Because of Pavel Durov's attitude to "absolute freedom," we still don't know how many secret rooms telegram has in the process of making secret deals. Essays and Financial Gossip Women Special Author:Rickzhang
▲Oliver Stone directs the film Snowden. Through the social platform Telegram, several secret chat rooms are set up, and the entire criminal gang posts and even broadcasts information, photos, videos, etc. that women "sexually threaten." The number of victims in the case exceeded 70 and included underage women.Because telegram servers are located overseas and are encrypted, it is difficult for the police to investigate the exact number of paid members. Some women's groups predict that more than 260,000 men have shared videos and photos of sexual exploitation in Room N, including more than 10,000 members in the Doctor's Room alone.South Korea as a whole has a population of just over 50 million, equivalent to one in 200 people on average, linked to this collective crime.It's an appalling sight, even called a national disgrace by the South Korean president. So many people collectively watch sexual assaults happen because criminals use a private and encrypted communications software as a crime platform, Telegram.In March 2018, Telegram said it had 200 million monthly users and more than 100 billion messages a day. Because Telegram has been used by many people to commit crimes, the software has become a major problem for police around the world. 1.
/ "Black production" under the banner of absolute freedom/
Telegram is founded by Russian billionaire Pavel Durov, who is also the founder of VK, Europe's largest social network. The man, who was originally known in Russia for singing against Putin, left the country.Telegram was born for privacy and security and would never compromise with any force, he said in an interview.It's utopian, isn't it? But can't stand people have money, how this software fits the boss's mind how to do. And the boss has a dead rule: the software is always free, not-for-profit, doesn't sell ads, and refuses to accept outside investment.▲He posted it on InstagramA photo of the middle finger given to investors has now been deletedThis means that ownership of the software is unlikely to change at all, until the software disappears, following the "absolute freedom" rules set by the founders. Telegram has made a number of unusual settings to achieve these "absolute freedoms".The first is encryption, which, unlike open access to information on both sides of other chat software, provides end-to-end encryption for one-to-one chats.It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you just know that Telegram can't do anything about its information encryption technology if it doesn't provide a security key to the outside world. That's why in 2018 Russia sued Telegram for obstructing counter-terrorism, seeking the keys. But in the end, Telegram didn't compromise. ▲Durov posted a picture of a puppy in a hoodie spitting his tongue - and his reply to the Kremlin was clear: Think about it! Second, in this software, chat logs do not support server retention, and users are supported to set chat logs to be destroyed at a time. This software also supports the deletion of accounts at the click of a button, delete the account, all relevant information is also destroyed and so on ... Although these features are designed to guarantee the "absolute freedom" of users in Internet communication, at the end of the day, the people who actually use them are people with ulterior motives.Even police in many countries believe that Telegram is in fact a basic condition for the development of the international "dark web" into a third generation. And around this software and related features, the world's largest privacy information exchange network has begun to take shape. It's like this "Room N" event.2.
/ I can't see the hidden empire in the corner /
The exposed "Room N" gives a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg in the dark web. Pornography, child molesting videos, human trafficking, personal information, sneaking videos and so on, and even some unsealable terrorist crimes, abound in the latest generation of "dark webs" based on the telegram world. The first is the disclosure of personal information. On September 5, 2019, the Huishan People's Procuratorate of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, prosecuted the criminal suspect Liu for violating the personal information of citizens. Suspects have been found to have used a website registration loophole to steal hundreds of millions of personal information from citizens and sell them publicly on Telegram, allegedly with more than 1,000 paid queries.Such information leaks have not been a minority in recent years.On June 14, 2018, the day after Site A publicly stated that nearly 10 million data had been compromised and sold on the dark web, telegram had publicly sold user data from another large recruitment site.On August 28, 2018, data from several hotel chains owned by the China Living Group was sold on Telegram. Sellers claim the data relates to a number of well-known hotels, a total of 130 million people's personal information and about 500 million records of opening.Only part of the 2018 statistics show that there have been more than 100 incidents of information breaches on Telegram. Terrible, isn't it? There's something even scariest. On October 16, 2019, a joint team of investigators from the United States, Britain, South Korea and Germany announced that they had dismantled a dark web child pornography site called Welcome To Video, the BBC reported.The site's trading information was not available because everyone's communication and video delivery was done on Telegram. People trading is also a good business here, and not only young and beautiful women, all kinds of everything.Pornography is also an integral part of this "dark web". In recent years, sneaky videos have become extremely popular on the Internet, especially in the context of couples' hotels and other videos are more likely to get higher prices. The room in the "Room N" event is Telegram's new private chat room, where chats and even subsequent deals can't be traced by anyone. As a result, many of the sneaky videos were widely distributed in such an environment.There are even videos that are overwhelming and extremely perverted. Of course, videos of so-called sexual abuse abound on Telegram.And ordinary people staying in hotels were secretly filmed video, is also a popular product, perhaps unannsekly you will see yourself and your girlfriend figure.Other things are even bloodier. For example, in this dark communication system, there are naked human organs trading, and if the price, buyers can also "keep fresh."If you spend a lot of money, you can also enter private chat rooms like Room N and do things you didn't even think about before. Telegram, for example, also has a so-called red house, where high-priced viewers can decide how the killers in the room kill the so-called actors who broadcast the show.3.
/ Accomplices of terrorist organizations /
Telegram, with its "absolute freedom" philosophy, has ironically become a channel and a source of communication for terrorist groups, while spreading all kinds of illegal information.This is due to Telegram's ease of operation and the provision of encrypted communications, as well as telegram's lack of restrictions on terrorist activities. In August 2013, the NSA discovered that communications between al Qaeda network leaders around the world had shifted to the "dark web" set up by online applications such as Telegram, which sends messages to a huge number of users via encrypted mobile phones, with a large number of related users moving from Twitter to Telegram.Since September 2015, Islamic State and al Qaeda have used Telegram software significantly, according to CNN.▲CNN reported the footage The terrorist attacks in Paris in 2015 have so far been heart-stopping. ISIS terrorists are reported to be communicating via Telegram.Telegram can then be seen in various terrorist attacks around the world.▲CNN fromTelegram obtained footage of the terrorist group killing hostagesAnd that has become a phenomenon that has even made founder Pavel Durov complacent. In the wake of the Paris attacks, Telegram announced on November 18, 2015 that it had seized 78 channels in 12 languages and shut down ISIS, with the following statement: "We were outraged and disturbed to learn that our work had been used by terrorists to communicate with them. "The announcement made Telegram look like it had just discovered that ISIS was using its own software, but that was not the case. In an interview with Mike Butcher (MB) at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference in September 2015, Pavel Durov (PD) said he knew ISIS was using its own software. The relevant dialogues are as follows: MB: "Are you worried that ISIS is using Telegram?" PD: "They're using it now." "MB: "So you're worried?" " PD: "That's a good question. " MB: "Do you know that terrorists can sleep well at night after using your social platform?" " PD: "It's a good question, but I think the most important thing is user privacy." Protecting users' privacy is better than anything else, even if something terrible like terrorism can happen. If you look at ISIS - indeed, there is war going on in the Middle East, and they bring a lot of disaster. But either way, ISIS will find a way to communicate. Once a channel of communication becomes insecure, they go elsewhere. So I don't think I'm responsible for these disasters, and I think I'm doing the right thing because we're protecting the privacy of our users. " In the eyes of the billionaire who founded Telegram, there is nothing wrong with this communication tool. Because technology has no borders and no right or wrong. And because of his attitude, we still don't know how many secret rooms Telegram has in the process of making secret deals. If you want to learn about the black world behind Telegram through this article, you'll be disappointed. Because the current exposed can let you see, it is likely that even the tip of the iceberg does not count. If this network is not completely destroyed, all that is left to everyone will be endless fear.Because this so-called tube glimpse, may just be the "they" are willing to provide the truth. "It's no use blocking, how the terrorist group ISIS is "fighting guerrillas" on Telegram," November 25, 2015Global Times Fang Xingdong, Global Times, August 28, 2019Rebel Hacks Blocked by Putin: Telegram Founder Durov Geek Movie April 20, 2018—end—
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