームは、最も新鮮なアイデアと信頼性の高いデータを組み合わせてチームの経験に変換し、顧客にとって最大の価値を創造するために、非常に創造的です。
ACTIVATION DIGITAl, the professional digital agency under ACTIVATION GROUP, has meticulously served mid to high-end brands, and has exceptional experience in the luxury, fashion, beauty, and FMCG industries. With a breadth of services that include: digital strategy, social strategy, content development, digital advertising and e-commerce. Home to a team of individuals focused on creativity, and that has a reputation for blending groundbreaking ideas with solid data to transform the work experience and create maximum value for clients.
Let's review the wonderful award cases together

IAI International Advertising Awards
IAI国際広告賞は、2016年に中国の有名な広告賞「IAI年鑑賞」が新しく改訂された非営利の広告マーケティングキャンペーンです。 IAI国際広告賞は、広告クリエイティブの評価だけでなく、広告キャンペーンが企業にもたらすマーケティング価値にも注目し、国内外のブランド企業に広告クリエイティブ、戦略イノベーション、デジタルメディアコミュニケーション、エグゼクティブパフォーマンス、パフォーマンス活動など、第一線の市場情報と事例を提供することを目標にしています。
The IAI International Advertising Awards is a non-profit advertising activity for the well-known Chinese advertising award "IAI Yearbook Award" created in 2016. The IAI International Advertising Award is not only an assessment of advertising creativity, but brings attention to the value that advertising and marketing can bring to businesses. It is also committed to providing domestic and foreign brands with top of the line information and cases in the areas of advertising creativity, strategic innovation, digital media, and execution efficacy.
《Gaultier meets BOSIDENG》
Integrated Marketing Category Silver Award

《Campaign for the Dicos's New "Crab Burger"》
ROI Category Silver Award
デクサスX NBA、IP借り入り統合マーケティング
《Dicos X NBA, IP integrated marketing》
Social Marketing Category Bronze Award


Golden Mouse Awards

The Golden Mouse Digital Marketing Competition was founded in 2009 and since then has been well recognized by major digital agencies, advertisers, media and third-party platforms in China and South Korea. The competition brings together participants to witness the developments and great changes across the digital marketing industry, leading it to be recognized as the "Digital marketing indicator".
《Campaign for the Dicos's New "Crab Burger"》
Social Marketing Category Golden Awards
Best Marketing Effect Award


デクサスX NBA、IP借り入り統合マーケティング
《Dicos X NBA, IP integrated marketing》
Cross-media Integration Category Silver Award


Tiger Roar Awards

The Tiger Roar Awards were founded by Huxiao Media, pursuing the principle of "leading trends, encouraging originality, and creating classics", advocating the principle of "marketing wins by strength", and creating the most authoritative, and forward-looking event in the communications field.
《Gaultier meets BOSIDENG》
Clothing/Accessories Category Silver Award
Integrated Marketing Category Bronze Award

• ヤン・ジャンとイ・ユチュンの動画を配信し、ファンと積極的に交流する
《Campaign for the Dicos's New "Crab Burger"》
Integrated Marketing Excellence Award
Food and Service Bronze Award

《Dicos X NBA, IP integrated marketing》
Media Creativity Category Gold Award
Content Marketing Category Bronze Award
•デックスX NBAのダウンラインダウンビデオ

ACTIVATION GROUPの今日の印象的な成果の背景には、すべてのチームメンバーのハードワークと、すべての顧客の信頼とサポートが必要です。
ACTIVATION GROUP's achievements today are inseparable from the hard work and dedication of every member of our team and the trust and support given by our clients.
ACTIVATION GROUPは、大中華圏の高級ブランドマーケティングの専門家として、再び輝きを創り出します!
In the future, ACTIVATION GROUP will continue to serve as the leading high-end and luxury brand marketing expert in the Greater China region and make more splendid achievements.
