How Facebook Ads Lower CPM
"CPM" is an acronym for "cost per thousand impressions". It measures how much you spend to show your ads in front of people.
If you run ads on Facebook, you'll know that the best way to get your ads right is to keep your Facebook CPM to a minimum.
Here are three ways to reduce Facebook's CPM and maximize your return on investment (ROI).
Targeting the right people
The first thing to reduce Facebook's advertising costs is to make sure your campaign is targeting the right people.
Because when you run ads that appeal to your target audience, your relevance increases.
Facebook says relevance scores can reduce ad costs:Our ad delivery system will get a high relevance score if it shows the right content to the right people. In short, the higher the ad's relevance score, the lower the cost of serving.
Facebook lets you show your ads to audiences defined by demographics and interests. Below are countless subcategories in these two broad categories that allow you to define very precise audiences.
If you want a good relevance score, segment your audience and target ads on Facebook for those precise audiences.
Frequency of viewing
Frequency is a measure of the number of times the same person sees your ad.Think about it: When the same person sees your ad over and over again and doesn't interact with it, it means they won't find your ad attractive.ThisWill damage your ad relevance.When this happens, theYour costs will go up.
As a rule of thumb, keep the frequency below 2. Once you're close to or reach2, turn off ads, change creatives, or replace products.
Add call-to-action terms
When you need to add a call-to-action (CTA) button to your ad, Facebook offers a number of options.One of the best ways to engage people with your ads is to ask them to interact with them. You can do this with the CTA button.
Facebook allows you to select CTA text, such as:
Go shopping now (go shopping)
Book now
Learn more
If you're not sure which option to choose, select Go And sit around.
These are three ways to reduce CPM, which is much lower this year than last year, with the average CPM in the U.S. at 15-25 in the second half of 19 and 4-8 this year. The average CPM depends on the number of people who run the ads, because it's the way to bid. The reason for this year's low CPM is the tightening of FB policy, a large number of illegal sellers have been sealed, and this year due to the impact of the new coronavirus, resulting in a further reduction in the overall advertising budget, CPM to the freezing point.
THIS YEAR IS ARGUABLY THE BEST TIME TO GET INTO FACEBOOK! I'll tell you this, this year is simply with your eyes closed and running ads can make money!
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