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Guide. All marketing communications - advertising is just one of them - end up with strategies, which is why TV ads, print ads, outdoor ads, banner ads, and so on are also calledAd execution。 They enforce policies.
Policies are often a collaborative process that includes customers, as well as account planners, account managers, and creative directors for advertising agencies. Regardless of the form of advertising, it is particularly important to learn to use strategies for analysis.
Strategy Theory - Unique Selling Point
The Unique Selling Point (USP) is an abbreviation for Unique Selling Price. Rother Reeves defined this theory in his landmark 1961 book, The Reality of Advertising.
Reeves is one of the great thinkers in advertising, and USP is a central part of his thinking.
Reeves said."If a brand does not have a unique selling point in its product category (toothpaste, for example, is a product category and Christie's is a brand in that product category), it has no business in the market."
There is a reason why he is so firm on this pointYes, all good ads answer the questions consumers ask when they see some form of advertising:"What's in it for me?"Almost 99.9% of the answers will be "no". Consumers then turn pages, change stations or continue to surf the Internet.When a brand has a unique selling point, it answers the question.
When USP makes its target consumers feel the real benefits, they see it and turn to it, which means they buy the brand under consideration. This step is critical because it put the ad in the right place.
I meanThe best thing an ad can do is let consumers know about it.As long as we spend money on the media, we're sure we'll let consumers know about the brand's unique selling points. Once we do that, the advertising role is over, and now USP is needed to drive the next sales.
Based on the assumption that consumers are born to know what's best for them, Reeves believes that with the right frequency advertising campaign, consumers will pay for it. But the problem is that few brands have such strong unique selling points. Reeves quickly realized that if he followed his advice and promoted only brands with unique sales propositions, he would soon lose his job and his company, Darpies Advertising, would go bankrupt. So what can he do?
Reeves knew that few brands were unique in their product categories, so he came up with oneAn improved version of the USP theoryThis would be more applicable to the real world, because most brands in a product category are similar, and that's what it's calledBrand Parity - In most product categories, consumers do not see differences between brands.
In a real world in which Reeves believes that brands are not unique,For a brand to succeed, it must label itself unique.How do you do that?Choose an important advantage of the brand and advertise itand see it as a unique selling point for the brand, even if it's not.
#案例 an ad for Woden Bread by The Reeves
A perfect example is an ad Reeves made for Woden Bread. Woden Bread is a regional brand that mainly slices white bread, Reeves Chose"8 ways to build a strong body"As a key advantage in promoting Woden bread.
Of course, all brands of white bread can build strong bodies in eight ways, but by advertising the virtues of Woden bread and investing millions of dollars in the medium to promote the message, consumers quickly convinced that only Woden bread can build a strong body in eight ways.
Therefore, while this advantage is not unique to the brand, in a sense the brand is unique in its class, as no other brand in the same product has made this particular declaration.
Let's review the three guidelines of the USP theory that Reeves believes should be included in every set of advertising campaigns.
1. Advertising must make claims (statements, commitments of interest or brand commitments) to consumers who intend to choose a brand in the product category.
2. This proposition is unique to the brand (think bill's cancer pills, Apple's iPod, iPhone and iPad).
2a. If a brand is not unique in any way, we need to choose an idea (advantage or statement) for the brand and use an advertising campaign to drive it to look unique.
This is a key point in Reeves's advertising for Woden Bread, and it's true most of the time. In Reeves's original list, there was no "2a" item, but I put it here because I thought it made my point clear.
3. The ideas (advantages or statements) we make for brands must be strong enough to impress millions of people.
Strategy theory - product positioning
Let's tell a story first. Around 1780, Daniel Boone opened up remote forest areas, and he had been exploring them for some time before that. Assuming he crosses into the modern age and happens to be on Interstate 80, he'll be in shock. He would rush home and tell his wife what he saw. How would he describe the miracle? He willUse what you know to describe things you don't know well - Interstate 80.
So if I were Daniel Boone, I might tell my wife, "Mrs. Boone, I've found a path I've never seen before." It's straight like an arrow, leading all the way to the sky. It's as dark as dirt, but when I approach it and touch it, it's as hard as rock. What's even more amazing is that some horse-free carriages are galloping along the road so fast that I can't keep up with my eyes. "
Pay attention to the words I emphasize. They validate my view that we all use terms we know and understand to describe things we don't know or understand, and that's what's behind product positioning. To let consumers know brands they don't know,When we talk about them, we have to have to do with brands that consumers know well.
If USP is about the objective qualities of the brand, thenPositioning is about how we understand the brand.Brand's position in our mind is its competition with its peers in the field of its own products. In every product area, we are interested in itThe brand made a good or bad ranking.
Product positioning was in action as early as the mid-1960s, long before Rice and Trott's landmark article on product positioning published in the American Advertising Age magazine in the early 1970s. Then, in 1980, they published Positioning: The Idea That Has Had the Greatest Impact on U.S. Marketing ever (Positioning: The Battle ForMind).
In the advertising industry, advertising companies often unknowingly focus on product positioning. The industry is about intuition, experience and courage, not reason.
#案例 the "We are the second" series of ads for the internationally renowned multinational car rental company
The first advertising campaign on product targeting was the "We Are Second" series of ads by Ames, an internationally renowned multinational car rental company.
As I mentioned earlier, product positioning is about the order in which we rank brands in our mind. AnfeiTaxi's series of ads perfectly illustrates this law, and it also shows which product areas are most effective at targeting ads. When Rice and Tratt created the ad, Hertz was at the top of the rental car industry, with Affleck in second place. No matter how good Anfs is, it can't be remembered by consumers, so it has to acknowledge Hertz's dominance first.
The "We Are Second" series of ads did the job smartly and impressively.
Strategy Theory - Persexual Brand Marketing
Now we are nearing the end of the sequence. Our strategy journey starts with USP and doesn't go all the way to product positioning, so what else can we do if we're not happy with the results? We can only turnEmotional appeal.
We've made it clear that we can't operate brands in reality, in the minds of readers, and we have no choice but to operate in their hearts. Now everything is false, to discuss emotional appeal, we have to realize that the characteristics of the brand and the brand for consumers are not important, there is no need to mention the characteristics of the brand, or even need to elaborate on the brand.What we do at the end of the ad strategy sequence is not about brand, it's about the consumers in the target market.
We must determine their system of meaning through new or existing studies, such as qualitative studies of focus groups, their values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Then our brand must reflect consumer values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors through brand advertising, as if we were holding a mirror. Because there are too many similar brands in the product category and there is nothing to say about them, emotional appeal has become one of the three most commonly used advertising strategies.
In order to better understand how to operate the emotional appeal, the circle on the left represents the meaning system of the target consumer, and the right side represents the personality and characteristics of the brand.
In the emotional brand marketing process, we needPut our brand on the meaning system of the target consumerand find a place where the characteristics and personality of our brand fit into the meaning system of the target consumer, which I call "Contact surface"。 The probability of each brand in the product category meeting the meaning system of the target consumer is different, but once we find this contact, it will be a wonderful thing.
#案例 dofen has abandoned models to shoot ads for ordinary people
The ad was shot by a real woman, not a model. Unlike models, real women have all sorts of imperfections - too fat, too thin, too old or too many wrinkles - just like all of us.
Dooffin must have discovered, perhaps through focus group talks, that their target female audience was tired of being said to be "not perfect" and struggling with the model's unreal figure, face and life. They were hysterical and decided not to put up with it any longer! They want to be recognized for who they really are - smart, successful, compassionate, and charming, flesh-and-blood people. By enabling real women in an ad - with all the imperfections that come with accepting them - Doffin identifies the meaning of the system and reflects it in the ad to the target consumer, which is the best way to use emotional strategy.
Get to know your target consumers and make sure that through your ads, your brand has access to their meaning system. Not every brand in the product category can do this, and Doffin has always targeted more mature women, while Herbal Essence has targeted teenagers.Thus, the brand characteristics and personality of the plant-based herbs do not intersect with the meaning system of the above-mentioned target consumers - "I love my current situation, including my wrinkles and all of them".
Plant-sourced herbs can certainly intersect with another meaning system, but they may not be Dofen.
This article is authorized for publication by CITIC Press, a strategic partner, and it is important to indicate the author and the source of the work when reprinting it.
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This article is compiled from the Brand Advertising Manual
William Barre/In
Published by CITIC Press
William Barrett, a writer who has spent 30 years as creative director of advertising agencies such as Wise Townsend, Boda Bridge and Conai Advertising, has a reputation in the industry for providing first-class services to Gianca, Van Camp's, Herman, McDonald's, Gillette, Kella and dozens of other brands and companies. After a master's degree from the University of Illinois, he began teaching at Kent State University and the University of Wisconsin 12 years ago and is now a lecturer at the University of Central Michigan.
Selected reviews from the last issue
Du Shichao:Recently just finished reading "Start-up Small Defeat". How the entrepreneurial project from the beginning to the fall, is very emotional. Not everyone is fit to start a business, but there should be an eye for future business trends.
Shnazzi:Excellent marketers must be separated from their own rich knowledge, insight, experience, experience and all other things that need to be precipitated, and finally need unique wisdom to turn it into a moving, warm world of various forms of expression, not easy. Share!
To repair: The pain of old age, the itch of old age, Microsoft and Microsoft people's marketing art on the road more in the heart.
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