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Recent Uber interview problem.
This question has recently emerged Uber in the interview.
You are given a string of parenthesis. Return the minimum number of parenthesis that would need to be removed in order to make the string valid. "Valid" means that each open parenthesis has a matching closed parenthesis.
Given a string of parentheses, there may be mismatches, such as a right half bracket without a left parenthesis', or two left half brackets with only one right half bracket '(()', etc. The writing algorithm returns the number of mismatched parentheses.
Test Case:
string = "()())()"
The fifth parenthesis does not match it before the parenthesis.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Solution:
def countInvalidParenthsis(self, string):
opened = 0
invalid = 0
for char in string:
if char == '(':
opened += 1
elif opened > 0:
opened -= 1
invalid += 1
return invalid + opened
# Test Program
string = "()())()"
result = Solution().countInvalidParenthsis(string)
# 1
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