多くの関連要因が中国の屋外広告市場の成長を後押ししている。 中国の好景気は消費者と広告支出を大いに後押しし、屋外広告は多くの利益を得た。 都市化(現在約55%)、自動車保有台数(2015年に1億7,200万台を突破)、航空旅行の増加(年間約15%増)も屋外広告市場の発展に貢献しています。
疑いなく、収益性の高い中国の屋外広告市場は、多くの外国のブランド広告主を引き付けている。 世界的な広告大手として、マクロ・メディアは中国のデジタル・アウトドア市場で大きなシェアを占めています。マクロリーグのメディアはまた、高度な活用を計画していますTargetEngageは™屋外広告のさらなる発展を促進するプラットフォームです。
IMONが開発したTargetEngage™自動管理プラットフォームは、インテリジェントなデジタル画面に組み込まれています。 このプラットフォームは、屋外広告の分野で新たな変革の波を巻き起こします。
中国の建設ブームは、屋外広告市場に直接影響します。 建設プロジェクトには、大型ショッピングセンターや商業街などの価値の高い広告環境が含まれます。 より重要なことは、都市建設が都市化を進め、人口密度を高め、屋外広告の魅力を大幅に高めたことです。
IMONは、ポイントメーカーに比類のないビジネスチャンスをもたらします - IMONは、各ポイントとポイントタイプ/実装タイプを詳細に調査し、最も一致するカスタマイズされたTekimom®ハードウェアとハードウェアを確立しますTargetEngage は、™コンテンツ、機能、および利点を提供します。 同時に、ポイントメーカーが最適なサードパーティ技術を選択し、ポイントと周辺居住者/ユーザーに特定の利益をもたらすのに役立ちます。
これは、IMON が各ポイントと実装タイプに課す付加価値であり、プラットフォームをローカル環境に埋め込むことで実現され、将来のビジネスモデルの価値を実証します。
空港は、価値の高い屋外広告のための最高の配信ポイントの1つであり、中国は現在、航空輸送能力を大幅に増加しています。 80以上の新しい空港が計画または建設中です。 これにより、中国の空港数は50%近く増加し、総旅客容量は倍増します。
都市鉄道/地下鉄システムは、屋外広告の重要な成長分野です。 世界最大の地下鉄システムは、上海と北京にある中国にあります。
大規模な輸送ハブは、動的にダウンロード可能な電子地図を乗客に提供し、乗客の多様化を支援します。 マップは IMON ネットワークによってサポートされています。
China has seen rapid growth in the digital out-of-home advertising industry in recent years which is forecast to rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16% over the coming three years. This brings a huge opportunity to advertisers, content creators and digital distributors.
The growth in the Chinese DOOH market isbeing driven by a number of related factors. China’s economic boom is greatlyincreasing both consumer and advertising spending across the board and DOOH isreaping the benefits. The market is also being boosted by trends towards urbanization,which recently reached 55%; car ownership, which recently passed 172 millionand air travel, with the passengers’ numbers growing at an annual rate around15%.
Unsurprisingly, China’s lucrative DOOH market has attracted a great deal of large foreign brand advertisers. The global advertising giant — Omnicom Media Group — already has a large share of the DOOH market in China and are set to expand even further.
Omnicom has a strategic plan to take outdoor advertising into the next generation by utilizing TargetEngage™ platform that will revolutionize the industry.
Developed by IMON Network Limited, the TargetEngage™Active Premium Programmatic media platform and Tekimon® integrated digital smart screens, incorporate a new generation of audience recognition capability, mobile interactivity, data management and campaign management features, plus a host of new and innovative technologies that have been specifically designed to enhance brand engagement and audience measurement.
As the OOH advertising market is undergoing profound changes, the following trends become increasingly prominent.
China’s ongoing construction boom is having a large direct impact on the OOH market. Construction sites themselves are often valuable, albeit temporary, sites for large posters and billboards.
The completed projects include high-value advertising environments such as shopping malls and commercial streets. More importantly, construction in cities drives urbanization and higher population densities, which greatly increases the attractiveness of DOOH advertising.
IMON creates unequalled opportunities for location owners as it conducts detailed research on each location and location/implementation type to establish the most suitable customization of the Tekimon® hardware and TargetEngage™ platform content, features and benefits. As well as aiding in selecting the most appropriate third-party technologies that bring specific benefits to both the location and its’ inhabitants/users.
The integration is available to all location owners enabling them to gain additional advantages and valuable information, but more importantly, greater and more diverse revenue streams.
It is the additional value that IMON brings to each location and implementation type that embeds the platform into the local environment, which future proofs their business model.
Airports are among the best locations for high-value DOOH advertising and China is currently engaging in a massive expansion of aviation capacity. Over 80 new airports are planned or under construction. This will increase the country’s number of airports by almost 50% and more than double total passenger capacity.
City metro systems are also an important growth area for DOOH. The world’s two largest metro systems are both in China, in Shanghai and Beijing.
To cater to the transport advertising trends, IMON offers an incredible total digital network that is seamlessly integrated with TargetEngage™ platform to contribute to the innovation of transport services.
Transportation hubs assist passengers with dynamic downloadable maps that are supported by IMON network. The network recognizes individual passenger (citizen/tourist) based on their route histories and preferences and remembers each passenger’s destination facilitating the delivery of ‘location and preference based’ customized benefits to each user.
Besides that, the screen network can also help each transportation hub gain the most precise sales data, providing convenience for each passenger by integrating a national ticket program access through Host Card Emulation.

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